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# printing ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("data frames print nicely", {
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_abbr(mtcars), "df[,11]")

test_that("embedded data frames print nicely", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1:3)
  df$a <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
  df$b <- list_of(1, 2, 3)
  df$c <- as_list_of(split(data.frame(x = 1:3, y = letters[1:3]), 1:3))


# coercing ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("data frame only combines with other data frames or NULL", {
  dt <- data.frame(x = 1)
  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(dt, NULL), vec_ptype(dt))
  expect_error(vec_ptype_common(dt, 1:10), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

test_that("data frame takes max of individual variables", {
  dt1 <- data.frame(x = FALSE, y = 1L)
  dt2 <- data.frame(x = 1.5, y = 1.5)

  expect_equal(vec_ptype_common(dt1, dt2), vec_ptype_common(dt2))

test_that("data frame combines variables", {
  dt1 <- data.frame(x = 1)
  dt2 <- data.frame(y = 1)

  dt3 <- max(dt1, dt2)
    vec_ptype_common(dt1, dt2),
    vec_ptype_common(data.frame(x = double(), y = double()))

test_that("empty data frame still has names", {
  df <- data.frame()
  out <- vec_ptype_common(df, df)

  expect_equal(names(out), character())

test_that("combining data frames with foreign classes uses fallback", {
  foo <- foobar(data.frame())
  df <- data.frame()

  expect_identical(vec_ptype_common(foo, foo, foo), foo)
  expect_identical(vec_ptype_common(foo, foo, df, foo), df)

  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(foo, df), data.frame())
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(df, foo), data.frame())
  expect_identical(vec_ptype_common(foo, df), df)
  expect_identical(vec_ptype_common(df, foo), df)

  cnds <- list()
    warning = function(cnd) {
      cnds <<- append(cnds, list(cnd))
      vec_ptype_common(foo, df, foo, foo),

  # There are no longer any warnings
  expect_length(cnds, 0)

    vec_cbind(foobar(data.frame(x = 1)), data.frame(y = 2)),
    data.frame(x = 1, y = 2)
    vec_rbind(foo, data.frame(), foo),

# casting -----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("safe casts work as expected", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 0)

  expect_equal(vec_cast(NULL, df), NULL)
  expect_equal(vec_cast(df, df), df)

  expect_equal(vec_cast(data.frame(x = TRUE, y = FALSE), df), df)

test_that("warn about lossy coercions", {
  df1 <- data.frame(x = factor("foo"), y = 1)
  df2 <- data.frame(x = factor("bar"))

  expect_lossy(vec_cast(df1, df1[1]), df1[1], x = df1, to = df1[1])

    vec_cast(df1[1], df2),
    data.frame(x = factor(NA, levels = "bar")),
    x = factor("foo"),
    to = factor("bar")

  out <-
        vec_cast(df1, df2),
        factor("foo"), factor("bar")
      df1, df2

  expect_identical(out, data.frame(x = factor(NA, levels = "bar")))

test_that("invalid cast generates error", {
  expect_error(vec_cast(1L, data.frame()), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

test_that("column order matches type", {
  df1 <- data.frame(x = 1, y = "a")
  df2 <- data.frame(x = TRUE, z = 3)

  df3 <- vec_cast(df2, vec_ptype_common(df1, df2))
  expect_named(df3, c("x", "y", "z"))

test_that("restore generates correct row/col names", {
  df1 <- data.frame(x = NA, y = 1:4, z = 1:4)
  df1$x <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b = 1:4)

  df2 <- vec_restore(lapply(df1[1:3], vec_slice, 1:2), df1)

  expect_named(df2, c("x", "y", "z"))
  expect_equal(.row_names_info(df2), -2)

test_that("restore keeps automatic row/col names", {
  df1 <- data.frame(x = NA, y = 1:4, z = 1:4)
  df1$x <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b = 1:4)

  df2 <- vec_restore(df1, df1)

  expect_named(df2, c("x", "y", "z"))
  expect_equal(.row_names_info(df2), -4)

test_that("cast to empty data frame preserves number of rows", {
  out <- vec_cast(new_data_frame(n = 10L), new_data_frame())
  expect_equal(nrow(out), 10L)

test_that("can cast unspecified to data frame", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2L)
  expect_identical(vec_cast(unspecified(3), df), vec_init(df, 3))

test_that("cannot cast list to data frame", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2L)
  expect_error(vec_cast(list(df, df), df), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

test_that("can restore lists with empty names", {
  expect_identical(vec_restore(list(), data.frame()), data.frame())

test_that("can restore subclasses of data frames", {
  expect_identical(vec_restore(list(), subclass(data.frame())), subclass(data.frame()))
    vec_restore.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ..., i) "dispatched"
  expect_identical(vec_restore(list(), subclass(data.frame())), "dispatched")

test_that("df_cast() checks for names", {
  x <- new_data_frame(list(1))
  y <- new_data_frame(list(2))
  expect_error(vec_cast_common(x, y), "must have names")

test_that("casting to and from data frame preserves row names", {
  out <- vec_cast(mtcars, unrownames(mtcars))
  expect_identical(row.names(out), row.names(mtcars))

  out <- vec_cast(out, unrownames(mtcars))
  expect_identical(row.names(out), row.names(mtcars))

test_that("df_cast() evaluates arg lazily", {
  expect_silent(df_cast(data_frame(), data_frame(), x_arg = print("oof")))
  expect_silent(df_cast(data_frame(), data_frame(), to_arg = print("oof")))

# df_ptype2 ---------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("df_ptype2() evaluates arg lazily", {
  expect_silent(df_ptype2(data_frame(), data_frame(), x_arg = print("oof")))
  expect_silent(df_ptype2(data_frame(), data_frame(), y_arg = print("oof")))

# new_data_frame ----------------------------------------------------------

test_that("can construct an empty data frame", {
  expect_identical(new_data_frame(), data.frame())

test_that("can validly set the number of rows when there are no columns", {
  expect <- structure(
    class = "data.frame",
    row.names = .set_row_names(2L),
    names = character()

  expect_identical(new_data_frame(n = 2L), expect)

test_that("can add additional classes", {
  expect_s3_class(new_data_frame(class = "foobar"), "foobar")
  expect_s3_class(new_data_frame(class = c("foo", "bar")), c("foo", "bar"))

test_that("can add additional attributes", {
  expect <- data.frame()
  attr(expect, "foo") <- "bar"
  attr(expect, "a") <- "b"

  expect_identical(new_data_frame(foo = "bar", a = "b"), expect)

test_that("size is pulled from first column if not supplied", {
  x <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1:5, y = 1:6))
  expect_identical(.row_names_info(x, type = 1), -5L)

test_that("can construct a data frame without column names", {
  expect_named(new_data_frame(list(1, 2)), NULL)

test_that("the names on an empty data frame are an empty character vector", {
  expect_identical(names(new_data_frame()), character())

test_that("class attribute", {
    class(new_data_frame(list(a = 1))),
    class(new_data_frame(list(a = 1), class = "tbl_df")),
    c("tbl_df", "data.frame")
    class(new_data_frame(list(a = 1), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))),
    c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame", "data.frame")
    class(new_data_frame(list(a = 1), class = "foo_frame")),
    c("foo_frame", "data.frame")
    class(exec(new_data_frame, list(a = 1), !!!attributes(new_data_frame(list(), class = "tbl_df")))),
    c("tbl_df", "data.frame", "data.frame")
    class(exec(new_data_frame, list(a = 1), !!!attributes(new_data_frame(list(b = 1), class = "tbl_df")))),
    c("tbl_df", "data.frame", "data.frame")

test_that("attributes with special names are merged", {
    names(new_data_frame(list(a = 1))),

    names(new_data_frame(list(a = 1), names = "name")),

    names(new_data_frame(list(1), names = "name")),

    attr(new_data_frame(list()), "row.names"),

    .row_names_info(new_data_frame(list(), n = 3L)),

  expect_error(new_data_frame(list(), n = 1L, row.names = 1:3), ".")

    .row_names_info(new_data_frame(list(), n = 3L, row.names = 1:3)),

    .row_names_info(new_data_frame(list(), n = 3L, row.names = c(NA, -3L))),

    attr(new_data_frame(list(), n = 1L, row.names = "rowname"), "row.names"),

test_that("n and row.names (#894)", {
  # Can omit n if row.names attribute is given
    row.names(new_data_frame(list(), row.names = "rowname")),
    attr(new_data_frame(list(), row.names = 2L), "row.names"),
    row.names(new_data_frame(list(), row.names = chr())),

test_that("`x` must be a list", {
    "`x` must be a list"

test_that("if supplied, `n` must be an integer of size 1", {
    (expect_error(new_data_frame(n = c(1L, 2L)), "must be an integer of size 1"))
    (expect_error(new_data_frame(n = "x"), "must be an integer of size 1"))

test_that("if supplied, `n` can't be negative or missing (#1477)", {
    (expect_error(new_data_frame(n = -1L)))
    (expect_error(new_data_frame(n = NA_integer_)))

test_that("`class` must be a character vector", {
    new_data_frame(class = 1),
    "must be NULL or a character vector"

test_that("flatten info is computed", {
  df_flatten_info <- function(x) {
    .Call(ffi_df_flatten_info, x)
  expect_identical(df_flatten_info(mtcars), list(FALSE, ncol(mtcars)))

  df <- tibble(x = 1, y = tibble(x = 2, y = tibble(x = 3), z = 4), z = 5)
  expect_identical(df_flatten_info(df), list(TRUE, 5L))

test_that("can flatten data frames", {
  df_flatten <- function(x) {
    .Call(ffi_df_flatten, x)
  expect_identical(df_flatten(mtcars), mtcars)

  df <- tibble(x = 1, y = tibble(x = 2, y = tibble(x = 3), z = 4), z = 5)
  expect_identical(df_flatten(df), new_data_frame(list(x = 1, x = 2, x = 3, z = 4, z = 5)))

test_that("can flatten data frames with rcrd columns (#1318)", {
  col <- new_rcrd(list(a = 1))
  df <- data_frame(col = col, y = 1)
  expect_identical(vec_proxy_equal(df), data_frame(col = 1, y = 1))

  col <- new_rcrd(list(a = 1, b = 2))
  df <- data_frame(col = col, y = 1)
  expect_identical(vec_proxy_equal(df), data_frame(a = 1, b = 2, y = 1))

test_that("new_data_frame() zaps existing attributes", {
  struct <- structure(list(), foo = 1)
    attributes(new_data_frame(struct, bar = 2)),
    attributes(new_data_frame(list(), bar = 2)),

# data_frame --------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("data_frame() and df_list() report error context", {
    (expect_error(data_frame(a = 1, a = 1)))
    (expect_error(data_frame(a = 1, a = 1, .error_call = call("foo"))))
    (expect_error(data_frame(a = 1:2, b = int())))
    (expect_error(data_frame(a = 1:2, b = int(), .error_call = call("foo"))))

    (expect_error(df_list(a = 1, a = 1)))
    (expect_error(df_list(a = 1, a = 1, .error_call = call("foo"))))
    (expect_error(df_list(a = 1:2, b = int())))
    (expect_error(df_list(a = 1:2, b = int(), .error_call = call("foo"))))

test_that("can construct data frames with empty input", {
  expect_identical(data_frame(), new_data_frame())
  expect_named(data_frame(), character())

test_that("input is tidy recycled", {
    data_frame(x = 1, y = 1:3),
    data_frame(x = c(1, 1, 1), y = 1:3)

    data_frame(x = 1, y = integer()),
    data_frame(x = double(), y = integer())

    expect_error(data_frame(1:2, 1:3), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_size")

test_that("dots are dynamic", {
  list_2_data_frame <- function(x) data_frame(!!!x)

    list_2_data_frame(list(x = 1, y = 2)),
    data_frame(x = 1, y = 2)

test_that("unnamed input is auto named with empty strings", {
  expect_named(data_frame(1, 2, .name_repair = "minimal"), c("", ""))

test_that("unnamed data frames are auto unpacked", {
    data_frame(w = 1, data_frame(x = 2, y = 3), z = 4),
    data_frame(w = 1, x = 2, y = 3, z = 4)

test_that("named data frames are not unpacked", {
  df_col <- data_frame(x = 2, y = 3)
  df <- data_frame(w = 1, col = data_frame(x = 2, y = 3), z = 4)

  expect_identical(df$col, df_col)

test_that("unpacked data frames without names are caught", {
  df_col <- new_data_frame(list(1))
  expect_error(data_frame(df_col), "corrupt data frame")

test_that("unpacking in `df_list()` can be disabled with `.unpack = FALSE`", {
  out <- df_list(
    w = 1,
    data_frame(x = 2, y = 3),
    z = 4,
    .unpack = FALSE,
    .name_repair = "minimal"

  expect <- list(
    w = 1,
    data_frame(x = 2, y = 3),
    z = 4

  expect_identical(out, expect)

test_that("`.unpack` is validated", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    df_list(.unpack = 1)
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    df_list(.unpack = c(TRUE, FALSE))

test_that("`NULL` inputs are dropped", {
  expect_identical(data_frame(NULL, x = 1, NULL), data_frame(x = 1))

test_that("`NULL` inputs are dropped before name repair", {
    data_frame(x = NULL, x = 1, .name_repair = "check_unique"),
    data_frame(x = 1)

test_that("`.size` can force a desired size", {
  df <- data_frame(x = 1, .size = 5)
  expect_identical(df$x, rep(1, 5))

  expect_size(data_frame(.size = 5), 5L)

test_that("`.name_repair` repairs names", {
  expect_message(res <- data_frame(x = 1, x = 1, .name_repair = "unique"))
  expect_named(res, c("x...1", "x...2"))

test_that("`.name_repair` happens after auto-naming with empty strings", {
  expect_message(res <- data_frame(1, 2, .name_repair = "unique"))
  expect_named(res, c("...1", "...2"))

test_that("`.name_repair` happens after splicing", {
  expect_message(res <- data_frame(x = 1, data_frame(x = 2), .name_repair = "unique"))
  expect_named(res, c("x...1", "x...2"))

test_that("`.name_repair` can be quiet", {

    dfl_unique <- df_list(1, 2, .name_repair = "unique_quiet")
    dfl_universal <- df_list("if" = 1, "in" = 2, .name_repair = "universal_quiet")
    df_unique <- data_frame(1, 2, .name_repair = "unique_quiet")
    df_universal <- data_frame("if" = 1, "in" = 2, .name_repair = "universal_quiet")

  expect_named(dfl_unique, c("...1", "...2"))
  expect_named(dfl_universal, c(".if", ".in"))
  expect_named(df_unique, c("...1", "...2"))
  expect_named(df_universal, c(".if", ".in"))

# fallback ----------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("data frame fallback handles column types (#999)", {
  df1 <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1))
  df2 <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1, y = 2))
  df3 <- foobar(data.frame(x = "", y = 2))

  common <- foobar(data.frame(x = dbl(), y = dbl()))
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(df1, df2), common)
  expect_identical(vec_ptype2(df2, df1), common)

  exp <- foobar(data_frame(x = 1, y = na_dbl))
  expect_identical(vec_cast(df1, df2), exp)
  expect_identical(vec_cast(set_tibble(df1), set_tibble(df2)), set_tibble(exp))

      vec_ptype2(df1, df3),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      vec_ptype2(df3, df1),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      vec_cast(df2, df1),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"

    vec_rbind(df1, df2),
    foobar(data.frame(x = c(1, 1), y = c(NA, 2)))

  # Attributes are not restored
  df1_attrib <- foobar(df1, foo = "foo")
  df2_attrib <- foobar(df2, bar = "bar")
  exp <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1), y = c(NA, 2))
    vec_rbind(df1_attrib, df2_attrib),

  out <- with_methods(
    `[.vctrs_foobar` = function(x, i, ...) {
        dispatched = TRUE,
        class = "vctrs_foobar"
    vec_rbind(df1_attrib, df2_attrib)
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("falls back to tibble for tibble subclasses (#1025)", {
  foo <- foobar(tibble::as_tibble(mtcars))
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(foo, mtcars), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(foo, mtcars, mtcars), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(foo, mtcars, foobar(mtcars)), "tbl_df")

test_that("fallback is recursive", {
  df <- mtcars[1:3, 1, drop = FALSE]

  foo <- new_data_frame(list(x = foobar(df, foo = TRUE)))
  bar <- new_data_frame(list(x = foobar(df, bar = TRUE)))
  baz <- new_data_frame(list(y = 1:3, x = foobar(df, bar = TRUE)))

  exp <- new_data_frame(list(x = vec_rbind(df, df)))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(foo, bar), exp)

  exp <- new_data_frame(list(x = vec_rbind(df, df), y = c(NA, NA, NA, 1:3)))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(foo, baz), exp)

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Fri Jun 21 07:56:43 CEST 2024.