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%module using_member_scopes

// Fully qualifying parameter types in a method declared after the using declaration caused
// a method being incorrectly added by the using declaration even though the declaration already existed

%inline %{
namespace OgreBites
    struct NativeWindowType {};
    class ApplicationContextBase {
        virtual ~ApplicationContextBase() {}
        virtual void setWindowGrab(NativeWindowType* win, bool grab = true) {}
        void setWindowGrab(bool grab = true) {}
    class ApplicationContextSDL : public ApplicationContextBase {
        using ApplicationContextBase::setWindowGrab;
        void setWindowGrab(NativeWindowType* win, bool grab = true) {} // This should not be added again as it exists in base class
typedef not working yet
    class ApplicationContextSDL2 : public ApplicationContextBase {
        using ApplicationContextBase::setWindowGrab;
        typedef NativeWindowType* pNWT;
        void setWindowGrab(pNWT win, bool grab) {} // This should not be added again as it exists in base class

%inline %{
// Test using declaration in various positions before and after overloaded methods
// Testing where the derived class overrides all the base class methods (and more)
namespace Bites
  struct Base
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual void grab() {}
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
  struct Derived1 : public Base
    using Base::grab;
    virtual void grab() {}
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
  struct Derived2 : public Base
    using Base::grab;
    virtual void grab() {}
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
    virtual void grab(int i, double d) {}
  struct Derived3 : public Base
    virtual void grab() {}
    using Base::grab;
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
  struct Derived4 : public Base
    virtual void grab() {}
    using Base::grab;
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
    virtual void grab(int i, double d) {}
  struct Derived5 : public Base
    virtual void grab() {}
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
    using Base::grab;
  struct Derived6 : public Base
    virtual void grab() {}
    virtual void grab(int i) {}
    virtual void grab(int i, double d) {}
    using Base::grab;

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:11:13 CEST 2024.