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%module virtual_derivation


 Try to add to your favorite language a runtime test like
 b = B(3)
 if (b.get_a() != b.get_b()):
     print "something is wrong"

 The test runs fine with python, but not with ruby.

%inline %{

  struct A 
    int m_a;
    A(int a) :m_a(a)
    int get_a()
      return m_a;
  struct B : virtual A
    B(int a): A(a)
    int get_b()
      return get_a();

    // in ruby, get_a() returns trash if called from b, unless is
    // wrapped with the previous get_b or using the 'using'
    // declaration:
    // using A::get_a;

  class IndexReader{
    virtual void norms() = 0;
    virtual ~IndexReader() {}

  class MultiReader : public IndexReader {

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