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R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(survey)
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: survival

Attaching package: 'survey'

The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':


> library(survival)
> data(nwtco)
> ntwco<-subset(nwtco, !is.na(edrel))
> load("nwtco-subcohort.rda")
> nwtco$subcohort<-subcohort
> d_BorganII <- twophase(id=list(~seqno,~seqno),
+                        strata=list(NULL,~interaction(instit,rel)),
+                        data=nwtco, subset=~I(rel |subcohort))
> ##Coefficient results same as Splus with code from
> ## http://faculty.washington.edu/norm/software.html
> ## SE slightly larger due to using sandwich variance.
> svycoxph(Surv(edrel, rel)~factor(stage)+factor(histol)+I(age/12), design=d_BorganII)
svycoxph(formula = Surv(edrel, rel) ~ factor(stage) + factor(histol) + 
    I(age/12), design = d_BorganII)

                  coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z       p
factor(stage)2  0.4629    1.5886   0.1809  2.56  0.0105
factor(stage)3  0.5831    1.7916   0.1785  3.27  0.0011
factor(stage)4  1.0597    2.8854   0.2052  5.16 2.4e-07
factor(histol)2 1.5974    4.9403   0.1334 11.97 < 2e-16
I(age/12)       0.0299    1.0304   0.0334  0.90  0.3697

Likelihood ratio test=  on 5 df, p=
n= 1062, number of events= 571 
> ##
> ## This gives higher standard errors. calibrate() does not recompute the
> ## finite population correction if a calibration variable happens to predict
> ## sampling perfectly. It probably should.
> ##
> d_BorganIIps<-calibrate(twophase(id=list(~seqno,~seqno),
+                            strata=list(NULL,~rel),
+                            data=nwtco, subset=~I(rel |subcohort)), 
+                         phase=2, formula=~interaction(instit,rel),
+                         epsilon=1e-10)
> svycoxph(Surv(edrel, rel)~factor(stage)+factor(histol)+I(age/12), design=d_BorganIIps)
svycoxph(formula = Surv(edrel, rel) ~ factor(stage) + factor(histol) + 
    I(age/12), design = d_BorganIIps)

                  coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z       p
factor(stage)2  0.4629    1.5886   0.1808  2.56  0.0104
factor(stage)3  0.5831    1.7916   0.1784  3.27  0.0011
factor(stage)4  1.0597    2.8854   0.2051  5.17 2.4e-07
factor(histol)2 1.5974    4.9403   0.1304 12.25 < 2e-16
I(age/12)       0.0299    1.0304   0.0333  0.90  0.3688

Likelihood ratio test=  on 5 df, p=
n= 1062, number of events= 571 
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  1.823   0.105   1.962 

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