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/* Test preprocessor comments and their effect on line number reporting on later errors */

#define A1 1234
#define A2 1234 /*C comment*/
#define A3 1234

%constant int aaa=;

#define B1 1234
#define B2 1234 //C++ comment
#define B3 1234

%constant int bbb=;

#define C1 1234
#define C2 1234 /*multiline
comment */
#define C3 1234

%constant int ccc=;

#define D1 1234
#define /*C Comment*/ D2 1234
#define D3 1234

%constant int ddd=;

#define E1 1234
// This case doesn't actually work, but appeared to before we gave an error
// for unknown preprocessor directives.
// #/*C comment*/define E2 1234
#define E3 1234

%constant int eee=;

#define F1 1234
#define F2 1234 \
// C comment
#define F3 1234

%constant int fff=;

// Test macro ending in /, that is not a C comment terminator
#define G1 1234
#define G2 1234 /
#define G3 1234

%constant int ggg=;

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:26:18 CEST 2024.