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# Copyright 2010-2019 Trevor L Davis <trevor.l.davis@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2013 Kirill Müller
# Copyright 2008 Allen Day
#  This file is free software: you may copy, redistribute and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
#  Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your
#  option) any later version.
#  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

option_list <- list(
    make_option(c("-v", "--verbose"), action = "store_true", default = TRUE,
        help = "Print extra output [default]"),
    make_option(c("-q", "--quietly"), action = "store_false",
        dest = "verbose", help = "Print little output"),
    make_option(c("-c", "--count"), type = "integer", default = 5,
        help = "Number of random normals to generate [default \\%default]",
        metavar = "number"),
    make_option("--generator", default = "rnorm",
        help = "Function to generate random deviates [default \"\\%default\"]"),
    make_option("--mean", default = 0,
        help = "Mean if generator == \"rnorm\" [default \\%default]"),
    make_option("--sd", default = 1, metavar = "standard deviation",
        help = "Standard deviation if generator == \"rnorm\" [default \\%default]")
parser_ol <- OptionParser(option_list = option_list)

context("Testing make_option")
test_that("make_option works as expected", {
    expect_equal(make_option("--integer", type = "integer", default = 5),
                make_option("--integer", default = as.integer(5)))
    expect_equal(make_option("--logical", type = "logical", default = "TRUE"),
                make_option("--logical", default = TRUE))
    expect_equal(make_option("--filename")@type, "character")
    expect_that(make_option("badflag"), throws_error())
    expect_error(make_option("-cd"), "must only be")

get_long_flags <- function(parser) {
    sort(sapply(parser@options, function(x) x@long_flag))
context("Test add_option")
test_that("add_option works as expected", {
    parser1 <- OptionParser(option_list = list(make_option("--generator"), make_option("--count")))
    parser2 <- OptionParser()
    parser2 <- add_option(parser2, "--generator")
    parser2 <- add_option(parser2, "--count")
    expect_equal(get_long_flags(parser1), get_long_flags(parser2))

context("Testing parse_args")
test_that("parse_args works as expected", {
    # option_list took outside test_that
    option_list2 <- list(
        make_option(c("-n", "--add-numbers"), action = "store_true", default = FALSE,
            help = "Print line number at the beginning of each line [default]")
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list2)
                            args = c("--sd=3", "--quietly"))),
                sort_list(list(sd = 3, verbose = FALSE, help = FALSE,
                    count = 5, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm")))
                        args = character(0), positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(sd = 1, help = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                                count = 5, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm"),
                            args = character(0))))
                            args = c("-c", "10"))),
                sort_list(list(sd = 1, help = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                            count = 10, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm")))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("--add-numbers", "example.txt"),
                            positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(`add-numbers` = TRUE, help = FALSE),
                             args = c("example.txt"))))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("--add-numbers"),
                            positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(`add-numbers` = TRUE, help = FALSE),
                             args = character(0))))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("--add-numbers"),
                            positional_arguments = TRUE, convert_hyphens_to_underscores = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(add_numbers = TRUE, help = FALSE),
                             args = character(0))))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args2(parser, args = c("--add-numbers"))),
                sort_list(list(options = list(add_numbers = TRUE, help = FALSE),
                             args = character(0))))
    expect_error(parse_args(parser, args = c("-add-numbers", "example.txt")), positional_arguments = FALSE)
    expect_error(parse_args(parser, args = c("-add-numbers", "example.txt"), positional_arguments = TRUE))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("--add-numbers", "example.txt"),
                                      positional_arguments = c(1, 3))),
                 sort_list(list(options = list(`add-numbers` = TRUE, help = FALSE),
                                args = c("example.txt"))))
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("example.txt"),
                                      positional_arguments = 1)),
                 sort_list(list(options = list(`add-numbers` = FALSE, help = FALSE),
                                args = c("example.txt"))))
    expect_that(parse_args(parser, args = c("-add-numbers", "example.txt"),
                           positional_arguments = c(0, 1)), throws_error())
    expect_that(parse_args(parser, args = c("example.txt"),
                           positional_arguments = c(2, Inf)), throws_error())
    expect_that(parse_args(parser, args = c("example.txt"),
                           positional_arguments = 2), throws_error())
    expect_that(parse_args(parser, args = c("example.txt"),
                           positional_arguments = "any"), throws_error("must be logical or numeric"))
    expect_that(parse_args(parser, args = c("example.txt"),
                           positional_arguments = 1:3), throws_error("must have length 1 or 2"))

    if (interactive()) {
        expect_that(capture.output(parse_args(parser, args = c("--help"))),
                    throws_error("help requested"))
        expect_that(capture.output(parse_args(parser, args = c("--help"), positional_arguments = c(1, 2))),
                    throws_error("help requested"))

# Patch from Gyu Jin Choi.
test_that("callback works as expected", {
    power <- function(x, n = 2) x^n
    callback_fn <- function(option, flag, option_value, parser, n = 2) {
        power(option_value, n)

    parser0 <- OptionParser()
    parser1 <- add_option(parser0, c("-s", "--squared_distance"), type = "integer",
                          action = "callback", help = "Squared distance between two points",
                          callback = callback_fn, callback_args = list(2))
    opts <- parse_args(parser1, args = c("--squared_distance=16"))
    expect_equal(opts$squared_distance, 256)
    # Bug found by Ni Huang (#28)
    opts <- parse_args(parser1, positional_argument = TRUE, args = c("-s", "3"))
    expect_equal(opts$options$squared_distance, 9)
    # Bug found by Ni Huang (#29)
    expect_output(print_help(parser1), "SQUARED_DISTANCE")

    parser2 <- add_option(parser0, c("-v", "--value"), type = "integer",
                         action = "callback", callback = callback_fn, callback_args = list(n = 3))
    opts <- parse_args(parser2, args = c("--value=2"))
    expect_equal(opts$value, 8)

    parser3 <- add_option(parser0, c("-v", "--value"), type = "integer",
                         action = "callback", callback = callback_fn)
    opts <- parse_args(parser3, args = c("--value=2"))
    expect_equal(opts$value, 4)

    expect_warning(add_option(parser0, "--warning", action = "store", callback = as.list),
                   "callback argument is supplied for non-callback action")
    expect_warning(add_option(parser0, "--warning", callback_args = list(3, b = 4)),
                   "callback_args argument is supplied for non-callback action")
    expect_warning(add_option(parser0, "--warning", action = "callback", type = "numeric", callback = "hello"),
                   "callback argument is not a function")

    callback_fn <- function(option, flag, option_value, parser) {
    parser4 <- add_option(parser0, "--null_type", type = NULL, callback = callback_fn)
    opts <- parse_args(parser4, args = c("--null_type"))
    expect_equal(opts$null_type, 42)

# Bug found by Miroslav Posta
test_that("test using numeric instead of double", {
    option_list_neg <- list(make_option(c("-m", "--mean"), default = 0, type = "numeric"))
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list_neg)
    opts <- parse_args(parser, args = c("-m", "-5.0"))
    expect_equal(opts$mean, -5.0)

# Bug found by Juan Carlos Borrás
test_that("test bug of multiple '=' signs", {
    optlist <- list(
     make_option(c("-s", "--substitutions"), type = "character",
    dest = "substitutions", default = NULL,
       help = 'String of the form "KEY1=VALUE1 KEY2=VALUE2 ... KEY=VALUE"
    stating the SQL template substitutions',
       metavar = "substitution-list")
    optparser <- OptionParser(option_list = optlist)
    opt <- parse_args(optparser, c("-s", "FOO=bar"))
    opt_alt <- parse_args(optparser, c("--substitutions=FOO=bar"))
    expect_that(opt, equals(opt_alt))

    # also check when positional_arguments is set to true, like later bug unit test
    opt <- parse_args(optparser, c("-s", "FOO=bar"), positional_arguments = TRUE)
    opt_alt <- parse_args(optparser, c("--substitutions=FOO=bar"), positional_arguments = TRUE)
    expect_that(opt, equals(opt_alt))

# Bug found by Jim Nikelski
test_that("test bug when multiple short flag options '-abc' with positional_arguments = TRUE", {
    sort_list <- function(unsorted_list) {
        for (ii in seq_along(unsorted_list)) {
            if (is.list(unsorted_list[[ii]])) {
                unsorted_list[[ii]] <- sort_list(unsorted_list[[ii]])
                        args = c("-qc", "10"), positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(sd = 1, help = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                                count = 10, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm"),
                            args = character(0))))
    expect_error(parse_args(parser_ol, args = c("-qcde", "10"), positional_arguments = TRUE))
    expect_error(parse_args(parser_ol, args = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), positional_arguments = c(1, 3)))
                        args = c("CMD", "-qc", "10", "bumblebee"), positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(sd = 1, help = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                                count = 10, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm"),
                            args = c("CMD", "bumblebee"))))
    args <- c("CMD", "-qc", "10", "bumblebee", "--qcdefg")
    expect_error(parse_args(parser_ol, args = args, positional_arguments = TRUE),
                 "no such option: --qcdefg")
    args <- c("-qxc", "10", "bumblebee")
    expect_error(parse_args(parser_ol, args = args, positional_arguments = TRUE),
                 'short flag "x" is invalid')

# Bug found by Ino de Brujin and Benjamin Tyner
test_that("test bug when long flag option with '=' with positional_arguments = TRUE", {
                            args = c("--count=10"), positional_arguments = TRUE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(sd = 1, help = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
                            count = 10, mean = 0, generator = "rnorm"),
                            args = character(0))))

# Bug found by Miroslav Posta
optlist <- list(make_option(c("--tmin"), type = "numeric", help = "Startup time [sec]. "))
parser <- OptionParser(option_list = optlist, usage = "", epilogue = "")
test_that("test bug with a NA short flag option with positional_arguments = TRUE", {
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(args = c("-h", "foo"), parser, positional_arguments = TRUE,
                                      print_help_and_exit = FALSE)),
                sort_list(list(options = list(help = TRUE), args = "foo")))

test_that("description and epilogue work as expected", {
    parser <- OptionParser()
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "Usage:")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "Options:")
    parser2 <- OptionParser(usage = "program", description = "foo", epilogue = "bar")
    expect_output(print_help(parser2), "foo")
    expect_output(print_help(parser2), "bar$")
    expect_output(print_help(parser2), "^Usage: ")
                capture.output(print_help(OptionParser("usage: foo bar")))[1],
                "[Uu]sage"), 1)

    parser <- OptionParser(formatter = TitledHelpFormatter)
    parser <- add_option(parser, c("-f", "--foo"), help = "Foobar")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "Usage\n=====")

    # bug found by Stefan Seemayer for NA default
    optlist <- list(
        make_option(c("--na"), type = "character", default = NA, help = "NA default is %default"),
        make_option(c("--null"), type = "character", default = NULL, help = "NULL default is %default"),
        make_option(c("--str"), type = "character", default = "str", help = "str default is %default"),
        make_option(c("--bool"), type = "logical", default = TRUE, help = "bool default is %default"),
        make_option(c("--int"), type = "integer", default = 42, help = "int default is %default"),
        make_option(c("--int"), type = "double", default = 11.11, help = "double default is %default")
    parser <- OptionParser(option_list = optlist)
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "NA default is NA")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "NULL default is NULL")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "str default is str")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "bool default is TRUE")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "int default is 42")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "double default is 11.11")

    # bug / feature request by Miroslav Posta
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "test %prog test %prog", epilogue = "epilog test %prog %prog",
                description = "description %prog test %prog", prog = "unit_test.r")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "Usage:.*unit_test.r.*unit_test.r")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "description unit_test.r test unit_test.r")
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "epilog test unit_test.r unit_test.r")

# Bug found by Benjamin Tyner
test_that("Can set zero length default options", {
    option_list_neg <- list(make_option(c("-m", "--mean"), default = numeric(0),
                                         type = "numeric", help = "Default %default"))
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list_neg)
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("-m", "-5.0"))),
                sort_list(list(mean = -5, help = FALSE)))
                sort_list(list(mean = numeric(0), help = FALSE)))
    expect_output(print_help(parser), "Default double")

# Bug found by Matthew Flickinger
test_that("Can parse empty string", {
    option_list <- list(make_option(c("", "--string")))
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list)
    expect_equal(sort_list(parse_args(parser, args = c("--string="))),
                sort_list(list(string = "", help = FALSE)))

# nolint start
# # Bug found by Rich FitzJohn
# oo <- options()
# on.exit(options(oo))
# options(warnPartialMatchArgs = TRUE)
# test_that("Avoid partial matching of arguments", {
#     expect_that(seq(along = 1:10), gives_warning("partial argument match"))
#     expect_that(seq_along(1:10), not(gives_warning()))
#     expect_that(parse_args(args = c("-h", "foo"), parser, positional_arguments = TRUE, print_help_and_exit = FALSE),
#                 not(gives_warning()))
#     expect_that(print_help(OptionParser()), not(gives_warning()))
# })
# nolint end

# Use h flag for non-help (Reported by Jeff Bruce)
context("Use h option for non-help")
test_that("Use h option for non-help", {
    option_list_neg <- list(make_option(c("-h", "--mean"), default = 0.0))
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list_neg)
    expect_error(parse_args(parser, args = c("-h", "-5.0")), "redundant short names")

    option_list_neg <- list(make_option(c("-h", "--mean"), default = 0.0))
    parser <- OptionParser(usage = "\\%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list_neg, add_help_option = FALSE)
    args <- parse_args(parser, args = c("-h", "-5.0"))
    expect_equal(args, list(mean = -5.0))

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Wed Jun 26 12:28:54 CEST 2024.