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R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) -- "Spring Dance"
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> library(survey)

Attaching package: 'survey'

The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':


> library(survival)
Loading required package: splines
> pbc2<-rbind(pbc,pbc)
> pbc2$id<-rep(1:418,2)
> dpbc1<-svydesign(id=~1, data=pbc)
Warning message:
In svydesign.default(id = ~1, data = pbc) :
  No weights or probabilities supplied, assuming equal probability
> dpbc2<-svydesign(id=~id, data=pbc2)
Warning message:
In svydesign.default(id = ~id, data = pbc2) :
  No weights or probabilities supplied, assuming equal probability
> s1<-svykm(Surv(time,status>0)~1, subset(dpbc1, bili>6), se=TRUE)
> s2<-svykm(Surv(time,status>0)~1, subset(dpbc2, bili>6), se=TRUE)
> (c1<-confint(s1,(1:5)*365))
         0.025     0.975
365  0.6446215 0.8594153
730  0.5410938 0.7766848
1095 0.2683127 0.5103356
1460 0.1444731 0.3722001
1825 0.1009672 0.3204713
> (c2<-confint(s2,(1:5)*365))
         0.025     0.975
365  0.6446215 0.8594153
730  0.5410938 0.7766848
1095 0.2683127 0.5103356
1460 0.1444731 0.3722001
1825 0.1009672 0.3204713
> all.equal(c1, c2)
[1] TRUE
> m1<-svycoxph(Surv(time,status>0)~log(bili), design=dpbc1)
> m2<-svycoxph(Surv(time,status>0)~log(bili), design=dpbc2)
> d<-data.frame(bili=c(5,10))
> p1<-predict(m1, se=TRUE, newdata=d,type="curve")
> p2<-predict(m2, se=TRUE, newdata=d,type="curve")
> (pc1<-confint(p1[[1]],(1:5)*365))
         0.025     0.975
365  0.8410027 0.9266263
730  0.7371114 0.8548312
1095 0.5517779 0.7018583
1460 0.4335073 0.5992819
1825 0.3260899 0.5046241
> (pc2<-confint(p2[[1]],(1:5)*365))
         0.025     0.975
365  0.8409490 0.9267054
730  0.7370152 0.8549432
1095 0.5515848 0.7019513
1460 0.4332252 0.5992968
1825 0.3257172 0.5045795
> all.equal(pc1, pc2)
[1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0002070722"
> (q1<-quantile(p1[[2]]))
0.75  0.5 0.25 
 489  930 1492 
> (q2<-quantile(p2[[2]]))
0.75  0.5 0.25 
 489  930 1492 
> all.equal(q1,q2)
[1] TRUE
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  3.410   0.099   3.519 

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