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libthread.h File Reference

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namespace  LibThread


ThreadPoolLibThread::createThreadPool (int threads, int prioThreads=0)
void LibThread::closeThreadPool (ThreadPool *pool, bool wait)
ThreadPoolLibThread::getCurrentThreadPool ()
JobLibThread::createJob (void(*func)(leftv result, leftv arg))
JobLibThread::createJob (void(*func)(long ndeps, Job **deps))
JobLibThread::getCurrentJob ()
bool LibThread::getJobCancelled ()
bool LibThread::getJobCancelled (Job *job)
void LibThread::addJobArgs (Job *job, leftv arg)
void LibThread::setJobData (Job *job, void *data)
void * LibThread::getJobData (Job *job)
leftv LibThread::getJobResult (Job *job)
const char * LibThread::getJobName ()
void LibThread::setJobName (const char *)
JobLibThread::startJob (ThreadPool *pool, Job *job, leftv arg)
JobLibThread::startJob (ThreadPool *pool, Job *job)
void LibThread::cancelJob (Job *job)
void LibThread::waitJob (Job *job)
void LibThread::release (Job *job)
void LibThread::release (ThreadPool *pool)
void LibThread::retain (Job *job)
void LibThread::retain (ThreadPool *pool)