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1) caMassClass-1.0 to caTools-1.0 - caTools created after splitting caMassClass
  - bin2raw and raw2bin files: endian variable was added
  - raw2bin: additional error checking
  - runmean, runmax, runmin, runquantile, runmad: additional error checking and
    corrected error checking
  - EndRule: added error checking
  - runmean, runmax, runmin: additional parameter "alg" was added
  - runmean - new C code can survive round-off errors
2) caTools-1.1  (7/15/2005)
  - read.GIF and write.GIF files were added.
  - bin2raw and raw2bin files: much faster raw to numeric conversion
  - sum.exact, cumsum.exact and runsum.exact  functions were added for 
    under-flow safe addition.
3) caTools-1.2 (8/8/2005)
  - minor changes to .Rd files to fix problems found by new 'checkDocFiles'
4) caTools-1.3 (9/23/2005)
  - changes to colAUC function. Parameters: plotROC and alg were added. 
    Parameter 'p.val' was removed, since it gave wrong results in case of data 
    with ties. And it was too complicated to fix.
  - added much better testing of "colAUC" in Example section.
4) caTools-1.4 (9/28/2005)
  - a small change in 1.3 that used call to 'max' instead of 'pmax' made 
    'colAUC' return wrong numbers in case of multi-feature data.
5) caTools-1.5 (11/10/2005)
  - several new examples
  - functions raw2bin and bin2raw still work but return warnings. They will be 
    retired in the next version, since they parallel new capabilities of 
    readBin and writeBin.
  - Argument 'col' of function 'write.gif' was changed to allow several other 
    ways to define a color palette.
  - base64encode and base64decode now use readBin and writeBin instead
    raw2bin and bin2raw.
 6) caTools-1.6 (04/11/2006)
  - functions raw2bin and bin2raw were retired, since they parallel new 
    (as of R-2.2.0) capabilities of readBin and writeBin.
  - Bug in plotting in colAUC function was fixed, after it was reported by Tom 
  - Documentation of colAUC was updated and some examples modified in order to 
    reduce dependency on external libraries.
  - GifTools.cc was split into GifTools.cpp and GifTools.cc. The first file
    contains GIF encoding/decoding algorithm and second is a shell that 
    comunicates with R.
 7) caTools-1.7 (Jan 31 2007)
  - Added 4th variable in 'rgb' function (line 174).
 8) caTools-1.8 (Oct. 9 2007)
  - Major changes to moving window statistics functions:
    * use fast C code to process array edges
    * added suport for NaN's
    * added suport for even size windows
    * split help file into 5 new help files
    * added much more examples and self-tests
  - Followed Prof. Brian Ripley request to move R header files out of extern "C" 
    blocks in C++ files.
  - Changed licence to GPL
  9) caTools-1.9 (July 7 2008)
  - No code changes
  - Corrected inconsistent licence information
  10) caTools-1.10 (Oct 08 2009)
  - Fixed runmax to handle correctly negative numbers
  - Added align argument to moving window statistics functions: runmean, runmax, 
    runmin, runsd, runmad and runquintile functions. It allows left and right 
    alligned window in addition to centered window. 
  - Added support for 2D arrays to be passed to moving window statistics 
    functions: runmean, runmax, runmin, runsd, runmad and runquintile functions.
    If input array is a 2D matrix than the operations are performed for each 
    column separately. This change was mostly handled by EndRule function. Speed
    for 2D array input is expected to be slower than for vectors since 
    calculations for beggining and end of arrays if handled in R instead of C.
    is expected to be 
  - Changed "if(!require(LIB)) warning(..." to ""library(LIB)" to get rid or 
    warnings by RCMD CHECK
  11) caTools-1.11 (Dec 2010)  
  - Changed EndRule function used by all run... functions to fix handling of 
    different endrules when for non-central aligments and for k=2.
  - Fully retired runsum.exact, which was not working for a while, use runmean
    with "exact" option instead.
  - Removed references to several no-longer-existing packages and functions from 
    Rd files.  
  - changed documentation of predict.LogitBoost to follow S3 mathod syntax.
  - renamed sum.exact and cumsum.exact to sumexact and cumsumexact to avoid 
    package build errors. those functions were confused with S3 mathods.
  12) caTools-1.12 (April 2011)  
  - small correction to GifTools.cpp sent by Murray Stokely to allow compilation 
    with clang rather than gcc compiler.
  - corrections to runmean documentation sent by Jon Wade
  - fixed bug in LogitBoost.R which was causing crashes when all values of a 
    column were identical
  - added comments to runfunc.c
  13) caTools-1.13 (May 2012)
  - removed Rd cross-references that are no longer available on CRAN
  - updated caTools-package.rD with correct licensing information
  - updated DESCRIPTION file to reflect new maintainer
  14) caTools- (January 2021)
  - function sample.split, documentation updated to explain subset assumptions
  - function runmad, NA/NaN handling corrected. Thanks to suggestion by W.C. May.
  15) caTools- (March 2021)
  - function documentations, missing/broken links fixed

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