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# This file illustrates the proxy class C++ interface generated
# by SWIG.

dyn.load(paste("example", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""))

# ----- Object creation -----

print("Creating some objects:")
circle <- Circle(10)
print ("    Created circle")
square <- Square(10)
print ("    Created square")

# ----- Access a static member -----

sprintf("A total of %d shapes were created", Shape_nshapes())

# ----- Member data access -----

# Set the location of the object

circle$x <- 20
circle$y <- 30

square$x <- -10
square$y <- 5

print("Here is their current position:")
sprintf("    Circle = (%f, %f)", circle$x,circle$y)
sprintf("    Square = (%f, %f)", square$x,square$y)

# ----- Call some methods -----

print ("Here are some properties of the shapes:")

sapply(c(circle, square), 
                 function(o) {
sprintf("       area = %f perimeter = %f", o$area(),  o$perimeter())

print("Guess I'll clean up now")

sprintf("%d shapes remain", Shape_nshapes())
print ("Goodbye");

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:17:15 CEST 2024.