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%module("templatereduce") li_std_map

%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) val;

%inline %{
namespace another {
struct map {
  int val;
  map(int x) : val(x) {}

%include "std_pair.i"
%include "std_map.i"
%include "std_string.i"

// Declare some maps to play around with
%template(IntIntMap) std::map<int, int>;
%template(StringIntMap) std::map<std::string, int>;

%ignore Struct::operator<;
%ignore Struct::operator==;

// Add an inline function to test
%inline %{

double valueAverage(std::map<std::string, int> m) {
  if (m.size() == 0) {
    return 0.0;
  double a = 0.0;
  for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++) {
    a += i->second;
  return a / m.size();
std::string stringifyKeys(std::map<std::string, int> m) {
  std::string a;
  for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); i++) {
    a += " " + i->first;
  return a;

struct Struct {
  double num;
  Struct() : num(0.0) {}
  Struct(double d) : num(d) {}
  bool operator<(const Struct &other) const { return num < other.num; }
  bool operator==(const Struct &other) const { return num == other.num; }


//#if !defined(SWIGR)

// Test out some maps with pointer types
%template(IntIntPtrMap) std::map<int, int *>;
%template(IntConstIntPtrMap) std::map<int, const int *>;


// Test out some maps with non-basic types and non-basic pointer types
%template(IntStructMap) std::map<int, Struct>;
%template(IntStructPtrMap) std::map<int, Struct *>;
%template(IntStructConstPtrMap) std::map<int, const Struct *>;
%template(StructPtrIntMap) std::map<Struct *, int>;

// Test out a non-specialized map
%template(StructIntMap) std::map<Struct, int>;

// Additional map definitions for Ruby, Python and Octave tests
%inline %{
  struct A{
    int val;
    A(int v = 0): val(v) {

namespace std {
  %template(pairii) pair<int, int>;
  %template(pairAA) pair<int, A>;
  %template(pairA) pair<int, A*>;
  %template(mapA) map<int, A*>;

  %template(paircA1) pair<const int, A*>;
  %template(paircA2) pair<const int, const A*>;
  %template(pairiiA) pair<int,pair<int, A*> >;
  %template(pairiiAc) pair<int,const pair<int, A*> >;

  %template() pair< swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ >;
  %template(LanguageMap) map< swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ >;

  %template() pair<swig::SwigPtr_PyObject, swig::SwigPtr_PyObject>;
  %template(pymap) map<swig::SwigPtr_PyObject, swig::SwigPtr_PyObject>;

%inline {
  std::pair<int, A*> p_identa(std::pair<int, A*> p) {
    return p;

  std::map<int, A*> m_identa(const std::map<int,A*>& v) {
    return v;

%ignore LengthCompare::operator();
%inline %{
struct LengthCompare {
  bool operator() (std::string s1, std::string s2) const {
    return s1.size() < s2.size();

// A map sorted by string lengths
%template(StringLengthNumberMap) std::map< std::string, int, LengthCompare >;

%inline %{
std::map< std::string, int, LengthCompare > MyMap;
void populate(std::map< std::string, int, LengthCompare >&m) {
  m["aa"] = 2;
  m["xxxx"] = 4;
  m["a"] = 1;
  m["aaaaa"] = 5;
  m["zzz"] = 3;

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:22:55 CEST 2024.