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// Massive primitive datatype test.
%module(directors="1") primitive_types

#if defined(SWIGSCILAB)
%rename(TestDir) TestDirector;

// Ruby constant names

// Using thread unsafe wrapping

 if your language has problems with MyInt* and/or Hello*,
 you need to change the constant reference typemaps from something

 %typemap(in) const char & (char temp), 
             const signed char & (signed char temp), 
             const unsigned char & (unsigned char temp), 
             const short & (short temp), 
             const unsigned short & (unsigned short temp), 
             const int & (int temp), 
             const unsigned int & (unsigned int temp), 
             const long & (long temp), 
             const unsigned long & (unsigned long temp), 
             const long long & ($*1_ltype temp), 
             const float & (float temp), 
             const double & (double temp)
  %{ temp = ($*1_ltype)$input;  $1 = &temp; %}

  to the following:

  %typemap(in) const char & ($basetype temp), 
             const signed char & ($basetype temp), 
             const unsigned char & ($basetype temp), 
             const short & ($basetype temp), 
             const unsigned short & ($basetype temp), 
             const int & ($basetype temp), 
             const unsigned int & ($basetype temp), 
             const long & ($basetype temp), 
             const unsigned long & ($basetype temp), 
             const long long & ($basetype temp), 
             const float & ($basetype temp), 
             const double & ($basetype temp)
  %{ temp = ($basetype)$input;  $1 = &temp; %}

  the other typical change is to add the enum SWIGTYPE to the
  integer throws typemaps:

  %typemap(throws) int, 
                  unsigned int, 
                  unsigned long, 
                  unsigned short,
                  enum SWIGTYPE {
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj((long) $1));

  or just add the %apply directive after all the typemaps declaration

  %apply int { enum SWIGTYPE };

  Also note that this test should not only compile, if you run the

     grep 'resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj' primitive_types_wrap.cxx 
  you should get only two calls:

    resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) result, SWIGTYPE_p_Test, 1);
    resultobj = SWIG_NewPointerObj((void *) result, SWIGTYPE_p_TestDirector, 1);

  if you get a lot more, some typemap could be not defined.

  The same with

     grep SWIG_ConvertPtr primitive_types_wrap.cxx| egrep -v 'Test'

  you should only get

    #define SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, pp, type, flags)


// Try your language module with and without 
// these nowarn flags.

#include <stddef.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>

%feature("director") TestDirector;

  // Integer class, only visible in C++
  struct MyInt
    char name[5];
    int val;

    MyInt(int v = 0): val(v) {
    operator int() const { return val; }

  // Template primitive type, only visible in C++
  template <class T>
  struct Param
    char name[5];
    T val;

    Param(T v = 0): val(v) {
      name[0] = 0;
      name[1] = 0;
      name[2] = 0;
      name[3] = 0;
      name[4] = 0;
    operator T() const { return val; }

  typedef char namet[5];
  extern namet gbl_namet;
  namet gbl_namet;


// adding applies for incomplete swig type MyInt
%apply int { MyInt };
%apply const int& {  const MyInt& };
%apply int { Param<int> };
%apply char { Param<char> };
%apply float { Param<float> };
%apply double { Param<double> };
%apply const int&  { const Param<int>& };
%apply const char&  { const Param<char>& };
%apply const float&  { const Param<float>& };
%apply const double&  { const Param<double>& };

// These applies shouldn't be needed ....!!
//%apply const int& { const Hello&  };

%apply void* { pint };
%apply void* const& { const pint& };

// Some simple types
%apply char FIXSIZE[ANY] {char fixsize[8]};

%inline %{
  enum Hello {
    Hi, Hola

  typedef char namet[5];
  typedef char* pchar;
  typedef const char* pcharc;
  typedef char* pint;

  char* const def_pchar = (char *const)"hello";
  const char* const def_pcharc = "hija";

  const namet def_namet = {'h','o','l','a', 0};

  extern namet gbl_namet;

  char fixsize[8] =  {'h','o',0, 'l','a', 0, 0, 0};

/* all the primitive types */
#define def_bool 1
#define def_schar 1
#define def_uchar 1
#define def_int 1
#define def_uint 1
#define def_short 1
#define def_ushort 1
#define def_long 1
#define def_ulong 1
#define def_llong 1
#define def_ullong 1
#define def_float 1
#define def_double 1
#define def_char 'H'
#define def_pint  0
#define def_sizet 1
#define def_hello Hola
#define def_myint 1
#define def_parami 1
#define def_paramd 1
#define def_paramc 'c'

/* types that can be declared as static const class members */
%define %test_prim_types_stc(macro, pfx)
macro(bool,               pfx, bool)
macro(signed char,        pfx, schar)
macro(unsigned char,      pfx, uchar)
macro(int,                pfx, int)
macro(unsigned int,       pfx, uint)
macro(short,              pfx, short)
macro(unsigned short,     pfx, ushort)
macro(long,               pfx, long)
macro(unsigned long,      pfx, ulong)
macro(long long,          pfx, llong)
macro(unsigned long long, pfx, ullong)
macro(char,               pfx, char)

/* types that can be used to test overloading */
%define %test_prim_types_ovr(macro, pfx)
%test_prim_types_stc(macro, pfx)
macro(pchar,              pfx, pchar)

/* all the types */
%define %test_prim_types(macro, pfx)
%test_prim_types_ovr(macro, pfx)
macro(pcharc,             pfx, pcharc)
macro(pint,               pfx, pint)
/* these ones should behave like primitive types too */
macro(Hello,              pfx, hello)
macro(MyInt,              pfx, myint)
macro(Param<int>,         pfx, parami)
macro(Param<double>,      pfx, paramd)
macro(Param<char>,        pfx, paramc)
macro(size_t,             pfx, sizet)

%define catches_decl(type, pfx, name)
  %catches(type) pfx##_##name(type x);

/* function passing by value */
%define val_decl(type, pfx, name)
  type pfx##_##name(type x) { return x; }
/* function passing by ref */
%define ref_decl(type, pfx, name)
  const type& pfx##_##name(const type& x) { return x; }

/* C++ constant declaration */
%define cct_decl(type, pfx, name)
  const type pfx##_##name = def##_##name;

/* C++ static constant declaration */
%define stc_decl(type, pfx, name)
  static const type pfx##_##name = def##_##name;

/* Swig constant declaration */
%define sct_decl(type, pfx, name)
  %constant type pfx##_##name = def##_##name;

/* variable delaration */
%define var_decl(type, pfx, name)
  type pfx##_##name;

/* virtual function passing by value */
%define vval_decl(type, pfx, name)
  virtual val_decl(type, pfx, name)
/* virtual function passing by ref */
%define vref_decl(type, pfx, name)
  virtual ref_decl(type, pfx, name)

%test_prim_types(sct_decl, sct)

%test_prim_types(catches_decl, val)
%test_prim_types(catches_decl, ref)
%test_prim_types(catches_decl, cct)
%test_prim_types(catches_decl, var)

%inline {
  %test_prim_types(val_decl, val)
  %test_prim_types(ref_decl, ref)
  %test_prim_types(cct_decl, cct)
  %test_prim_types(var_decl, var)

  var_decl(namet, var, namet)

  void var_init() 
    var_pchar = 0;
    var_pcharc = 0;
    var_pint = 0;
    var_namet[0] = 'h';

/* check variables */
%define var_check(type, pfx, name)
  if (pfx##_##name != def_##name) {
    std::ostringstream a; std::ostringstream b;
    a << pfx##_##name;
    b << def_##name;
    if (a.str() != b.str()) {
      std::cout << "failing in pfx""_""name : "
                << a.str() << " : " << b.str() << std::endl;
/* check variables (arrays can't be compared so compare as strings) */
%define var_array_check(type, pfx, name)
    std::ostringstream a; std::ostringstream b;
    a << pfx##_##name;
    b << def_##name;
    if (a.str() != b.str()) {
      std::cout << "failing in pfx""_""name : "
                << a.str() << " : " << b.str() << std::endl;

/* check a function call */
%define call_check(type, pfx, name)
  type pfx##_##tmp##name = def_##name;
  if (pfx##_##name(pfx##_##tmp##name) != def_##name) {
    std::ostringstream a; std::ostringstream b;
    a << pfx##_##name(pfx##_##tmp##name);
    b << def_##name;
    if (a.str() != b.str()) {
      std::cout << "failing in pfx""_""name : "
                << a.str() << " : " << b.str() << std::endl;

%define wrp_decl(type, pfx, name)
  type wrp##_##pfx##_##name(type x) { 
    return pfx##_##name(x); 

/* function passing by value */
%define ovr_decl(type, pfx, name)
  virtual int pfx##_##val(type x) { return 1; }
  virtual int pfx##_##ref(const type& x) { return 1; }
  virtual const char* pfx##_##str(type x) { return "name"; }

/* checking size_t and ptrdiff_t typemaps */
%begin %{
// Must be defined before Python.h is included, since this may indirectly include stdint.h
%include "stdint.i"
%inline {
  size_t    get_size_min()    { return 0; }
  size_t    get_size_max()    { return SIZE_MAX; }
  ptrdiff_t get_ptrdiff_min() { return PTRDIFF_MIN; }
  ptrdiff_t get_ptrdiff_max() { return PTRDIFF_MAX; }

  size_t    size_echo   (size_t val)    { return val; }
  ptrdiff_t ptrdiff_echo(ptrdiff_t val) { return val; }

%inline {
  struct Foo
    int _a;
    Foo (int a) : _a(a)
    Foo(const Foo&)

    Foo copy(Foo x) 
      return x;

    const Foo copy_c(const Foo x) 
      return x;

    const Foo& copy_r(const Foo& x) 
      return x;

    Foo* this_p() 
      return this;

    Foo& this_r() 
      return *this;
  typedef Foo* foo_ptr;
  foo_ptr fptr_val(foo_ptr a) {
    return a;

  const foo_ptr& fptr_ref(const foo_ptr& a) {
    return a;
 struct Test 
     : var_pchar(0), var_pcharc(0), var_pint(0)

   virtual ~Test()
   %test_prim_types_stc(stc_decl, stc)
   %test_prim_types(var_decl, var)
   var_decl(namet, var, namet)

   const char* val_namet(namet x)
     return x;

   const char* val_cnamet(const namet x)
     return x;

#if 0
   /* I have no idea how to define a typemap for 
      const namet&, where namet is a char[ANY]  array */
   const namet& ref_namet(const namet& x)
     return x;

   %test_prim_types(val_decl, val)
   %test_prim_types(ref_decl, ref)

   int c_check() 
     %test_prim_types(call_check, val)
     %test_prim_types(call_check, ref)
     return 1;

   int v_check() 
     %test_prim_types_stc(var_check, stc)
     %test_prim_types(var_check, var)
     var_array_check(namet, var, namet);
     return 1;

   %test_prim_types_ovr(ovr_decl, ovr)

   static const double stc_double;
   static const double stc_float;

 struct TestDirector
     : var_pchar(0), var_pcharc(0), var_pint(0)

   virtual ~TestDirector()

   virtual const char* vval_namet(namet x)
     return x;

   virtual const char* vval_cnamet(const namet x)
     return x;

#if 0
   /* I have no idea how to define a typemap for 
      const namet&, where namet is a char[ANY]  array */
   virtual const namet& vref_namet(const namet& x)
     return x;

   %test_prim_types_stc(stc_decl, stc)
   %test_prim_types(var_decl, var)
   var_decl(namet, var, namet)

   %test_prim_types(val_decl, val)
   %test_prim_types(ref_decl, ref)

   %test_prim_types(vval_decl, vval)
   %test_prim_types(vref_decl, vref)

   %test_prim_types(wrp_decl, vref)
   %test_prim_types(wrp_decl, vval)

   int c_check() 
     %test_prim_types(call_check, vval)
     %test_prim_types(call_check, vref)
     return 1;

   int v_check() 
     %test_prim_types_stc(var_check, stc)
     %test_prim_types(var_check, var)
     return 1;

   %test_prim_types_ovr(ovr_decl, ovr)

   virtual Test* vtest(Test* t) const
     return t;

 int v_check() 
   %test_prim_types(var_check, cct)
   %test_prim_types(var_check, var)
   var_array_check(namet, var, namet);
   return 1;


%inline %{

  const char* char_foo(float f, const char *s) {
    return s;
  int char_foo(double d, int i) {
    return i;

  const double Test::stc_double = 1;
  const double Test::stc_float = 1;

    namespace DCTypes
        typedef const unsigned int cuint;

    namespace DCSystem
        using namespace DCTypes;
        unsigned int SetPos(cuint& x, cuint& y) {return x + y;}

    double val_double_2(double x, const double& y = 3.0) {
      return x + y;

    double val_double(double x) {
      return x;

    float val_float_2(float x, const float& y = 3.0) {
      return x + y;

    // Regression test for bug1699646 - we weren't handling
    // + or - after e for float constants.
    float regression_test_for_bug1699646(float f = 1e-02f) {
      return f;

    float val_float(float x) {
      return x;

    float val_float_3(float f = 0e1f, float f2 = 020e0f, float f3 = 0.3e4f) {
      return f + f2 + f3;

%apply SWIGTYPE* { char *};
%include "carrays.i"

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:22:39 CEST 2024.