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test_that("filter_if()", {
  expect_identical(nrow(filter_if(mtcars, is_integerish, all_vars(. > 1))), 0L)
  expect_identical(nrow(filter_if(mtcars, is_integerish, all_vars(. > 0))), 7L)

test_that("filter_at()", {
  sepal_large <- filter_at(iris, vars(starts_with("Sepal")), all_vars(. > 4))
  sepal_large_expected <- filter(iris, Sepal.Length > 4, Sepal.Width > 4)
  expect_equal(sepal_large, sepal_large_expected)

test_that("filter_all()", {
  expect_identical(filter_all(mtcars, any_vars(. > 200))$disp, mtcars$disp[mtcars$disp > 200])

test_that("filter_at can filter by grouping variables (#3351, #3480)", {
  tbl <- tibble(gr1 = rep(1:2, 4), gr2 = rep(1:2, each = 4), x = 1:8) %>%

    filter_at(tbl, vars(gr1), all_vars(. > 1)),
    filter(tbl, gr1 > 1)

test_that("filter_if and filter_all includes grouping variables (#3351, #3480)", {
  tbl <- tibble(gr1 = rep(1:2, 4), gr2 = rep(1:2, each = 4), x = 1:8) %>%

  res <- filter_all(tbl, all_vars(. > 1))
  expect_true(all(res$gr1 > 1))

  res <- filter_if(tbl, is.integer, all_vars(. > 1))
  expect_true(all(res$gr1 > 1))

test_that("can supply functions to scoped filters", {
  exp <- as.list(mtcars[c(8, 9, 21), ])

  out <- mtcars %>% filter_at(c("cyl", "am"), ~ .x == 4 | .x == 0)
  expect_identical(as.list(out), exp)

  out <- mtcars %>% filter_at(c("cyl", "am"), function(.x) .x == 4 | .x == 0)
  expect_identical(as.list(out), exp)

test_that("colwise filter support .data$. in the quosure versions", {
     filter_if(iris, is.numeric, any_vars(.data$. > 4)),
     filter_if(iris, is.numeric, any_vars(. > 4))

    filter_all(select(iris, -Species), any_vars(.data$. > 4)),
    filter_all(select(iris, -Species), any_vars(. > 4))

    filter_at(iris, vars(contains(".")), any_vars(.data$. > 4)),
    filter_at(iris, vars(contains(".")), any_vars(. > 4))

# Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("colwise filter() give meaningful errors", {
    (expect_error(filter_if(mtcars, is_character, all_vars(. > 0))))
    (expect_error(filter_all(mtcars, list(~ . > 0))))

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