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%module preproc_cpp

// Comma in macro - https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/974 (for /* */)
// and https://github.com/swig/swig/pull/1166 (for //)
// Also see preproc.i
%inline %{
#define swig__attribute__(x)
#define TCX_PACKED(d) d swig__attribute__ ((__packed__))

TCX_PACKED (typedef struct tcxMessageTestImpl
    int mHeader; /**< comment */
}) tcxMessageTest;

TCX_PACKED (typedef struct tcxMessageBugImpl
    int mBid; /**< Bid price and size, check PresentMap if available in message */
}) tcxMessageBug;

TCX_PACKED (typedef struct tcxMessageTestImpl2
    int mHeader; ///< comment
}) tcxMessageTest2;

TCX_PACKED (typedef struct tcxMessageBugImpl2
    int mBid; ///< Bid price and size, check PresentMap if available in message
}) tcxMessageBug2;


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:23:04 CEST 2024.