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// Test the goin and goout typemaps for directors.

%module(directors="1") go_director_inout

%include <std_string.i>

#include <string>


struct MyStruct {
  std::string str;

struct RetStruct {
  std::string str;




type GoRetStruct struct {
        Str string


%typemap(gotype) RetStruct "GoRetStruct"

%typemap(imtype) RetStruct "string"

%typemap(goin) RetStruct
        $result = $input.Str

%typemap(in) RetStruct
  $result.str.assign($input.p, $input.n);

%typemap(out,fragment="AllocateString") RetStruct
  $result = Swig_AllocateString($1.str.data(), $1.str.length());

%typemap(goout,fragment="CopyString") RetStruct
        $result = GoRetStruct{Str: swigCopyString($input)}

%typemap(godirectorout) RetStruct
        $result = $input.Str

%typemap(directorout) RetStruct
  $result.str.assign($input.p, $input.n);

%typemap(godirectorin) RetStruct

%typemap(gotype) MyStruct "map[string]interface{}"

%typemap(imtype) MyStruct "string"

%typemap(goin) MyStruct
        if b, err := json.Marshal($input); err != nil {
        } else {
                $result = string(b)

%typemap(directorin,fragment="AllocateString") MyStruct
  $input = Swig_AllocateString($1.str.data(), $1.str.length());

%typemap(godirectorin,fragment="CopyString") MyStruct
        if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(swigCopyString($input)), &$result); err != nil {

%typemap(out,fragment="AllocateString") MyStruct
  $result = Swig_AllocateString($1.str.data(), $1.str.length());

%typemap(goout,fragment="CopyString") MyStruct
        $result = swigCopyString($input)

%typemap(in) MyStruct
  $1.str.assign($input.p, $input.n);

%typemap(directorin) std::string & (_gostring_ temp) {
    $input = &temp;
    temp.p = (char *) $1.data();
    temp.n = $1.size();
%typemap(directorargout) std::string & {
    _gostring_ *tmp = $input;
    $1.assign(tmp->p, tmp->p + tmp->n);

%inline %{
// Helper functions for converting string arrays
#include <stdlib.h>
void *alloc_ptr_array(unsigned int len)
    return calloc(len, sizeof(void *));
void set_ptr_array(void *ain, unsigned int pos, void *val)
    void **a = (void **) ain;
    a[pos] = val;
void *get_ptr_array(void *ain, unsigned int pos)
    void **a = (void **) ain;
    return a[pos];
void free_ptr_array(void *ain)
    void **a = (void **) ain;
    unsigned int i;

    if (!a)
    for (i = 0; a[i]; i++) {
char *uintptr_to_string(void *in)
    return (char *) in;
void *string_to_uintptr(char *in)
    return strdup(in);

// These typemaps convert between an array of strings in Go and a
// const char** that is NULL terminated in C++.
%typemap(gotype) (const char * const *) "[]string"
%typemap(imtype) (const char * const *) "uintptr"
%typemap(goin) (const char * const *) {
        if $input == nil || len($input) == 0 {
                $result = 0
        } else {
                $result = Alloc_ptr_array(uint(len($input) + 1))
                defer func() {
                var i uint
                for i = 0; i < uint(len($input)); i++ {
                        Set_ptr_array($result, i, String_to_uintptr($input[i]))
%typemap(in) (const char * const *) {
    $1 = (char **) $input;
%typemap(godirectorin) (const char * const *) {
        if ($input == 0) {
                $result = nil
        } else {
                var i uint
                for i = 0; ; i++ {
                        var v uintptr = Get_ptr_array($input, i)
                        if v == 0 {
                if i == 0 {
                        $result = nil
                } else {
                        $result = make([]string, i)
                        for i = 0; ; i++ {
                                var v uintptr = Get_ptr_array($input, i)
                                if v == 0 {
                                $result[i] = Uintptr_to_string(v)

%feature("director") MyClass;


class MyClass {
  virtual ~MyClass() {}
  virtual RetStruct Adjust(MyStruct s) {
    RetStruct r;
    r.str = s.str;
    return r;

  void CallS4(const char * const *strarray);
  virtual void S1(std::string s);
  virtual void S2(std::string& s) = 0;
  virtual void S3(std::string* s) = 0;
  virtual void S4(const char * const *strarray);
  virtual int S5(const std::string* s);

void MyClass::S1(std::string s) {
    throw "Base S1 called!";

void MyClass::S4(const char * const *strarray) {
    throw "Base S4 called!";

void MyClass::CallS4(const char * const *strarray) {

int MyClass::S5(const std::string* s) {
    if (s) {
        return (*s)[0];
    } else {
        return 0;


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