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%module li_std_string
%include <std_string.i>

#if defined(SWIGUTL)
%apply std::string& INPUT { std::string &input }
%apply std::string& INOUT { std::string &inout }

// throw is invalid in C++17 and later, only SWIG to use it
#define TESTCASE_THROW1(T1) throw(T1)

%inline %{

std::string test_value(std::string x) {
   return x;

const std::string& test_const_reference(const std::string &x) {
   return x;

void test_const_reference_returning_void(const std::string &) {

void test_const_reference_returning_void(const std::string &, int) {

void test_pointer(std::string *x) {

std::string *test_pointer_out() {
   static std::string x = "x";
   return &x;

void test_const_pointer(const std::string *x) {

const std::string *test_const_pointer_out() {
   static std::string x = "x";
   return &x;

void test_reference(std::string &x) {

std::string& test_reference_out() {
   static std::string x = "test_reference_out message";
   return x;

std::string test_reference_input(std::string &input) {
  return input;

void test_reference_inout(std::string &inout) {
  inout += inout;

void test_throw() TESTCASE_THROW1(std::string){
  static std::string x = "test_throw message";
  throw x;

void test_const_reference_throw() TESTCASE_THROW1(const std::string &){
  static std::string x = "test_const_reference_throw message";
  throw x;

void test_pointer_throw() TESTCASE_THROW1(std::string *) {
  throw new std::string("foo");

void test_const_pointer_throw() TESTCASE_THROW1(const std::string *) {
  throw new std::string("foo");

/* Old way, now std::string is a %naturalvar by default
%apply const std::string& { std::string *GlobalString2, 
                            std::string *MemberString2, 
                            std::string *Structure::StaticMemberString2 };

%rename(St) MemberString;
%rename(Str) MemberString;
%rename(Str2) MemberString2;
%rename(StaticStr) StaticMemberString;
%rename(StaticStr2) StaticMemberString2;
%rename(ConstStr) ConstMemberString;
%rename(ConstStaticStr) ConstStaticMemberString;

%inline %{
std::string GlobalString;
std::string GlobalString2 = "global string 2";
const std::string ConstGlobalString = "const global string";

struct Structure {
  std::string MemberString;
  std::string MemberString2;
  static std::string StaticMemberString;
  static std::string StaticMemberString2;

  const std::string ConstMemberString;
  static const std::string ConstStaticMemberString;

  Structure() : MemberString2("member string 2"), ConstMemberString("const member string") {}

  std::string Structure::StaticMemberString = "static member string";
  std::string Structure::StaticMemberString2 = "static member string 2";
  const std::string Structure::ConstStaticMemberString = "const static member string";

%inline %{
class Foo {
   unsigned long long  test(unsigned long long l)
       return l + 1;
   std::string test(std::string l)
       return l + "1";

   unsigned long long  testl(unsigned long long l)
       return l + 1;


%inline %{
  std::string stdstring_empty() {
    return std::string();

  char *c_empty() {
    return (char *)"";

  char *c_null() {
    return 0;

  const char *get_null(const char *a) {
    return a == 0 ? a : "non-null";

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:27:25 CEST 2024.