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R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
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> ## tests on apply C wrappers
> library(proxy)

Attaching package: 'proxy'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    as.dist, dist

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> set.seed(20070630)
> ## matrix
> f <- function(x, y) sum(x*y) / sqrt(sum(x*x)) / sqrt(sum(y*y))
> x <- matrix(runif(20), 5, 4)
> x
          [,1]        [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
[1,] 0.4595829 0.246283120 0.6662151 0.2658000
[2,] 0.8390691 0.002929016 0.3449861 0.4751930
[3,] 0.0377036 0.300615279 0.1399626 0.5143060
[4,] 0.7621676 0.963274350 0.4358104 0.7934745
[5,] 0.1211588 0.452265898 0.8005272 0.3062947
> y <- matrix(runif(20), 5, 4)
> y
          [,1]       [,2]      [,3]       [,4]
[1,] 0.3435311 0.45003283 0.1931588 0.22999466
[2,] 0.4417228 0.78191550 0.9028450 0.01728483
[3,] 0.3872093 0.45154308 0.7324979 0.52502253
[4,] 0.9119128 0.21720445 0.3986998 0.72623146
[5,] 0.9374529 0.04343485 0.8170873 0.69974714
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.8175510                              
3 0.5909955 0.5179092                    
4 0.8046383 0.7485219 0.8416675          
5 0.9026897 0.5245741 0.6848730 0.7514756
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, x, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.8175510 0.5909955 0.8046383 0.9026897
[2,] 0.8175510 1.0000000 0.5179092 0.7485219 0.5245741
[3,] 0.5909955 0.5179092 1.0000000 0.8416675 0.6848730
[4,] 0.8046383 0.7485219 0.8416675 1.0000000 0.7514756
[5,] 0.9026897 0.5245741 0.6848730 0.7514756 1.0000000
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, y, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 0.8068091 0.8869376 0.9573450 0.8394141 0.9257044
[2,] 0.7091915 0.5310191 0.7490815 0.9743857 0.9583243
[3,] 0.7471004 0.4955903 0.7898068 0.6896626 0.5971429
[4,] 0.9837110 0.7703657 0.8896691 0.8665744 0.7655715
[5,] 0.7512326 0.9126553 0.9466108 0.6140860 0.7184058
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, y, TRUE, f)
[1] 0.8068091 0.5310191 0.7898068 0.8665744 0.7184058
> # coerce
> z <- y * 100
> storage.mode(z) <- "integer"
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, x, z, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 0.8035753 0.8851147 0.9568709 0.8363210 0.9255173
[2,] 0.7027894 0.5281041 0.7457478 0.9754800 0.9584822
[3,] 0.7399077 0.4909526 0.7896421 0.6859131 0.5945390
[4,] 0.9811939 0.7674593 0.8884016 0.8638128 0.7638742
[5,] 0.7490644 0.9109332 0.9482222 0.6083438 0.7173810
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, x, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 0.8035753 0.7027894 0.7399077 0.9811939 0.7490644
[2,] 0.8851147 0.5281041 0.4909526 0.7674593 0.9109332
[3,] 0.9568709 0.7457478 0.7896421 0.8884016 0.9482222
[4,] 0.8363210 0.9754800 0.6859131 0.8638128 0.6083438
[5,] 0.9255173 0.9584822 0.5945390 0.7638742 0.7173810
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, z, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.8363694 0.8593771 0.8075186 0.7133480
[2,] 0.8363694 1.0000000 0.8668551 0.5849013 0.6553123
[3,] 0.8593771 0.8668551 1.0000000 0.8253313 0.8715788
[4,] 0.8075186 0.5849013 0.8253313 1.0000000 0.9495662
[5,] 0.7133480 0.6553123 0.8715788 0.9495662 1.0000000
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_matrix, z, NULL, FALSE, f)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.8363694                              
3 0.8593771 0.8668551                    
4 0.8075186 0.5849013 0.8253313          
5 0.7133480 0.6553123 0.8715788 0.9495662
> ## list
> x <- unlist(apply(x, 1, list), recursive = FALSE)
> x
[1] 0.4595829 0.2462831 0.6662151 0.2658000

[1] 0.839069104 0.002929016 0.344986119 0.475192965

[1] 0.0377036 0.3006153 0.1399626 0.5143060

[1] 0.7621676 0.9632744 0.4358104 0.7934745

[1] 0.1211588 0.4522659 0.8005272 0.3062947

> y <- unlist(apply(y, 1, list), recursive = FALSE)
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.8175510                              
3 0.5909955 0.5179092                    
4 0.8046383 0.7485219 0.8416675          
5 0.9026897 0.5245741 0.6848730 0.7514756
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, x, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.8175510 0.5909955 0.8046383 0.9026897
[2,] 0.8175510 1.0000000 0.5179092 0.7485219 0.5245741
[3,] 0.5909955 0.5179092 1.0000000 0.8416675 0.6848730
[4,] 0.8046383 0.7485219 0.8416675 1.0000000 0.7514756
[5,] 0.9026897 0.5245741 0.6848730 0.7514756 1.0000000
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, y, FALSE, f)
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,] 0.8068091 0.8869376 0.9573450 0.8394141 0.9257044
[2,] 0.7091915 0.5310191 0.7490815 0.9743857 0.9583243
[3,] 0.7471004 0.4955903 0.7898068 0.6896626 0.5971429
[4,] 0.9837110 0.7703657 0.8896691 0.8665744 0.7655715
[5,] 0.7512326 0.9126553 0.9466108 0.6140860 0.7184058
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_list, x, y, TRUE, f)
[1] 0.8068091 0.5310191 0.7898068 0.8665744 0.7184058
> ## logical matrix
> f <- function(a, b, c, d, n)
+     a / sqrt(a+b) / sqrt(a+c)
> x <- t(sapply(x, ">", 0.5))
> x
      [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]
> y <- t(sapply(y, ">", 0.5))
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.0000000                              
3 0.0000000 0.0000000                    
4 0.0000000 0.5773503 0.5773503          
5 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, x, FALSE, f)
     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000    1
[2,]    0 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.5773503    0
[3,]    0 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.5773503    0
[4,]    0 0.5773503 0.5773503 1.0000000    0
[5,]    1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000    1
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, y, FALSE, f)
     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
[1,]  NaN 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.0000000 0.5773503
[2,]  NaN 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.5773503
[3,]  NaN 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.5773503
[4,]  NaN 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.8164966 0.6666667
[5,]  NaN 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.0000000 0.5773503
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_binary_matrix, x, y, TRUE, f)
[1]       NaN 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.8164966 0.5773503
> ## data.frame
> f <- function(x, y) sum(x*y) / sqrt(sum(x*x)) / sqrt(sum(y*y))
> x <- data.frame(unlist(apply(x, 2, list), recursive = FALSE))
> names(x) <- letters[1:4]
> x
      a     b     c     d
> y <- data.frame(unlist(apply(y, 2, list), recursive = FALSE))
> names(y) <- letters[1:4]
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
          1         2         3         4
2 0.0000000                              
3 0.0000000 0.0000000                    
4 0.0000000 0.5773503 0.5773503          
5 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, x, FALSE, f)
  1         2         3         4 5
1 1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1
2 0 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.5773503 0
3 0 0.0000000 1.0000000 0.5773503 0
4 0 0.5773503 0.5773503 1.0000000 0
5 1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, FALSE, f)
    1         2         3         4         5
1 NaN 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.0000000 0.5773503
2 NaN 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.5773503
3 NaN 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.5773503
4 NaN 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.8164966 0.6666667
5 NaN 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.0000000 0.5773503
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, TRUE, f)
[1]       NaN 0.0000000 0.7071068 0.8164966 0.5773503
> #
> f <- function(x, y) {
+     if (rownames(x) == 1 && rownames(y) == 1) {
+         print(x)
+         str(x)
+         print(y)
+     }
+     sum(x == y) / length(x)
+ }
> x <- data.frame(1:5, LETTERS[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> x
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
2    2            B
3    3            C
4    4            D
5    5            E
> y <- data.frame(1:6, LETTERS[c(1,1:5)],
+                 row.names = letters[1:6],
+                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
> y
  X1.6 LETTERS.c.1..1.5..
a    1                  A
b    2                  A
c    3                  B
d    4                  C
e    5                  D
f    6                  E
> all.equal(x, y)
[1] "Names: 2 string mismatches"                                                      
[2] "Attributes: < Component \"row.names\": Modes: numeric, character >"              
[3] "Attributes: < Component \"row.names\": Lengths: 5, 6 >"                          
[4] "Attributes: < Component \"row.names\": target is numeric, current is character >"
[5] "Component 1: Numeric: lengths (5, 6) differ"                                     
[6] "Component 2: Lengths (5, 6) differ (string compare on first 5)"                  
[7] "Component 2: 4 string mismatches"                                                
> identical(attributes(x[[1]]), attributes(y[[1]]))
[1] TRUE
> identical(attributes(x[[2]]), attributes(y[[2]]))
[1] TRUE
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, NULL, FALSE, f)
  1 2 3 4
2 0      
3 0 0    
4 0 0 0  
5 0 0 0 0
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, x, FALSE, f)
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ X1.5        : int 1
 $ LETTERS.1.5.: chr "A"
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
  1 2 3 4 5
1 1 0 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0 0
3 0 0 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 1 0
5 0 0 0 0 1
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y, FALSE, f)
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ X1.5        : int 1
 $ LETTERS.1.5.: chr "A"
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
  a   b   c   d   e   f
1 1 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0
4 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0
5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f)
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
'data.frame':   1 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ X1.5        : int 1
 $ LETTERS.1.5.: chr "A"
  X1.5 LETTERS.1.5.
1    1            A
[1] 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
> # test parameters
> f <- function(x, y, p = 1)
+     sum(x == y) / length(x) * p
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f)
[1] 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
> .External(proxy:::R_apply_dist_data_frame, x, y[-6,], TRUE, f, p = 2)
[1] 2 1 1 1 1
> ###
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  0.310   0.019   0.317 

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