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%module(directors="1") java_director_ptrclass

// Tests that custom director typemaps can be used with C++ types that
// represent a pointer, in such a way that Java perceives this class as
// equivalent to the underlying type. In particular, this verifies that
// a typemap lookup within a typemap kwarg, in this case
// directorin:descriptor, works as expected.

namespace bar {
class Baz {
        Baz() : touched(false) {}
        void SetTouched() { touched = true; }
        bool GetTouched() { return touched; }
        bool touched;

template <typename T>
class Ptr {
        Ptr(T* b) : b_(b) {}
        T* Get() const { return b_; }
        T* b_;

class Foo {
        // Calling FinalMaybeTouch from Java unambiguously goes through C++ to
        // reach MaybeTouch.
        Ptr< bar::Baz > FinalMaybeTouch(Baz* b) {
          return MaybeTouch(Ptr< bar::Baz >(b));
        virtual Ptr< bar::Baz > MaybeTouch(Ptr< bar::Baz > f) {
          return f; /* Don't touch */
        virtual ~Foo() {}

%feature("director") Foo;

%typemap(jni) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > "jlong"
%typemap(jtype) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > "long"
%typemap(jstype) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > "Baz"
%typemap(in) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > {
  $1 = bar::Ptr< bar::Baz >(*( bar::Baz**)&$input);
%typemap(out) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > {
  const bar::Ptr< bar::Baz >& ptr = $1;
  if (ptr.Get()) {
    $result = ($typemap(jni, bar::Baz))ptr.Get();
  } else {
    $result = 0;
%typemap(javain) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > "$typemap(jstype, bar::Baz).getCPtr($javainput)"
%typemap(javaout) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > {
  long cPtr = $jnicall;
  return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new $typemap(jstype, bar::Baz)(cPtr, false);
%typemap(directorin, descriptor="L$packagepath/$typemap(jstype, bar::Baz);") bar::Ptr< bar::Baz >
%{ *((bar::Baz**)&$input) = ((bar::Ptr< bar::Baz >&)$1).Get(); %}
%typemap(directorout) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > {
  $result = bar::Ptr< bar::Baz >(*( bar::Baz**)&$input);
%typemap(javadirectorin) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > %{
  ((long)$jniinput == 0) ? null : new $typemap(jstype, bar::Baz)($jniinput, false)
%typemap(javadirectorout) bar::Ptr< bar::Baz > "$typemap(jstype, bar::Baz).getCPtr($javacall)"

namespace bar {
class Baz {
        Baz() : touched(false) {}
        void SetTouched() { touched = true; }
        bool GetTouched() { return touched; }
        bool touched;

template <typename T>
class Ptr {
        Ptr(T* b) : b_(b) {}
        T* Get() { return b_; }
        T* b_;

class Foo {
        // Calling FinalMaybeTouch from Java unambiguously goes through C++ to
        // reach MaybeTouch.
        Ptr< bar::Baz > FinalMaybeTouch(Baz* b) {
          return MaybeTouch(Ptr< bar::Baz >(b));
        virtual Ptr< bar::Baz > MaybeTouch(Ptr< bar::Baz > f) {
          return f; /* Don't touch */
        virtual ~Foo() {}

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:18:05 CEST 2024.