My Project
Building Singular from Sources

These are the generic installation instructions for experts, see

[Step by Step Installation Instructions for Singular](Step by Step Installation Instructions for Singular)

for step by step instructions.

Build the development branch of Singular as follows:

  1. as prerequisite autotools (>=2.62), gmp (>= 4.2), are needed, furthermore we recommend to use NTL (>= 5.0) configured with NTL_GMP_LIP=on (for further details see NTL Documentation), FLINT (>=2.4) which depends on MPFR (>=3.0.0) , and readline
  2. get the sources with git clone -b spielwiese git:// <directory_name>
  3. run <abs_directory_name_from_above>/ (formerly known as from the root directory
  4. create and switch to your temporary build directory. Do not build Singular in the source folder itself!
  5. run <abs_directory_name_from_above>/configure --prefix=<destination path> (builds release version)
  6. make (or make -jN where N is the number of the your CPU cores + 1)
  7. make -jN check (where N is as above) will build and run simple unit-tests for most units (optional but encouraged)
  8. make install
  9. developers are also encouraged to run make distcheck

Static variants of Singular may be built using the following configure flags:

  • --with-readline=static (embed readline)
  • --disable-shared --enable-static --without-pic (totally disable dynamic linkage)
  • --enable-p-procs-static --disable-p-procs-dynamic (builds-in the the generated p_Procs functions)

Moreover modules may be built-in as follows:

  • --with-builtinmodules=A,M,... means that the listed modules are to be built-in. Possible internal built-ins are:
    • syzextra (default if no modules were listed)
    • gfanlib, polymake, pyobject, singmathic (optional)
    • staticdemo, bigintm (demos) Note that if you want to built-in an extra module,m say M you will have to do the following:
    • built M, generate a valid file and place them in $BUILTDIR/Singular/dyn_modules/M/
      • one can also set BUILTIN_LIBS=LD_FLAGS_FOR_EMBEDDING_M
    • In configure time explicitly set --with-builtinmodules=...,M,...
    • built-ins are required to provide extern "C" int SI_MOD_INIT0(M)(SModulFunctions*) but no mod_init symbols!

Note: modules are not required to be static...

Debug version of Singular

  • use the following configure arguments: --enable-debug --disable-optimizationflags

Test the Spielwiese Singular as follows:

  • the test-suites from Tst/ can be run, for example, as follows:
    1. cd Tst/
    2. ln -s <abs_destination path>/bin/Singular
    3. after the above symbolic-linking one can simply run ./regress.cmd something.{lst,tst}, where .lst files are just lists of tests, which are .tst files

Build the old <tt>master</tt> Singular as follows:

  1. get the sources with git clone -b trunk git:// <directory_name>
  2. cd <directory_name_from_above>
  3. run ./configure from the root directory
  4. make install (or make -jN install, where N as above), and yes it should really be install!
  5. everything will be put to the newly created directory "$Architecture-$OS/" (e.g. x86_64-Linux, ix86-Linux etc.)

Coverage testing with <tt>lcov</tt> (thanks to Jakob Kroeker)

  1. make sure that gcov is present and install a recent lcov (>= 1.10)
  2. configure and build Spielwiese (IN SOURCE TREE!) together with the following FLAGS:
    CFLAGS+="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g"
    CXXFLAGS+="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g"
  3. if necessary clean-up lcov-state-files with: lcov -z -d .
  4. run tests (e.g. Tst/regress.cmd -s Singular/Singular Tst/Short.lst)
  5. collect coverage data into coverage.cov with lcov -c -d . -o coverage.cov
  6. optionally remove unnecessary directories: ‘lcov -r coverage.cov ’/usr/include/ *' > coverage2.cov
  7. generate HTML overview pages underGenHtmlDir/withgenhtml -o GenHtmlDir coverage.cov`

For instance, a recent test coverage for Singular (static 64-bit build with optimization, gfanlib, pyobjects, countedref using NTL, MPIR (as GMP), FLINT, readline, git id: e86e21bd*, on Linux, with GCC 4.8.2_20131219) on our testsuite (with _~2420 tests) and unittests is:

See also Use gcov and lcov to know your test coverage