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> ## testing summarizeDF()
> library( "miscTools" )
> data( "cars" )
> summarizeDF( cars )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 50 
number of variables: 2 
MD5: f98a59010652c8e1ee062ed4c43f648e 

variable: speed 
MD5: 4eb3e01aee9abbc01e91d22b651be559 
Min.     4.0
1st Qu. 12.0
Median  15.0
Mean    15.4
3rd Qu. 19.0
Max.    25.0
4     2
7     2
8     1
9     1
10    3
11    2
12    4
13    4
14    4
15    3
16    2
17    3
18    4
19    3
20    5
22    1
23    1
24    4
25    1

variable: dist 
MD5: be6c7701fccdd59b5e47c48881a2acae 
Min.      2.00
1st Qu.  26.00
Median   36.00
Mean     42.98
3rd Qu.  56.00
Max.    120.00

> summarizeDF( cars, maxLevel = 10 )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 50 
number of variables: 2 
MD5: f98a59010652c8e1ee062ed4c43f648e 

variable: speed 
MD5: 4eb3e01aee9abbc01e91d22b651be559 
Min.     4.0
1st Qu. 12.0
Median  15.0
Mean    15.4
3rd Qu. 19.0
Max.    25.0

variable: dist 
MD5: be6c7701fccdd59b5e47c48881a2acae 
Min.      2.00
1st Qu.  26.00
Median   36.00
Mean     42.98
3rd Qu.  56.00
Max.    120.00

> summarizeDF( cars, printValues = FALSE )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 50 
number of variables: 2 
MD5: f98a59010652c8e1ee062ed4c43f648e 

variable: speed 
MD5: 4eb3e01aee9abbc01e91d22b651be559 

variable: dist 
MD5: be6c7701fccdd59b5e47c48881a2acae 

> tmpFile <- file()
> summarizeDF( cars, file = tmpFile )
> tmpLines <- readLines( tmpFile )
> close( tmpFile )
> print( matrix( tmpLines, ncol = 1 ) )
 [1,] "Summary of data.frame"                 
 [2,] "number of observations: 50 "           
 [3,] "number of variables: 2 "               
 [4,] "MD5: f98a59010652c8e1ee062ed4c43f648e "
 [5,] ""                                      
 [6,] "variable: speed "                      
 [7,] "MD5: 4eb3e01aee9abbc01e91d22b651be559 "
 [8,] "        [,1]"                          
 [9,] "Min.     4.0"                          
[10,] "1st Qu. 12.0"                          
[11,] "Median  15.0"                          
[12,] "Mean    15.4"                          
[13,] "3rd Qu. 19.0"                          
[14,] "Max.    25.0"                          
[15,] "   [,1]"                               
[16,] "4     2"                               
[17,] "7     2"                               
[18,] "8     1"                               
[19,] "9     1"                               
[20,] "10    3"                               
[21,] "11    2"                               
[22,] "12    4"                               
[23,] "13    4"                               
[24,] "14    4"                               
[25,] "15    3"                               
[26,] "16    2"                               
[27,] "17    3"                               
[28,] "18    4"                               
[29,] "19    3"                               
[30,] "20    5"                               
[31,] "22    1"                               
[32,] "23    1"                               
[33,] "24    4"                               
[34,] "25    1"                               
[35,] ""                                      
[36,] "variable: dist "                       
[37,] "MD5: be6c7701fccdd59b5e47c48881a2acae "
[38,] "          [,1]"                        
[39,] "Min.      2.00"                        
[40,] "1st Qu.  26.00"                        
[41,] "Median   36.00"                        
[42,] "Mean     42.98"                        
[43,] "3rd Qu.  56.00"                        
[44,] "Max.    120.00"                        
[45,] ""                                      
> data( "iris" )
> summarizeDF( iris )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 150 
number of variables: 5 
MD5: d3c5d071001b61a9f6131d3004fd0988 

variable: Sepal.Length 
MD5: b2bce49565d07c62a84d53cee81d8569 
Min.    4.300000
1st Qu. 5.100000
Median  5.800000
Mean    5.843333
3rd Qu. 6.400000
Max.    7.900000

variable: Sepal.Width 
MD5: 35bd921d86f4fe19d5cadc03c687f538 
Min.    2.000000
1st Qu. 2.800000
Median  3.000000
Mean    3.057333
3rd Qu. 3.300000
Max.    4.400000

variable: Petal.Length 
MD5: e610b9d68cb18ce39b1c0ac098e38bea 
Min.    1.000
1st Qu. 1.600
Median  4.350
Mean    3.758
3rd Qu. 5.100
Max.    6.900

variable: Petal.Width 
MD5: 5f70e007e1a5054816b90e5846c14467 
Min.    0.100000
1st Qu. 0.300000
Median  1.300000
Mean    1.199333
3rd Qu. 1.800000
Max.    2.500000

variable: Species 
MD5: f7e071c073ca18cd4d0d7cf86d961dd1 

    setosa versicolor  virginica 
        50         50         50 

> summarizeDF( iris, printValues = FALSE )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 150 
number of variables: 5 
MD5: d3c5d071001b61a9f6131d3004fd0988 

variable: Sepal.Length 
MD5: b2bce49565d07c62a84d53cee81d8569 

variable: Sepal.Width 
MD5: 35bd921d86f4fe19d5cadc03c687f538 

variable: Petal.Length 
MD5: e610b9d68cb18ce39b1c0ac098e38bea 

variable: Petal.Width 
MD5: 5f70e007e1a5054816b90e5846c14467 

variable: Species 
MD5: f7e071c073ca18cd4d0d7cf86d961dd1 

> tmpFile <- file()
> summarizeDF( iris, file = tmpFile )
> tmpLines <- readLines( tmpFile )
> close( tmpFile )
> print( matrix( tmpLines, ncol = 1 ) )
 [1,] "Summary of data.frame"                 
 [2,] "number of observations: 150 "          
 [3,] "number of variables: 5 "               
 [4,] "MD5: d3c5d071001b61a9f6131d3004fd0988 "
 [5,] ""                                      
 [6,] "variable: Sepal.Length "               
 [7,] "MD5: b2bce49565d07c62a84d53cee81d8569 "
 [8,] "            [,1]"                      
 [9,] "Min.    4.300000"                      
[10,] "1st Qu. 5.100000"                      
[11,] "Median  5.800000"                      
[12,] "Mean    5.843333"                      
[13,] "3rd Qu. 6.400000"                      
[14,] "Max.    7.900000"                      
[15,] ""                                      
[16,] "variable: Sepal.Width "                
[17,] "MD5: 35bd921d86f4fe19d5cadc03c687f538 "
[18,] "            [,1]"                      
[19,] "Min.    2.000000"                      
[20,] "1st Qu. 2.800000"                      
[21,] "Median  3.000000"                      
[22,] "Mean    3.057333"                      
[23,] "3rd Qu. 3.300000"                      
[24,] "Max.    4.400000"                      
[25,] ""                                      
[26,] "variable: Petal.Length "               
[27,] "MD5: e610b9d68cb18ce39b1c0ac098e38bea "
[28,] "         [,1]"                         
[29,] "Min.    1.000"                         
[30,] "1st Qu. 1.600"                         
[31,] "Median  4.350"                         
[32,] "Mean    3.758"                         
[33,] "3rd Qu. 5.100"                         
[34,] "Max.    6.900"                         
[35,] ""                                      
[36,] "variable: Petal.Width "                
[37,] "MD5: 5f70e007e1a5054816b90e5846c14467 "
[38,] "            [,1]"                      
[39,] "Min.    0.100000"                      
[40,] "1st Qu. 0.300000"                      
[41,] "Median  1.300000"                      
[42,] "Mean    1.199333"                      
[43,] "3rd Qu. 1.800000"                      
[44,] "Max.    2.500000"                      
[45,] ""                                      
[46,] "variable: Species "                    
[47,] "MD5: f7e071c073ca18cd4d0d7cf86d961dd1 "
[48,] ""                                      
[49,] "    setosa versicolor  virginica "     
[50,] "        50         50         50 "     
[51,] ""                                      
> data( "swiss" )
> summarizeDF( swiss )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 47 
number of variables: 6 
MD5: 4c43fa8a4d8f0cbf65353e397f37338c 

variable: Fertility 
MD5: 86e625283202d9a9909f099fadc690ad 
Min.    35.00000
1st Qu. 64.70000
Median  70.40000
Mean    70.14255
3rd Qu. 78.45000
Max.    92.50000

variable: Agriculture 
MD5: 5e7bdeff4cbf3e796e073fffe2b8b1f7 
Min.     1.20000
1st Qu. 35.90000
Median  54.10000
Mean    50.65957
3rd Qu. 67.65000
Max.    89.70000

variable: Examination 
MD5: 76a910ec1c2c22996f75a051a3f90192 
Min.     3.00000
1st Qu. 12.00000
Median  16.00000
Mean    16.48936
3rd Qu. 22.00000
Max.    37.00000

variable: Education 
MD5: fb32a176f9e7160350a18f3f58290cc6 
Min.     1.00000
1st Qu.  6.00000
Median   8.00000
Mean    10.97872
3rd Qu. 12.00000
Max.    53.00000
1     1
2     3
3     4
5     2
6     4
7     7
8     4
9     3
10    2
11    1
12    5
13    3
15    1
19    1
20    1
28    1
29    2
32    1
53    1

variable: Catholic 
MD5: efd14fbc7763a0ff759d5eb0b4756845 
Min.      2.15000
1st Qu.   5.19500
Median   15.14000
Mean     41.14383
3rd Qu.  93.12500
Max.    100.00000

variable: Infant.Mortality 
MD5: 79534798b7c50423d07bc9522f11c3e4 
Min.    10.80000
1st Qu. 18.15000
Median  20.00000
Mean    19.94255
3rd Qu. 21.70000
Max.    26.60000

> summarizeDF( swiss, maxLevel = 10 )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 47 
number of variables: 6 
MD5: 4c43fa8a4d8f0cbf65353e397f37338c 

variable: Fertility 
MD5: 86e625283202d9a9909f099fadc690ad 
Min.    35.00000
1st Qu. 64.70000
Median  70.40000
Mean    70.14255
3rd Qu. 78.45000
Max.    92.50000

variable: Agriculture 
MD5: 5e7bdeff4cbf3e796e073fffe2b8b1f7 
Min.     1.20000
1st Qu. 35.90000
Median  54.10000
Mean    50.65957
3rd Qu. 67.65000
Max.    89.70000

variable: Examination 
MD5: 76a910ec1c2c22996f75a051a3f90192 
Min.     3.00000
1st Qu. 12.00000
Median  16.00000
Mean    16.48936
3rd Qu. 22.00000
Max.    37.00000

variable: Education 
MD5: fb32a176f9e7160350a18f3f58290cc6 
Min.     1.00000
1st Qu.  6.00000
Median   8.00000
Mean    10.97872
3rd Qu. 12.00000
Max.    53.00000

variable: Catholic 
MD5: efd14fbc7763a0ff759d5eb0b4756845 
Min.      2.15000
1st Qu.   5.19500
Median   15.14000
Mean     41.14383
3rd Qu.  93.12500
Max.    100.00000

variable: Infant.Mortality 
MD5: 79534798b7c50423d07bc9522f11c3e4 
Min.    10.80000
1st Qu. 18.15000
Median  20.00000
Mean    19.94255
3rd Qu. 21.70000
Max.    26.60000

> summarizeDF( swiss, printValues = FALSE )
Summary of data.frame
number of observations: 47 
number of variables: 6 
MD5: 4c43fa8a4d8f0cbf65353e397f37338c 

variable: Fertility 
MD5: 86e625283202d9a9909f099fadc690ad 

variable: Agriculture 
MD5: 5e7bdeff4cbf3e796e073fffe2b8b1f7 

variable: Examination 
MD5: 76a910ec1c2c22996f75a051a3f90192 

variable: Education 
MD5: fb32a176f9e7160350a18f3f58290cc6 

variable: Catholic 
MD5: efd14fbc7763a0ff759d5eb0b4756845 

variable: Infant.Mortality 
MD5: 79534798b7c50423d07bc9522f11c3e4 

> tmpFile <- file()
> summarizeDF( swiss, file = tmpFile )
> tmpLines <- readLines( tmpFile )
> close( tmpFile )
> print( matrix( tmpLines, ncol = 1 ) )
 [1,] "Summary of data.frame"                 
 [2,] "number of observations: 47 "           
 [3,] "number of variables: 6 "               
 [4,] "MD5: 4c43fa8a4d8f0cbf65353e397f37338c "
 [5,] ""                                      
 [6,] "variable: Fertility "                  
 [7,] "MD5: 86e625283202d9a9909f099fadc690ad "
 [8,] "            [,1]"                      
 [9,] "Min.    35.00000"                      
[10,] "1st Qu. 64.70000"                      
[11,] "Median  70.40000"                      
[12,] "Mean    70.14255"                      
[13,] "3rd Qu. 78.45000"                      
[14,] "Max.    92.50000"                      
[15,] ""                                      
[16,] "variable: Agriculture "                
[17,] "MD5: 5e7bdeff4cbf3e796e073fffe2b8b1f7 "
[18,] "            [,1]"                      
[19,] "Min.     1.20000"                      
[20,] "1st Qu. 35.90000"                      
[21,] "Median  54.10000"                      
[22,] "Mean    50.65957"                      
[23,] "3rd Qu. 67.65000"                      
[24,] "Max.    89.70000"                      
[25,] ""                                      
[26,] "variable: Examination "                
[27,] "MD5: 76a910ec1c2c22996f75a051a3f90192 "
[28,] "            [,1]"                      
[29,] "Min.     3.00000"                      
[30,] "1st Qu. 12.00000"                      
[31,] "Median  16.00000"                      
[32,] "Mean    16.48936"                      
[33,] "3rd Qu. 22.00000"                      
[34,] "Max.    37.00000"                      
[35,] ""                                      
[36,] "variable: Education "                  
[37,] "MD5: fb32a176f9e7160350a18f3f58290cc6 "
[38,] "            [,1]"                      
[39,] "Min.     1.00000"                      
[40,] "1st Qu.  6.00000"                      
[41,] "Median   8.00000"                      
[42,] "Mean    10.97872"                      
[43,] "3rd Qu. 12.00000"                      
[44,] "Max.    53.00000"                      
[45,] "   [,1]"                               
[46,] "1     1"                               
[47,] "2     3"                               
[48,] "3     4"                               
[49,] "5     2"                               
[50,] "6     4"                               
[51,] "7     7"                               
[52,] "8     4"                               
[53,] "9     3"                               
[54,] "10    2"                               
[55,] "11    1"                               
[56,] "12    5"                               
[57,] "13    3"                               
[58,] "15    1"                               
[59,] "19    1"                               
[60,] "20    1"                               
[61,] "28    1"                               
[62,] "29    2"                               
[63,] "32    1"                               
[64,] "53    1"                               
[65,] ""                                      
[66,] "variable: Catholic "                   
[67,] "MD5: efd14fbc7763a0ff759d5eb0b4756845 "
[68,] "             [,1]"                     
[69,] "Min.      2.15000"                     
[70,] "1st Qu.   5.19500"                     
[71,] "Median   15.14000"                     
[72,] "Mean     41.14383"                     
[73,] "3rd Qu.  93.12500"                     
[74,] "Max.    100.00000"                     
[75,] ""                                      
[76,] "variable: Infant.Mortality "           
[77,] "MD5: 79534798b7c50423d07bc9522f11c3e4 "
[78,] "            [,1]"                      
[79,] "Min.    10.80000"                      
[80,] "1st Qu. 18.15000"                      
[81,] "Median  20.00000"                      
[82,] "Mean    19.94255"                      
[83,] "3rd Qu. 21.70000"                      
[84,] "Max.    26.60000"                      
[85,] ""                                      
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
  0.113   0.034   0.140 

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jun 25 07:58:43 CEST 2024.