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test_that("vec_ptype() is a no-op for NULL", {

test_that("vec_ptype() is a no-op for partial types", {
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(partial_factor("x")), partial_factor("x"))
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(partial_frame(x = 1)), partial_frame(x = 1))

test_that("vec_ptype() errors on scalars", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype(quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype(quote(fn())), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that(".ptype argument overrides others", {
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(.ptype = 1:10), numeric())

test_that(".ptype required in strict mode", {
  old <- options(vctrs.no_guessing = TRUE)

  expect_error(vec_ptype_common(), "strict mode")

test_that("can feed ptype into itself", {
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(vec_ptype_common(1:10)), numeric())

test_that("finalised prototypes created from under specified inputs", {
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(), NULL)
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(NULL), NULL)

  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(NA), logical())
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(NA, NULL), logical())
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(NULL, NA), logical())

test_that("finalised prototypes created from under specified data frame cols", {
  df <- data.frame(x = NA)
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(df)$x, logical())

test_that("non-missing logical get correct type", {
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(TRUE), logical())

test_that("output tests", {
  expect_snapshot(vec_ptype_show(integer(), double()))
  expect_snapshot(vec_ptype_show(logical(), integer(), double()))

test_that("vec_ptype_common() handles matrices", {
  m <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2)
  expect_identical(vec_ptype_common(m, m), matrix(int(), ncol = 2))

test_that("vec_ptype_common() includes index in argument tag", {
  df1 <- tibble(x = tibble(y = tibble(z = 1)))
  df2 <- tibble(x = tibble(y = tibble(z = "a")))

  # Create a column name too large for default buffer
  nm <- str_dup("foobarfoobar", 10)
  large_df1 <- set_names(df1, nm)
  large_df2 <- set_names(df2, nm)

  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(df1, df2))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(df1, df1, df2))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(large_df1, large_df2))

  # Names
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, bar = "foo"))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, baz = FALSE, bar = "foo"))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = df1, bar = df2))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(df1, df1, bar = df2))

  # One splice box
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(TRUE, !!!list(1, "foo")))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(TRUE, !!!list(1, 2), "foo"))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(1, !!!list(TRUE, FALSE), "foo"))

  # One named splice box
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, !!!list(FALSE, FALSE), bar = "foo"))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, !!!list(bar = 1, "foo")))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, !!!list(bar = "foo")))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, !!!list(bar = FALSE), baz = "chr"))

  # Two splice boxes in next and current
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, vec_ptype_common(foo = TRUE, !!!list(bar = FALSE), !!!list(baz = "chr")))

test_that("proxied types are have s3 bare type", {
  for (x in proxied_empty_types) {
    expect_identical(vec_typeof_bare(x), "s3")

test_that("vec_ptype() preserves attributes of unproxied structures", {
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(foobar(dbl(1))), foobar(dbl()))

test_that("vec_ptype() errors on scalar lists", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype(foobar(list())), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

test_that("can retrieve type info", {
  exp <- list(type = "integer", proxy_method = NULL)
  expect_identical(vec_type_info(1:3), exp)

  exp <- list(type = "s3", proxy_method = NULL)
  expect_identical(vec_type_info(~foo), exp)

  x <- as.POSIXlt(new_datetime(0))
  exp <- list(type = "s3", proxy_method = vec_proxy.POSIXlt)
  expect_identical(vec_type_info(x), exp)

test_that("can retrieve proxy info", {
  exp <- list(type = "integer", proxy_method = NULL, proxy = 1:3)
  expect_identical(vec_proxy_info(1:3), exp)

  exp <- list(type = "scalar", proxy_method = NULL, proxy = ~foo)
  expect_identical(vec_proxy_info(~foo), exp)

  x <- as.POSIXlt(new_datetime(0))
  proxy <- new_data_frame(unclass(x))
  exp <- list(type = "dataframe", proxy_method = vec_proxy.POSIXlt, proxy = proxy)
  expect_identical(vec_proxy_info(x), exp)

test_that("class_type() detects classes", {
  expect_identical(class_type(list()), "none")
  expect_identical(class_type(foobar(list())), "unknown")
  expect_identical(class_type(structure(list(), class = "list")), "list")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(structure(list(), class = "list"))), "list")
  expect_identical(class_type(I(subclass(structure(list(), class = "list")))), "list")

  expect_identical(class_type(I(list())), "bare_asis")
  expect_identical(class_type(I(1)), "bare_asis")

  expect_identical(class_type(data.frame()), "bare_data_frame")
  expect_identical(class_type(tibble::tibble()), "bare_tibble")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(data.frame())), "data_frame")

  expect_identical(class_type(new_factor()), "bare_factor")
  expect_identical(class_type(new_ordered()), "bare_ordered")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(new_factor())), "unknown")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(new_ordered())), "unknown")

  expect_identical(class_type(new_date()), "bare_date")
  expect_identical(class_type(new_datetime()), "bare_posixct")
  expect_identical(class_type(as.POSIXlt(new_date())), "bare_posixlt")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(new_date())), "unknown")
  expect_identical(class_type(subclass(new_datetime())), "unknown")

  expect_identical(class_type(NA), "none")
  expect_identical(class_type(foobar()), "unknown")

test_that("vec_ptype() handles class-less yet OBJECT gremlins", {
  gremlin <- stats::model.frame(freeny)
  expect_error(vec_ptype(gremlin), NA)
  expect_error(vec_c(gremlin), NA)
  expect_error(vec_init(gremlin), NA)
  expect_error(vec_slice(gremlin, 1), NA)

test_that("explicit list subclasses are vectors", {
  list_subclass <- function(x) {
    structure(x, class = c("custom_subclass", "list"))

  x <- list_subclass(list())

  df <- data.frame(x = 1:2)
  df$z <- list_subclass(list(1, 2))

  expect_identical(vec_slice(df, 1)$z, list_subclass(list(1)))

test_that("the type of a classed data frame with an unspecified column retains unspecifiedness", {
  df1 <- subclass(data_frame(x = 1, y = NA))
  df2 <- subclass(data_frame(x = 1, y = unspecified(1)))
  expect <- subclass(data_frame(x = numeric(), y = unspecified()))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype(df1), expect)
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(df2), expect)

test_that("vec_ptype() methods can be written", {
    vec_ptype.vctrs_foobar = function(x, ...) "dispatch"
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(foobar()), "dispatch")

test_that("vec_ptype_finalise() works with NULL", {
  expect_identical(vec_ptype_finalise(NULL), NULL)

test_that("vec_ptype_finalise() works recursively over bare data frames", {
  df <- new_data_frame(list(x = numeric(), y = unspecified(), z = partial_factor()))
  expect <- data_frame(x = numeric(), y = logical(), z = factor())

  expect_identical(vec_ptype_finalise(df), expect)

test_that("vec_ptype_finalise() works recursively over classed data frames", {
  df <- new_data_frame(list(x = numeric(), y = unspecified(), z = partial_factor()))
  df <- subclass(df)
  expect <- subclass(data_frame(x = numeric(), y = logical(), z = factor()))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype_finalise(df), expect)

test_that("vec_ptype_finalise() can handle data frame columns", {
  df <- data_frame(x = numeric(), y = data_frame(z = unspecified()))
  expect <- data_frame(x = numeric(), y = data_frame(z = logical()))

  expect_identical(vec_ptype_finalise(df), expect)

test_that("vec_ptype_finalise() requires vector types", {
  expect_error(vec_ptype_finalise(quote(name)), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")
  expect_error(vec_ptype_finalise(foobar()), class = "vctrs_error_scalar_type")

# This might change in the future if we decide that prototypes don't
# have names
test_that("vec_ptype() preserves type of names and row names", {
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(c(foo = 1)), named(dbl()))
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(mtcars), mtcars[0, ])
  expect_identical(vec_ptype(foobar(mtcars)), foobar(mtcars[0, ]))

test_that("vec_ptype_common() handles spliced names consistently (#1570)", {
  args1 <- list(a = "foo", b = "bar")
  args2 <- list(y = NULL, z = 1)

  y_name <- "y"
  z_name <- "z"

  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
      a = "foo",
      b = "bar",
      y = NULL,
      z = 1


      "{y_name}" := NULL,
      "{z_name}" := 1

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Fri Jun 21 07:49:22 CEST 2024.