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%module(directors="1") director_extend

%extend SpObject 
   virtual int dummy()          // Had to remove virtual to work
      return $self->getFooBar();

%inline %{
// dummy definition for non-director languages
namespace Swig {
  typedef int Director;

// Some director implementations do not have Swig::director
#if !defined(SWIGGO)
%extend SpObject
  size_t ExceptionMethod()
// Check positioning of director code in wrapper file
// Below is what we really want to test, but director exceptions vary too much across all languages
//    throw Swig::DirectorException("DirectorException was not in scope!!");
// Instead check definition of Director class as that is defined in the same place as DirectorException (director.swg)
    size_t size = sizeof(Swig::Director);
    return size;

%inline %{
class SpObject
   SpObject() {}
   virtual ~SpObject() {}

   int getFooBar() const {
      return 666;

   // Do NOT define the assignment operator
   SpObject& operator=(const SpObject& rhs);

   // This class can not be copied.  Do NOT define the copy Constructor.
   SpObject (const SpObject& rhs);

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:48:53 CEST 2024.