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%module(ruby_minherit="1") multiple_inheritance_interfaces

            SWIGWARN_PHP_MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE); /* languages not supporting multiple inheritance */

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)
%include <swiginterface.i>
%interface_custom("A", "IA", IA)
%interface_custom("B", "IB", IB)
%interface_custom("%(strip:[I])s", "I%s", IC) // same as %interface_custom("C", "IC", IC)

%inline %{
struct IA {
  virtual void ia() {};
  virtual void ia(const char *s, bool b = true) {}
  virtual void ia(int i) {}
  virtual ~IA() {}
struct IB { virtual ~IB() {} virtual void ib() {} };
struct IC : IA, IB {};
struct D : IC {};
struct E : D {};

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)
%interface_custom("J", "IJ", IJ)
%interface_custom("K", "IK", IK)
%interface_custom("L", "IL", IL)
%inline %{
struct IJ { virtual ~IJ() {}; virtual void ij() {} };
struct IK : IJ {};
struct IL : IK {};
struct M : IL {};

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)
%interface_custom("Q", "IQ", IQ)
%inline %{
struct P  { virtual ~P() {}  virtual void p()  {} };
struct IQ { virtual ~IQ() {} virtual void iq() {} };
struct R : IQ, P {};
struct S : P, IQ {};
struct T : IQ {};
struct U : R {};
struct V : S {};
struct W : T {};

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)

%inline %{
// Don't put variables and enums into interface
class Undesirables
  Undesirables() : UndesiredVariable() {}
  virtual ~Undesirables() {}
  virtual void Method(int i) = 0;

  enum UndesiredEnum { UndesiredEnum1, UndesiredEnum2 };
  static void UndesiredStaticMethod(UndesiredEnum e) {}
  int UndesiredVariable;
  static int UndesiredStaticVariable;
  static const int UndesiredStaticConstVariable = 0;

int Undesirables::UndesiredStaticVariable = 0;

struct UndesirablesDerived : Undesirables {
  virtual void Method(int i) {}

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)
%inline %{
struct BaseOverloaded {
  typedef P PTypedef;
  virtual ~BaseOverloaded() {}
  virtual void identical_overload(int i, const PTypedef &pp = PTypedef()) {}

struct DerivedOverloaded : public BaseOverloaded {
  virtual void identical_overload(int i, const PTypedef &p = PTypedef()) {}

#if defined(SWIGJAVA) || defined(SWIGCSHARP)

// Test the csinterfacemodifiers and javainterfacemodifiers typemaps.
#if defined(SWIGCSHARP)
/* change access from default "public class" to "internal class" */
%typemap(csclassmodifiers) InternalAccess "internal class"
/* The following modifiers are also needed with the above access modifier change */
%typemap(csclassmodifiers) Space::X "internal class"
%typemap(csinterfacemodifiers) Space::X "internal interface"
#elif defined(SWIGJAVA)
%typemap(javaclassmodifiers) InternalAccess "final /*notpublic*/ class"
%typemap(javaclassmodifiers) Space::X "final class"
%typemap(javainterfacemodifiers) Space::X "/*notpublic*/ interface"

%inline %{
struct InternalAccess {};
namespace Space {
  class X {
    virtual void x(const InternalAccess& date) const = 0;
    virtual ~X() {}

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:11:27 CEST 2024.