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%module fragments

%fragment("Hello","header") %{
/* hello!!! */
int foobar(int a)
  return a;

 this fragment include the previous fragment if needed.

%fragment("Hi","header",fragment="Hello") %{
/* hi!!! */
int bar(int a)
  return foobar(a);

%typemap(in,fragment="Hi") int hola "$1 = 123;"

%inline %{

int bar(int a);

int foo(int hola) 
  return bar(hola);


/* Instantiate multiple fragments at once using fragments in comma separated list */
typedef int comma_frag3;

%fragment("comma_frag1","header", noblock=1) {
typedef int comma_frag1;

%fragment("comma_frag2","header", noblock=1, noblock=1) {
typedef comma_frag1 comma_frag2;

%{typedef comma_frag2 comma_frag3;%}

%inline %{
comma_frag3 my_comma_frag_int = 0;

/* Instantiate multiple fragments at once using multiple keywords */
typedef int explicit_frag3;

%fragment("explicit_frag1","header", noblock=1) {
typedef int explicit_frag1;

%fragment("explicit_frag2","header", noblock=1) {
typedef explicit_frag1 explicit_frag2;

          fragment="explicit_frag1", fragment="explicit_frag2")
%{typedef explicit_frag2 explicit_frag3;%}

%inline %{
explicit_frag3 my_int = 0;

/* Test typemap's ability to instantiate multiple fragments on demand */
typedef int int_infrag1;
typedef int int_infrag2;
typedef int int_outfrag1;
typedef int int_outfrag2;
typedef int int_outfrag3;

%fragment("infrag2","runtime") %{
typedef int_infrag1 int_infrag2;

%fragment("infrag1","runtime") %{
typedef int int_infrag1;
%fragment("infrag2","runtime") %{
typedef int_infrag1 int_infrag2;

%fragment("outfrag1","runtime") %{
typedef int int_outfrag1;
%fragment("outfrag2","runtime") %{
typedef int_outfrag1 int_outfrag2;

%fragment("tcfrag1","runtime") %{
typedef int int_tcfrag1;
%fragment("tcfrag2","runtime") %{
typedef int_tcfrag1 int_tcfrag2;

%fragment("outspecial"{bool},"runtime") %{
typedef int int_outfrag3_temp;
%fragment("outfrag3","runtime") %{
typedef int_outfrag3_temp int_outfrag3;

%typemap(in, fragment="infrag1", fragment="infrag2") int_infrag2

%typemap(check, fragment="tcfrag1", noblock=1, fragment="tcfrag2") int_infrag2

%typemap(out, fragment="outfrag1", fragment="outfrag2", noblock=1) int_outfrag2

/* Test another permutation of keyword order */
%typemap(out, noblock=1, fragment="outfrag1", fragment="outfrag2") int_outfrag1

/* Test fragment specialization */
%typemap(out, noblock=1, fragment="outspecial"{bool}, fragment="outfrag3") int_outfrag3

%inline %{
int identity_in(int_infrag2 inp) { return inp; }
int_outfrag2 identity_out(int inp) { return inp; }
int_outfrag3 identity_out_2(int inp) { return inp; }

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:16:07 CEST 2024.