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## Tests for tableby

context("Testing the tableby output")

# "mdat" now defined in helper-data.R

#### Basic two-sided tableby

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby call--no labels, no missings", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat, numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |       High (N=30)       |       Low (N=30)        |       Med (N=30)        |      Total (N=90)       | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |       15 (50.0%)        |       17 (56.7%)        |       14 (46.7%)        |       46 (51.1%)        |        |",
      "|-  Male      |       15 (50.0%)        |       13 (43.3%)        |       16 (53.3%)        |       44 (48.9%)        |        |",
      "|time         |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.025|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |      4.567 (1.813)      |      3.167 (2.036)      |      3.833 (2.001)      |      3.856 (2.014)      |        |",
      "|-  Q1, Q3    |      3.250, 6.000       |      1.250, 5.000       |      2.000, 5.000       |      2.000, 6.000       |        |",
      "|-  Range     |      0.000 - 7.000      |      0.000 - 6.000      |      1.000 - 7.000      |      0.000 - 7.000      |        |",
      "|dt           |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.391|",
      "|-  Median    |       1950-01-07        |       1951-06-13        |       1948-09-13        |       1949-10-07        |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 | 1937-02-08 - 1959-09-06 | 1939-04-01 - 1958-07-30 | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 |        |"

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby call--labels, no missings", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + trt + Phase, data = mdat, numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |  Total (N=90)   | p value|",
      "|Age in Years  |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD)  | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |        |",
      "|-  Q1, Q3     | 36.000, 44.500  | 37.250, 41.750  | 35.250, 44.000  | 36.000, 43.000  |        |",
      "|-  Range      | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 | 29.000 - 53.000 |        |",
      "|Treatment Arm |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.659|",
      "|-  A          |   14 (46.7%)    |   11 (36.7%)    |   11 (36.7%)    |   36 (40.0%)    |        |",
      "|-  B          |   16 (53.3%)    |   19 (63.3%)    |   19 (63.3%)    |   54 (60.0%)    |        |",
      "|Phase         |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.008|",
      "|-  I          |   11 (36.7%)    |   12 (40.0%)    |    0 (0.0%)     |   23 (25.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  II         |   10 (33.3%)    |   12 (40.0%)    |   19 (63.3%)    |   41 (45.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  III        |    9 (30.0%)    |    6 (20.0%)    |   11 (36.7%)    |   26 (28.9%)    |        |"

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby call--no labels, some missings", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ ethan, data = mdat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|           | High (N=30) | Low (N=30) | Med (N=30) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|ethan      |             |            |            |              |   0.178|",
      "|-  N-Miss  |      3      |     0      |     0      |      3       |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   | 17 (63.0%)  | 13 (43.3%) | 12 (40.0%) |  42 (48.3%)  |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen | 10 (37.0%)  | 17 (56.7%) | 18 (60.0%) |  45 (51.7%)  |        |"

#### Basic one-sided tableby

test_that("A basic one-sided tableby call--no labels, no missings", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |     Overall (N=90)      |",
      "|Sex          |                         |",
      "|-  Female    |       46 (51.1%)        |",
      "|-  Male      |       44 (48.9%)        |",
      "|time         |                         |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |      3.856 (2.014)      |",
      "|-  Range     |      0.000 - 7.000      |",
      "|dt           |                         |",
      "|-  Median    |       1949-10-07        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 |"

test_that("A basic one-sided tableby call--labels, no missings", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ Age + trt, data = mdat, numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | Overall (N=90)  |",
      "|Age in Years  |                 |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |",
      "|-  Q1, Q3     | 36.000, 43.000  |",
      "|-  Range      | 29.000 - 53.000 |",
      "|Treatment Arm |                 |",
      "|-  A          |   36 (40.0%)    |",
      "|-  B          |   54 (60.0%)    |"

test_that("A basic one-sided tableby call--no labels, some missings (Sarah Jenkins's Error)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ ethan, data = mdat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|           | Overall (N=90) |",
      "|ethan      |                |",
      "|-  N-Miss  |       3        |",
      "|-  Ethan   |   42 (48.3%)   |",
      "|-  Heinzen |   45 (51.7%)   |"

#### Change totals/p-values

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby call--no p-value, no total", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex, data = mdat, test = FALSE, total = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 |",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex, data = mdat), test = FALSE, total = FALSE, text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex, data = mdat, test = FALSE, total = FALSE), text = TRUE))

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby call--p-value, no total", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex, data = mdat, total = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 |        |",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex, data = mdat), total = FALSE, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 |        |",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |        |"

#### markdown output

test_that("A basic two-sided tableby markdown output", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex + notest(ethan) + dt, data = mdat,
                                  numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range"), total = FALSE), pfootnote = TRUE)),
    c("|                            |       High (N=30)       |       Low (N=30)        |       Med (N=30)        |  p value|",
      "|**Age in Years**            |                         |                         |                         | 0.906^1^|",
      "|   Mean (SD) |     40.033 (6.217)      |     39.633 (3.873)      |     39.433 (5.569)      |         |",
      "|   Q1, Q3    |     36.000, 44.500      |     37.250, 41.750      |     35.250, 44.000      |         |",
      "|   Range     |     29.000 - 53.000     |     32.000 - 48.000     |     30.000 - 52.000     |         |",
      "|**Sex**                     |                         |                         |                         | 0.733^2^|",
      "|   Female    |       15 (50.0%)        |       17 (56.7%)        |       14 (46.7%)        |         |",
      "|   Male      |       15 (50.0%)        |       13 (43.3%)        |       16 (53.3%)        |         |",
      "|**ethan**                   |                         |                         |                         |         |",
      "|   N-Miss    |            3            |            0            |            0            |         |",
      "|   Ethan     |       17 (63.0%)        |       13 (43.3%)        |       12 (40.0%)        |         |",
      "|   Heinzen   |       10 (37.0%)        |       17 (56.7%)        |       18 (60.0%)        |         |",
      "|**dt**                      |                         |                         |                         | 0.391^3^|",
      "|   Median    |       1950-01-07        |       1951-06-13        |       1948-09-13        |         |",
      "|   Range     | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 | 1937-02-08 - 1959-09-06 | 1939-04-01 - 1958-07-30 |         |",
      "1. Linear Model ANOVA"                                                                                                 ,
      "2. Pearson's Chi-squared test"                                                                                         ,
      "3. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test"

#### Other warnings and tests and things...

test_that("A warning occurs using one-sided formula and na.tableby", {
  expect_error(tableby(~ ethan, data = mdat, na.action = na.tableby), "na.tableby now generates functions")
  expect_warning(tableby(~ ethan, data = mdat, na.action = na.tableby(TRUE)))

test_that("The by-variable droplevels is working correctly", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group.fac ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat[mdat$Group.fac %in% c("High", "Low"), ]), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |       High (N=30)       |       Low (N=30)        |      Total (N=60)       | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                         |                         |                         |   0.605|",
      "|-  Female    |       15 (50.0%)        |       17 (56.7%)        |       32 (53.3%)        |        |",
      "|-  Male      |       15 (50.0%)        |       13 (43.3%)        |       28 (46.7%)        |        |",
      "|time         |                         |                         |                         |   0.007|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |      4.567 (1.813)      |      3.167 (2.036)      |      3.867 (2.038)      |        |",
      "|-  Range     |      0.000 - 7.000      |      0.000 - 6.000      |      0.000 - 7.000      |        |",
      "|dt           |                         |                         |                         |   0.574|",
      "|-  Median    |       1950-01-07        |       1951-06-13        |       1950-07-02        |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 | 1937-02-08 - 1959-09-06 | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 |        |"

test_that("Using cat.simplify", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + trt, data = mdat, cat.simplify = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | High (N=30) | Low (N=30) | Med (N=30) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|Sex           | 15 (50.0%)  | 13 (43.3%) | 16 (53.3%) |  44 (48.9%)  |   0.733|",
      "|Treatment Arm | 16 (53.3%)  | 19 (63.3%) | 19 (63.3%) |  54 (60.0%)  |   0.659|"

test_that("Reordering variables", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + dt + Age, data = mdat)[c(3,1,2)], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Age + Sex + dt, data = mdat), text = TRUE))

    capture.kable(summary(sort(tableby(Group ~ Sex + dt + Age, data = mdat)))),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ dt + Sex + Age, data = mdat)))

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[c(3,1,2)], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[c("Age", "Sex", "dt")], text = TRUE))

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[1:2], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)], text = TRUE))

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[], text = TRUE))

  expect_warning(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[1:4], "Some indices not found")
  expect_error(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + dt + Age, data = mdat)[TRUE], "Logical vector")


test_that("Merging tableby objects", {
  tb1 <- tableby(Group ~ Sex + Phase, data = mdat)
  tb2 <- tableby(Group.fac ~ Age, data = mdat)
  tb3 <- tableby(Group ~ Age + dt, data = mdat)
  tb4 <- tableby(Group ~ chisq(Sex, "count"), data = mdat)
  expect_error(merge(tb1, tb2), "No terms in common")
  expect_error(merge(tb1, tableby(Group ~ Age, data = set_labels(mdat, list(Group = "Eek")))), "By-variables not identical")
    capture.kable(summary(merge(tb1, tb2, all = TRUE))),
    c(capture.kable(summary(tb1)), "", "", capture.kable(summary(tb2)))
    capture.kable(summary(merge(tb1, tb3), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + Phase + Age + dt, data = mdat), text = TRUE))
    capture.kable(summary(merge(tb1, tb4), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ chisq(Sex, "count") + Phase, data = mdat), text = TRUE))

test_that("Changing tests", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + kwt(Age) + notest(Phase), data = mdat, numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |  Total (N=90)   | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.806|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |   46 (51.1%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |   44 (48.9%)    |        |",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.869|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |        |",
      "|-  Q1, Q3    | 36.000, 44.500  | 37.250, 41.750  | 35.250, 44.000  | 36.000, 43.000  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 | 29.000 - 53.000 |        |",
      "|Phase        |                 |                 |                 |                 |        |",
      "|-  I         |   11 (36.7%)    |   12 (40.0%)    |    0 (0.0%)     |   23 (25.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  II        |   10 (33.3%)    |   12 (40.0%)    |   19 (63.3%)    |   41 (45.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  III       |    9 (30.0%)    |    6 (20.0%)    |   11 (36.7%)    |   26 (28.9%)    |        |"

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + Age + Phase, data = mdat, numeric.test = "kwt", cat.test = "fe", ordered.test = "notest"), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + kwt(Age) + notest(Phase), data = mdat), text = TRUE))

test_that("Changing labels", {
  tb <- tableby(Group ~ Sex + Age, data = mdat)
  expect_error(labels(tb) <- c("Group", "Sex", "Age"))
  expect_warning(labels(tb) <- c(hi = "hi", Sex = "Sex", Age = "Age"), NA)
    capture.kable(summary(tb, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |  Total (N=90)   | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |   46 (51.1%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |   44 (48.9%)    |        |",
      "|Age          |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 | 29.000 - 53.000 |        |"
  labels(tb) <- NULL
    capture.kable(summary(tb, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |  Total (N=90)   | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |   46 (51.1%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |   44 (48.9%)    |        |",
      "|Age          |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 | 29.000 - 53.000 |        |"
  labels(tb) <- list(Age = "Age (yrs)", Sex = "Gender")
  expect_identical(labels(tb), c(Group = "Group", Sex = "Gender", Age = "Age (yrs)"))
    capture.kable(summary(tb, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   High (N=30)   |   Low (N=30)    |   Med (N=30)    |  Total (N=90)   | p value|",
      "|Gender       |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |   15 (50.0%)    |   17 (56.7%)    |   14 (46.7%)    |   46 (51.1%)    |        |",
      "|-  Male      |   15 (50.0%)    |   13 (43.3%)    |   16 (53.3%)    |   44 (48.9%)    |        |",
      "|Age (yrs)    |                 |                 |                 |                 |   0.906|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 40.033 (6.217)  | 39.633 (3.873)  | 39.433 (5.569)  | 39.700 (5.258)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 29.000 - 53.000 | 32.000 - 48.000 | 30.000 - 52.000 | 29.000 - 53.000 |        |"

round.p <- function(x)
  x$p.value <- round(x$p.value, 5)
  row.names(x) <- NULL

test_that("05/25/2017: simulate.p.value option for chisq.test", {
    round.p(tests(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat,  subset=Group != "High",simulate.p.value=TRUE))),
    data.frame(Group = "Group", Variable = c("Sex", "time", "dt"), p.value = c(0.61169, 0.20595, 0.17144),
               Method = c("Pearson's Chi-squared test with simulated p-value\n\t (based on 2000 replicates)",
                          "Linear Model ANOVA", "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

test_that("05/25/2017: chisq.correct=FALSE option for chisq.test", {
    round.p(tests(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat, subset=Group != "High", chisq.correct=FALSE))),
    data.frame(Group = "Group", Variable = c("Sex", "time", "dt"), p.value = c(0.43832, 0.20595, 0.17144),
               Method = c("Pearson's Chi-squared test", "Linear Model ANOVA", "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test"),
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

test_that("05/25/2017: simulate.p.value=TRUE option for fisher.test", {
    round.p(tests(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + time + dt, data = mdat, simulate.p.value=TRUE, B = 1999))),
    data.frame(Group = "Group", Variable = c("Sex", "time", "dt"), p.value = c(0.80000, 0.02480, 0.39127),
               Method = c("Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data with simulated p-value\n\t (based on 1999 replicates)",
                          "Linear Model ANOVA", "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#### Reported bugs for tableby

test_that("02/07/2017: Ryan Lennon's R Markdown spacing problem. Also 02/14/2018 (#65)", {
  expect_error(capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat), text = TRUE)), NA)

dat <- data.frame(x = c("A", "A", "A", rep(c("B", "C"), each = 7)),
                  y = c("cough", "pneumonia", NA,
                        "chest pain", "chest pain", "chest pain", "cough", "cough", "pneumonia", "cough",
                        "cough", "pneumonia", "chest pain", "chest pain", "pneumonia", NA, NA))
dat$y <- factor(dat$y)

test_that("02/07/2017: Jason Sinnwell's countpct problem", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(x ~ fe(y), data = dat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              |  A (N=3)  |  B (N=7)  |  C (N=7)  | Total (N=17) | p value|",
      "|y             |           |           |           |              |   0.750|",
      "|-  N-Miss     |     1     |     0     |     2     |      3       |        |",
      "|-  chest pain | 0 (0.0%)  | 3 (42.9%) | 2 (40.0%) |  5 (35.7%)   |        |",
      "|-  cough      | 1 (50.0%) | 3 (42.9%) | 1 (20.0%) |  5 (35.7%)   |        |",
      "|-  pneumonia  | 1 (50.0%) | 1 (14.3%) | 2 (40.0%) |  4 (28.6%)   |        |"

test_that("02/07/2017: Jason Sinnwell's chisq problem", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(x ~ y, data = dat[dat$y == "cough",]), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              |  A (N=1)   |  B (N=3)   |  C (N=1)   | Total (N=5) | p value|",
      "|y             |            |            |            |             |        |",
      "|-  chest pain |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)   |        |",
      "|-  cough      | 1 (100.0%) | 3 (100.0%) | 1 (100.0%) | 5 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  pneumonia  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)   |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(x ~ as.character(y), data = dat[dat$y == "cough",]), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                |  A (N=1)   |  B (N=3)   |  C (N=1)   | Total (N=5) | p value|",
      "|as.character(y) |            |            |            |             |   0.449|",
      "|-  cough        | 1 (100.0%) | 3 (100.0%) | 1 (100.0%) | 5 (100.0%)  |        |"

test_that("03/17/2017: Beth's medianq1q3 label", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ ht_in + time, data = mdat,
                                  control = tableby.control(numeric.stats = c("Nmiss2", "medianq1q3"))), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                   |       High (N=30)       |       Low (N=30)        |       Med (N=30)        |      Total (N=90)       | p value|",
      "|Height in Inches   |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.785|",
      "|-  N-Miss          |            0            |            0            |            0            |            0            |        |",
      "|-  Median (Q1, Q3) | 64.500 (62.000, 68.000) | 64.000 (61.000, 68.750) | 64.500 (62.000, 68.000) | 64.000 (62.000, 68.000) |        |",
      "|time               |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.025|",
      "|-  N-Miss          |            0            |            0            |            0            |            0            |        |",
      "|-  Median (Q1, Q3) |  5.000 (3.250, 6.000)   |  3.000 (1.250, 5.000)   |  4.000 (2.000, 5.000)   |  4.000 (2.000, 6.000)   |        |"

test_that("04/12/2017: Katherine King's cat.simplify vs tableby.control", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ trt + Sex, data = mdat, control = tableby.control(), cat.simplify = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | High (N=30) | Low (N=30) | Med (N=30) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|Treatment Arm | 16 (53.3%)  | 19 (63.3%) | 19 (63.3%) |  54 (60.0%)  |   0.659|",
      "|Sex           | 15 (50.0%)  | 13 (43.3%) | 16 (53.3%) |  44 (48.9%)  |   0.733|"

temp <- mockstudy[1:5,]
test_that("05/24/2017: Katherine King's count vs countpct", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data=temp, cat.stats="count", test = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |  A: IFL (N=2)   | F: FOLFOX (N=2) |  G: IROX (N=1)  |   Total (N=5)   |",
      "|sex          |                 |                 |                 |                 |",
      "|-  Male      |        0        |        1        |        0        |        1        |",
      "|-  Female    |        2        |        1        |        1        |        4        |",
      "|age          |                 |                 |                 |                 |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 62.000 (16.971) | 68.000 (1.414)  |   71.000 (NA)   | 66.200 (9.418)  |",
      "|-  Range     | 50.000 - 74.000 | 67.000 - 69.000 | 71.000 - 71.000 | 50.000 - 74.000 |"

df <- data.frame(x = c("a ", "a ", "b", "b ", "c", "c"), y = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##table(df$x, df$y)
test_that("05/24/2017: Missy Larson and Ethan Heinzen trailing spaces on char x variable", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ x, data = df, test = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     |  A (N=3)  |  B (N=3)  | Total (N=6) |",
      "|x    |           |           |             |",
      "|-  a | 2 (66.7%) | 0 (0.0%)  |  2 (33.3%)  |",
      "|-  b | 1 (33.3%) | 0 (0.0%)  |  1 (16.7%)  |",
      "|-  b | 0 (0.0%)  | 1 (33.3%) |  1 (16.7%)  |",
      "|-  c | 0 (0.0%)  | 2 (66.7%) |  2 (33.3%)  |"

test_that("08/02/2017: Chi-square warnings are suppressed", {
  expect_warning(tableby(arm ~ sex, data = mockstudy, subset = 1:5), NA)

test_that("08/26/2017: Richard Pendegraft and using formulize and tableby (#21)", {
  # tableby was having trouble identifying one-sided formulas when you use formulize
  expect_warning(tableby(formulize(x = 11, data = mdat), data = mdat, na.action = na.tableby(TRUE)), "It appears you're using na.tableby")

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ fe(Sex) + kwt(Age), data = mdat), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(formulize("Group", c("fe(Sex)", "kwt(Age)")), data = mdat), text = TRUE))

df <- data.frame(a = c("b", "b", "b", "a", "a"), d = NA_character_, e = c(1, 2, 2, 1, 2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
test_that("08/30/2017: Brendan Broderick and zero-length levels (#22)", {
  expect_error(tableby(a ~ d + e, data = df), "Zero-length levels")

test_that("09/13/2017: Peter Martin and rounding to integers (#23)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat,
                                  numeric.stats = c("meansd", "q1q3", "range"), digits = 0, digits.p = 3), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |       High (N=30)       |       Low (N=30)        |       Med (N=30)        |      Total (N=90)       | p value|",
      "|Sex          |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female    |       15 (50.0%)        |       17 (56.7%)        |       14 (46.7%)        |       46 (51.1%)        |        |",
      "|-  Male      |       15 (50.0%)        |       13 (43.3%)        |       16 (53.3%)        |       44 (48.9%)        |        |",
      "|time         |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.025|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |          5 (2)          |          3 (2)          |          4 (2)          |          4 (2)          |        |",
      "|-  Q1, Q3    |          3, 6           |          1, 5           |          2, 5           |          2, 6           |        |",
      "|-  Range     |          0 - 7          |          0 - 6          |          1 - 7          |          0 - 7          |        |",
      "|dt           |                         |                         |                         |                         |   0.391|",
      "|-  Median    |       1950-01-07        |       1951-06-13        |       1948-09-13        |       1949-10-07        |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 | 1937-02-08 - 1959-09-06 | 1939-04-01 - 1958-07-30 | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 |        |"
  expect_warning(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat, digits.p = -1))
  expect_warning(tableby(Group ~ Sex + time + dt, data = mdat, digits = -1))

dat <- data.frame(a = c("b", "b", "b", "a", "a", "a"), b = c("a", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
attr(dat$a, "stats") <- c("countpct", "Nmiss")
test_that("11/10/2017: trouble with 'stats' attribute (#39)", {
  expect_error(tableby(~ a + b, data = dat), NA)

colnames(dat) <- c("1y", "2x")
test_that("11/15/2017: Krista Goergen and non-syntactic names (#41)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(`1y` ~ `2x`, data = dat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     |  a (N=3)  |  b (N=3)  | Total (N=6) | p value|",
      "|2x   |           |           |             |   0.414|",
      "|-  a | 1 (33.3%) | 2 (66.7%) |  3 (50.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  b | 2 (66.7%) | 1 (33.3%) |  3 (50.0%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(`1y` ~ fe(`2x`), data = dat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     |  a (N=3)  |  b (N=3)  | Total (N=6) | p value|",
      "|2x   |           |           |             |   1.000|",
      "|-  a | 1 (33.3%) | 2 (66.7%) |  3 (50.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  b | 2 (66.7%) | 1 (33.3%) |  3 (50.0%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby( ~ `2x`, data = dat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     | Overall (N=6) |",
      "|2x   |               |",
      "|-  a |   3 (50.0%)   |",
      "|-  b |   3 (50.0%)   |"

test_that("7/27/2017: as.data.frame.tableby and dates (#10)", {
  expect_identical(as.data.frame(tableby(~ dt, data = mdat))$Overall[[3]][2], as.Date("1968-05-14"))

test_that("01/24/2018: count, countN, and countpct at the same time (#51, #201)", {
  dat <- data.frame(y = rep(c("C", "D"), times = 5), x = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ x, data = dat, cat.stats = c("count", "countN", "countpct")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     |  C (N=5)  |  D (N=5)  | Total (N=10) | p value|",
      "|x    |           |           |              |   0.527|",
      "|-  A |     3     |     2     |      5       |        |",
      "|-  B |     2     |     3     |      5       |        |",
      "|-  A |    3/5    |    2/5    |     5/10     |        |",
      "|-  B |    2/5    |    3/5    |     5/10     |        |",
      "|-  A | 3 (60.0%) | 2 (40.0%) |  5 (50.0%)   |        |",
      "|-  B | 2 (40.0%) | 3 (60.0%) |  5 (50.0%)   |        |"

test_that("01/30/2018: additional follow-up statistics (#32)", {
  skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "3.3.0")
  skip_if_not_installed("survival", "2.41-3")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat), data=mockstudy, times=1:5,
                                  surv.stats=c("medSurv", "Nevents", "NeventsSurv", "Nrisk", "NriskSurv", "medTime")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                              | Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|Surv(fu.time/365.25, fu.stat) |              |                |                |   0.975|",
      "|-  Median Survival            |    1.506     |     1.487      |     1.495      |        |",
      "|-  Events                     |     829      |      527       |      1356      |        |",
      "|-  time = 1                   |  286 (68.7)  |   202 (65.3)   |   488 (67.4)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 2                   |  597 (34.4)  |   391 (32.8)   |   988 (33.7)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 3                   |  748 (17.5)  |   481 (17.0)   |  1229 (17.3)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 4                   |  809 (9.4)   |   513 (10.9)   |  1322 (10.1)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 5                   |  825 (6.3)   |   525 (7.4)    |   1350 (6.8)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 1                   |     626      |      380       |      1006      |        |",
      "|-  time = 2                   |     309      |      190       |      499       |        |",
      "|-  time = 3                   |     152      |       95       |      247       |        |",
      "|-  time = 4                   |      57      |       51       |      108       |        |",
      "|-  time = 5                   |      24      |       18       |       42       |        |",
      "|-  time = 1                   |  626 (68.7)  |   380 (65.3)   |  1006 (67.4)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 2                   |  309 (34.4)  |   190 (32.8)   |   499 (33.7)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 3                   |  152 (17.5)  |   95 (17.0)    |   247 (17.3)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 4                   |   57 (9.4)   |   51 (10.9)    |   108 (10.1)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 5                   |   24 (6.3)   |    18 (7.4)    |    42 (6.8)    |        |",
      "|-  Median Follow-Up           |    4.665     |     4.413      |     4.561      |        |"

test_that("01/31/2018 and 6/4/18: row and cell percents (#9, #106)", {
  catstats <- c("Nmiss", "countpct", "countrowpct", "countcellpct", "binomCI", "rowbinomCI")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ Sex + ethan, data = mdat, cat.stats = catstats), text = TRUE)),
    c("|           |     High (N=30)      |      Low (N=30)      |      Med (N=30)      |     Total (N=90)     | p value|",
      "|Sex        |                      |                      |                      |                      |   0.733|",
      "|-  Female  |      15 (50.0%)      |      17 (56.7%)      |      14 (46.7%)      |      46 (51.1%)      |        |",
      "|-  Male    |      15 (50.0%)      |      13 (43.3%)      |      16 (53.3%)      |      44 (48.9%)      |        |",
      "|-  Female  |      15 (32.6%)      |      17 (37.0%)      |      14 (30.4%)      |     46 (100.0%)      |        |",
      "|-  Male    |      15 (34.1%)      |      13 (29.5%)      |      16 (36.4%)      |     44 (100.0%)      |        |",
      "|-  Female  |      15 (16.7%)      |      17 (18.9%)      |      14 (15.6%)      |      46 (51.1%)      |        |",
      "|-  Male    |      15 (16.7%)      |      13 (14.4%)      |      16 (17.8%)      |      44 (48.9%)      |        |",
      "|-  Female  | 0.500 (0.313, 0.687) | 0.567 (0.374, 0.745) | 0.467 (0.283, 0.657) | 0.511 (0.403, 0.618) |        |",
      "|-  Male    | 0.500 (0.313, 0.687) | 0.433 (0.255, 0.626) | 0.533 (0.343, 0.717) | 0.489 (0.382, 0.597) |        |",
      "|-  Female  | 0.326 (0.195, 0.480) | 0.370 (0.232, 0.525) | 0.304 (0.177, 0.458) | 1.000 (0.923, 1.000) |        |",
      "|-  Male    | 0.341 (0.205, 0.499) | 0.295 (0.168, 0.452) | 0.364 (0.224, 0.522) | 1.000 (0.920, 1.000) |        |",
      "|ethan      |                      |                      |                      |                      |   0.178|",
      "|-  N-Miss  |          3           |          0           |          0           |          3           |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   |      17 (63.0%)      |      13 (43.3%)      |      12 (40.0%)      |      42 (48.3%)      |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |      10 (37.0%)      |      17 (56.7%)      |      18 (60.0%)      |      45 (51.7%)      |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   |      17 (40.5%)      |      13 (31.0%)      |      12 (28.6%)      |     42 (100.0%)      |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |      10 (22.2%)      |      17 (37.8%)      |      18 (40.0%)      |     45 (100.0%)      |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   |      17 (19.5%)      |      13 (14.9%)      |      12 (13.8%)      |      42 (48.3%)      |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |      10 (11.5%)      |      17 (19.5%)      |      18 (20.7%)      |      45 (51.7%)      |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   | 0.630 (0.424, 0.806) | 0.433 (0.255, 0.626) | 0.400 (0.227, 0.594) | 0.483 (0.374, 0.592) |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen | 0.370 (0.194, 0.576) | 0.567 (0.374, 0.745) | 0.600 (0.406, 0.773) | 0.517 (0.408, 0.626) |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   | 0.405 (0.256, 0.567) | 0.310 (0.176, 0.471) | 0.286 (0.157, 0.446) | 1.000 (0.916, 1.000) |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen | 0.222 (0.112, 0.371) | 0.378 (0.238, 0.535) | 0.400 (0.257, 0.557) | 1.000 (0.921, 1.000) |        |"

test_that("01/31/2018: include NAs in percents (#57, #62)", {
  mdat2 <- mdat
  attr(mdat2$ethan, "label") <- "Ethan"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Sex ~ includeNA(ethan, label = "N-Miss") + includeNA(ethan, first = TRUE, label = "N-Miss"),
                                  data = mdat2, cat.stats = "countrowpct"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|           | Female (N=46) | Male (N=44) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|Ethan      |               |             |              |   0.229|",
      "|-  Ethan   |  18 (42.9%)   | 24 (57.1%)  | 42 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |  27 (60.0%)   | 18 (40.0%)  | 45 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss  |   1 (33.3%)   |  2 (66.7%)  |  3 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|Ethan      |               |             |              |   0.229|",
      "|-  N-Miss  |   1 (33.3%)   |  2 (66.7%)  |  3 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   |  18 (42.9%)   | 24 (57.1%)  | 42 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |  27 (60.0%)   | 18 (40.0%)  | 45 (100.0%)  |        |"

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Sex ~ includeNA(ethan, label = "N-Miss"), data = mdat2, cat.stats = "countpct"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|           | Female (N=46) | Male (N=44) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|Ethan      |               |             |              |   0.229|",
      "|-  Ethan   |  18 (39.1%)   | 24 (54.5%)  |  42 (46.7%)  |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen |  27 (58.7%)   | 18 (40.9%)  |  45 (50.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss  |   1 (2.2%)    |  2 (4.5%)   |   3 (3.3%)   |        |"

test_that("02/23/2018: wrapping long labels (#59)", {
  labs <- list(
    Group = "This is a really long label for the Group variable",
    time = "Another really long label. Can you believe how long this is",
    dt = "ThisLabelHasNoSpacesSoLetsSeeHowItBehaves"
    capture.kable(print(summary(tableby(Sex ~ Group + time + dt, data = set_labels(mdat, labs)), text = TRUE), width = 30)),
    c("|                               |      Female (N=46)      |       Male (N=44)       |      Total (N=90)       | p value|",
      "|This is a really long label    |                         |                         |                         |   0.733|",
      "|for the Group variable         |                         |                         |                         |        |",
      "|-  High                        |       15 (32.6%)        |       15 (34.1%)        |       30 (33.3%)        |        |",
      "|-  Low                         |       17 (37.0%)        |       13 (29.5%)        |       30 (33.3%)        |        |",
      "|-  Med                         |       14 (30.4%)        |       16 (36.4%)        |       30 (33.3%)        |        |",
      "|Another really long label.     |                         |                         |                         |   0.237|",
      "|Can you believe how long this  |                         |                         |                         |        |",
      "|is                             |                         |                         |                         |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)                   |      3.609 (1.926)      |      4.114 (2.093)      |      3.856 (2.014)      |        |",
      "|-  Range                       |      0.000 - 7.000      |      0.000 - 7.000      |      0.000 - 7.000      |        |",
      "|ThisLabelHasNoSpacesSoLetsSeeH |                         |                         |                         |   0.339|",
      "|owItBehaves                    |                         |                         |                         |        |",
      "|-  Median                      |       1948-12-07        |       1951-03-26        |       1949-10-07        |        |",
      "|-  Range                       | 1935-08-15 - 1959-09-06 | 1937-02-08 - 1968-05-14 | 1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14 |        |"

test_that("02/26/2018: all NA vars (#80, #81, #82, #83, #84)", {
  dat <- data.frame(y = factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B")), x = c(1, 2, 3, NA, NA))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ x, data = dat, numeric.test = "anova"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    A (N=3)    | B (N=2) |  Total (N=5)  | p value|",
      "|x            |               |         |               |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss    |       0       |    2    |       2       |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 2.000 (1.000) |   NA    | 2.000 (1.000) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 3.000 |   NA    | 1.000 - 3.000 |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ x, data = dat, numeric.test = "kwt"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    A (N=3)    | B (N=2) |  Total (N=5)  | p value|",
      "|x            |               |         |               |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss    |       0       |    2    |       2       |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 2.000 (1.000) |   NA    | 2.000 (1.000) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 3.000 |   NA    | 1.000 - 3.000 |        |"

  dat2 <- data.frame(Group = rep(1:2, each=5), A = rep(c(1, NA), each=5), B = rep(factor(c("A", NA)), each=5))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ A + B, data = dat2), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    1 (N=5)    | 2 (N=5) | Total (N=10)  | p value|",
      "|A            |               |         |               |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss    |       0       |    5    |       5       |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 1.000 (0.000) |   NA    | 1.000 (0.000) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 1.000 |   NA    | 1.000 - 1.000 |        |",
      "|B            |               |         |               |   0.025|",
      "|-  N-Miss    |       0       |    5    |       5       |        |",
      "|-  A         |  5 (100.0%)   |    0    |  5 (100.0%)   |        |"

  skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "3.3.0")
  skip_if_not_installed("survival", "2.41-3")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ Surv(x), data=dat, times = 1:2,
                                  surv.stats=c("medSurv", "Nevents", "NeventsSurv", "Nrisk", "NriskSurv", "medTime")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                    | A (N=3)  | B (N=2) | Total (N=5) | p value|",
      "|Surv(x)             |          |         |             |        |",
      "|-  Median Survival  |  2.000   |   NA    |    2.000    |        |",
      "|-  Events           |    3     |   NA    |      3      |        |",
      "|-  time = 1         | 1 (66.7) |   NA    |  1 (66.7)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 2         | 2 (33.3) |   NA    |  2 (33.3)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 1         |    3     |   NA    |      3      |        |",
      "|-  time = 2         |    2     |   NA    |      2      |        |",
      "|-  time = 1         | 3 (66.7) |   NA    |  3 (66.7)   |        |",
      "|-  time = 2         | 2 (33.3) |   NA    |  2 (33.3)   |        |",
      "|-  Median Follow-Up |    NA    |   NA    |     NA      |        |"

test_that("03/07/2018 and 07/17/2019: quantiles for dates and IQR and mad (#86)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Sex ~ dt + ht_in + Age, data = mdat,
                                  numeric.stats = c("q1q3", "iqr", "medianmad"), date.stats = c("q1q3", "iqr", "medianmad")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                 |       Female (N=46)        |        Male (N=44)         |        Total (N=90)        | p value|",
      "|dt               |                            |                            |                            |   0.339|",
      "|-  Q1, Q3        |   1946-04-26, 1953-11-07   |   1946-11-27, 1954-06-13   |   1946-06-13, 1954-04-26   |        |",
      "|-  IQR           |       2751.250 days        |       2755.500 days        |       2873.250 days        |        |",
      "|-  Median (MAD)  | 1948-12-07 (1574.000 days) | 1951-03-26 (1420.500 days) | 1949-10-07 (1601.500 days) |        |",
      "|Height in Inches |                            |                            |                            |   0.786|",
      "|-  Q1, Q3        |       61.250, 68.000       |       62.000, 68.000       |       62.000, 68.000       |        |",
      "|-  IQR           |           6.750            |           6.000            |           6.000            |        |",
      "|-  Median (MAD)  |       65.000 (3.000)       |       64.000 (3.000)       |       64.000 (4.000)       |        |",
      "|Age in Years     |                            |                            |                            |   0.818|",
      "|-  Q1, Q3        |       36.000, 44.000       |       37.000, 41.250       |       36.000, 43.000       |        |",
      "|-  IQR           |           8.000            |           4.250            |           7.000            |        |",
      "|-  Median (MAD)  |       39.000 (4.000)       |       39.500 (2.500)       |       39.000 (3.000)       |        |"

test_that("06/19/2018: term.name (#109)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Group ~ ethan, data = mdat), text = TRUE, term.name = "Term")),
    c("|Term       | High (N=30) | Low (N=30) | Med (N=30) | Total (N=90) | p value|",
      "|ethan      |             |            |            |              |   0.178|",
      "|-  N-Miss  |      3      |     0      |     0      |      3       |        |",
      "|-  Ethan   | 17 (63.0%)  | 13 (43.3%) | 12 (40.0%) |  42 (48.3%)  |        |",
      "|-  Heinzen | 10 (37.0%)  | 17 (56.7%) | 18 (60.0%) |  45 (51.7%)  |        |"

mockstudy$grp <- c(rep("Group1", 749), rep("Group2",749), "")
test_that("08/23/2018: empty string in by-variable (#121)", expect_warning(summary(tableby(grp ~ race, data=mockstudy)), "Empty"))

test_that("08/24/2018: latex (#123, #258)", {
    capture.output(summary(tableby(Group ~ ethan, data = mdat), text = "latex")),
    c(""                                                                     ,
      "\\begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c|c|r}"                                        ,
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      " & High (N=30) & Low (N=30) & Med (N=30) & Total (N=90) & p value\\\\",
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      "\\textbf{ethan} &  &  &  &  & 0.178\\\\"                              ,
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      "~~~N-Miss & 3 & 0 & 0 & 3 & \\\\"                                     ,
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      "~~~Ethan & 17 (63.0\\%) & 13 (43.3\\%) & 12 (40.0\\%) & 42 (48.3\\%) & \\\\"  ,
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      "~~~Heinzen & 10 (37.0\\%) & 17 (56.7\\%) & 18 (60.0\\%) & 45 (51.7\\%) & \\\\",
      "\\hline"                                                              ,
      "\\end{tabular}"                                                       ,

test_that("09/07/2018: using countpct with numerics (#137)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ chisq(x, "countpct"), data = data.frame(y = c("A", "B", "C"), x = c(1, 2, 3))), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     |  A (N=1)   |  B (N=1)   |  C (N=1)   | Total (N=3) | p value|",
      "|x    |            |            |            |             |   0.199|",
      "|-  1 | 1 (100.0%) |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  1 (33.3%)  |        |",
      "|-  2 |  0 (0.0%)  | 1 (100.0%) |  0 (0.0%)  |  1 (33.3%)  |        |",
      "|-  3 |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  | 1 (100.0%) |  1 (33.3%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ anova(ps, "count", "meansd"), data = mockstudy), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             | Male (N=916)  | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|ps           |               |                |                |   0.345|",
      "|-  0         |      391      |      244       |      635       |        |",
      "|-  1         |      329      |      202       |      531       |        |",
      "|-  2         |      34       |       33       |       67       |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 0.527 (0.583) | 0.559 (0.621)  | 0.539 (0.598)  |        |"

test_that("09/07/2018: specifying different digits (#107) and cat.simplify (#134) and numeric.simplify (#139)", {
  tmp.mockstudy <- mockstudy
  tmp.mockstudy$date <- as.Date("2019-03-01") + c(rep(1, times = 750), rep(2, times = 749))
  tmp.mockstudy$date2 <- tmp.mockstudy$date
  tmp.mockstudy$ord <- ordered(c(rep("A", times = 749), rep("B", times = 750)))
  tmp.mockstudy$ord2 <- tmp.mockstudy$ord
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ I(age/10) + chisq(sex, digits.count=1, digits.pct=0, cat.simplify=TRUE) + race +
                                    anova(ast, digits=0, digits.count=1) + kwt(fu.time, "medianq1q3", digits=0) +
                                    kwt(date, date.simplify=TRUE) + notest(ord, ordered.simplify=TRUE) + date2 + notest(ord2),
                                  numeric.simplify=TRUE, date.stats = "median", data = tmp.mockstudy), text=TRUE)),
    c("|                    | A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|Age in Years        |                |                   |                 |                |   0.614|",
      "|-  Mean (SD)        | 5.967 (1.136)  |   6.030 (1.163)   |  5.976 (1.150)  | 5.999 (1.152)  |        |",
      "|-  Range            | 2.700 - 8.800  |   1.900 - 8.800   |  2.600 - 8.500  | 1.900 - 8.800  |        |",
      "|sex                 |  151.0 (35%)   |    280.0 (41%)    |   152.0 (40%)   |  583.0 (39%)   |   0.190|",
      "|Race                |                |                   |                 |                |   0.367|",
      "|-  N-Miss           |       0        |         6         |        1        |       7        |        |",
      "|-  African-Am       |   39 (9.1%)    |     49 (7.2%)     |    27 (7.1%)    |   115 (7.7%)   |        |",
      "|-  Asian            |    1 (0.2%)    |     14 (2.0%)     |    3 (0.8%)     |   18 (1.2%)    |        |",
      "|-  Caucasian        |  371 (86.7%)   |    586 (85.5%)    |   331 (87.3%)   |  1288 (86.3%)  |        |",
      "|-  Hawaii/Pacific   |    1 (0.2%)    |     3 (0.4%)      |    1 (0.3%)     |    5 (0.3%)    |        |",
      "|-  Hispanic         |   12 (2.8%)    |     28 (4.1%)     |    14 (3.7%)    |   54 (3.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  Native-Am/Alaska |    2 (0.5%)    |     1 (0.1%)      |    2 (0.5%)     |    5 (0.3%)    |        |",
      "|-  Other            |    2 (0.5%)    |     4 (0.6%)      |    1 (0.3%)     |    7 (0.5%)    |        |",
      "|ast                 |                |                   |                 |                |   0.507|",
      "|-  N-Miss           |      69.0      |       141.0       |      56.0       |     266.0      |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)        |    37 (28)     |      35 (27)      |     36 (26)     |    36 (27)     |        |",
      "|-  Range            |    10 - 205    |      7 - 174      |     5 - 176     |    5 - 205     |        |",
      "|fu.time             | 446 (256, 724) |  601 (345, 1046)  | 516 (306, 807)  | 542 (310, 878) | < 0.001|",
      "|date                |   2019-03-02   |    2019-03-03     |   2019-03-02    |   2019-03-02   | < 0.001|",
      "|ord                 |  170 (39.7%)   |    439 (63.5%)    |   141 (37.1%)   |  750 (50.0%)   |        |",
      "|date2               |                |                   |                 |                | < 0.001|",
      "|-  Median           |   2019-03-02   |    2019-03-03     |   2019-03-02    |   2019-03-02   |        |",
      "|ord2                |                |                   |                 |                |        |",
      "|-  A                |  258 (60.3%)   |    252 (36.5%)    |   239 (62.9%)   |  749 (50.0%)   |        |",
      "|-  B                |  170 (39.7%)   |    439 (63.5%)    |   141 (37.1%)   |  750 (50.0%)   |        |"

test_that("09/19/2018: specifying different stats for character and logical variables (#142)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ chisq(race, "countpct") + chisq(I(sex == "Male"), "count"), data = mockstudy), text = TRUE)),
    c('|                    | A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value|',
      '|Race                |                |                   |                 |                |   0.367|',
      '|-  African-Am       |   39 (9.1%)    |     49 (7.2%)     |    27 (7.1%)    |   115 (7.7%)   |        |',
      '|-  Asian            |    1 (0.2%)    |     14 (2.0%)     |    3 (0.8%)     |   18 (1.2%)    |        |',
      '|-  Caucasian        |  371 (86.7%)   |    586 (85.5%)    |   331 (87.3%)   |  1288 (86.3%)  |        |',
      '|-  Hawaii/Pacific   |    1 (0.2%)    |     3 (0.4%)      |    1 (0.3%)     |    5 (0.3%)    |        |',
      '|-  Hispanic         |   12 (2.8%)    |     28 (4.1%)     |    14 (3.7%)    |   54 (3.6%)    |        |',
      '|-  Native-Am/Alaska |    2 (0.5%)    |     1 (0.1%)      |    2 (0.5%)     |    5 (0.3%)    |        |',
      '|-  Other            |    2 (0.5%)    |     4 (0.6%)      |    1 (0.3%)     |    7 (0.5%)    |        |',
      '|I(sex == "Male")    |                |                   |                 |                |   0.190|',
      '|-  FALSE            |      151       |        280        |       152       |      583       |        |',
      '|-  TRUE             |      277       |        411        |       228       |      916       |        |'

test_that("10/19/2018: padjust works on tableby objects (#146)", {
  tab <- tableby(sex ~ age + arm + race + ps + alk.phos, data = mockstudy)
    capture.kable(summary(padjust(tab, method = "bonfer"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                    |   Male (N=916)    |  Female (N=583)   |  Total (N=1499)   | p value|",
      "|Age in Years        |                   |                   |                   |   0.238|",
      "|-  Mean (SD)        |  60.455 (11.369)  |  59.247 (11.722)  |  59.985 (11.519)  |        |",
      "|-  Range            |  19.000 - 88.000  |  22.000 - 88.000  |  19.000 - 88.000  |        |",
      "|Treatment Arm       |                   |                   |                   |   0.952|",
      "|-  A: IFL           |    277 (30.2%)    |    151 (25.9%)    |    428 (28.6%)    |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX        |    411 (44.9%)    |    280 (48.0%)    |    691 (46.1%)    |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX          |    228 (24.9%)    |    152 (26.1%)    |    380 (25.4%)    |        |",
      "|Race                |                   |                   |                   |   1.000|",
      "|-  N-Miss           |         6         |         1         |         7         |        |",
      "|-  African-Am       |     65 (7.1%)     |     50 (8.6%)     |    115 (7.7%)     |        |",
      "|-  Asian            |     11 (1.2%)     |     7 (1.2%)      |     18 (1.2%)     |        |",
      "|-  Caucasian        |    787 (86.5%)    |    501 (86.1%)    |   1288 (86.3%)    |        |",
      "|-  Hawaii/Pacific   |     2 (0.2%)      |     3 (0.5%)      |     5 (0.3%)      |        |",
      "|-  Hispanic         |     37 (4.1%)     |     17 (2.9%)     |     54 (3.6%)     |        |",
      "|-  Native-Am/Alaska |     3 (0.3%)      |     2 (0.3%)      |     5 (0.3%)      |        |",
      "|-  Other            |     5 (0.5%)      |     2 (0.3%)      |     7 (0.5%)      |        |",
      "|ps                  |                   |                   |                   |   1.000|",
      "|-  N-Miss           |        162        |        104        |        266        |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)        |   0.527 (0.583)   |   0.559 (0.621)   |   0.539 (0.598)   |        |",
      "|-  Range            |   0.000 - 2.000   |   0.000 - 2.000   |   0.000 - 2.000   |        |",
      "|alk.phos            |                   |                   |                   |   1.000|",
      "|-  N-Miss           |        162        |        104        |        266        |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)        | 167.893 (130.754) | 170.664 (124.965) | 168.969 (128.492) |        |",
      "|-  Range            | 10.000 - 1014.000 |  7.000 - 771.000  | 7.000 - 1014.000  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(padjust(tab, "bonfer"), pfootnote = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(padjust(summary(tab, pfootnote = TRUE), "bonfer"))

test_that("02/26/2019: digits and stats are maintained when subsetting (#182, #183)", {
  mck <- mockstudy
  attr(mck$arm, "name") <- "armm"
  tmp <- tableby(sex ~ kwt(age, digits = 1, "meansd") + chisq(arm, "count", digits.count = 1), data = mck, subset = age < 65)
    c("|                            | Male (N=552) | Female (N=375) | Total (N=927) | p value|",
      "|**Age in Years**            |              |                |               |   0.143|",
      "|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mean (SD) |  53.3 (8.4)  |   52.5 (8.6)   |  53.0 (8.5)   |        |",
      "|**Treatment Arm**           |              |                |               |   0.404|",
      "|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: IFL    |    169.0     |     100.0      |     269.0     |        |",
      "|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F: FOLFOX |    246.0     |     173.0      |     419.0     |        |",
      "|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;G: IROX   |    137.0     |     102.0      |     239.0     |        |"

test_that("03/27/2019: cat.simplify and numeric.simplify work right, even with custom stats (#199, #200, #203)", {
  dat <- data.frame(x = c("A", "A"))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ x, data = dat, numeric.simplify = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|     | Overall (N=2) |",
      "|x    |               |",
      "|-  A |  2 (100.0%)   |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ x, data = dat, cat.simplify = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|   | Overall (N=2) |",
      "|x  |  2 (100.0%)   |"
  # mystat <- countpct
  # expect_identical(
  #   capture.kable(summary(tableby(~ x, data = dat, cat.simplify = TRUE, cat.stats = "mystat"), text = TRUE)),
  #   c("|   | Overall (N=2) |",
  #     "|:--|:-------------:|",
  #     "|x  |  2 (100.0%)   |"
  #   )
  # )

test_that("04/12/2019: Missing Surv()[,2] (#208)", {
  skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "3.3.0")
  skip_if_not_installed("survival", "2.41-3")
  dat <- data.frame(by = c(1, 1, 2), time = c(1, 2, 2), event = c(0, NA, 1))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(by ~ Surv(time, event), data = dat), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                   | 1 (N=2) | 2 (N=1) | Total (N=3) | p value|",
      "|Surv(time, event)  |         |         |             |   1.000|",
      "|-  N-Miss          |    1    |    0    |      1      |        |",
      "|-  Events          |    0    |    1    |      1      |        |",
      "|-  Median Survival |   NA    |  2.000  |    2.000    |        |"

test_that("06/12/2019: labelTranslations for non-default stat tests (#220, #222)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age + kwt(fu.time), data = mockstudy), labelTranslations = list(fu.time = "FU time"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   Male (N=916)    |  Female (N=583)   |  Total (N=1499)   | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                   |                   |                   |   0.048|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |  60.455 (11.369)  |  59.247 (11.722)  |  59.985 (11.519)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     |  19.000 - 88.000  |  22.000 - 88.000  |  19.000 - 88.000  |        |",
      "|FU time      |                   |                   |                   |   0.679|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 649.345 (454.332) | 648.674 (475.472) | 649.084 (462.511) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 0.000 - 2472.000  | 9.000 - 2441.000  | 0.000 - 2472.000  |        |"

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age + kwt(fu.time), data = mockstudy), labelTranslations = list(fu.time = "FU time"), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age + kwt(fu.time), data = mockstudy), labelTranslations = list(`kwt(fu.time)` = "FU time"), text = TRUE))

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ kwt(fu.time), data = set_labels(mockstudy, list(fu.time = "FU time"))), labelTranslations = list(NULL))),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ kwt(fu.time), data = mockstudy)))

test_that("06/24/2019: fe() and chisq() works with only one level (#227)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ fe(arm), data = mockstudy, subset = arm == "F: FOLFOX"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | Male (N=411) | Female (N=280) | Total (N=691) | p value|",
      "|Treatment Arm |              |                |               |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  | 411 (100.0%) |  280 (100.0%)  | 691 (100.0%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ chisq(arm), data = mockstudy, subset = arm == "F: FOLFOX"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | Male (N=411) | Female (N=280) | Total (N=691) | p value|",
      "|Treatment Arm |              |                |               | < 0.001|",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  | 411 (100.0%) |  280 (100.0%)  | 691 (100.0%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ ordered(arm), data = mockstudy, subset = arm == "F: FOLFOX"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             | Male (N=411) | Female (N=280) | Total (N=691) | p value|",
      "|ordered(arm) |              |                |               |        |",
      "|-  A: IFL    |   0 (0.0%)   |    0 (0.0%)    |   0 (0.0%)    |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX | 411 (100.0%) |  280 (100.0%)  | 691 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX   |   0 (0.0%)   |    0 (0.0%)    |   0 (0.0%)    |        |"

test_that("07/16/2019: n's in tableby header work with weights (#229, #257)", {
  d <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = rep(c("A", "B"), 5), w = 1:10)
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(b ~ a, weights = w, data = d), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   A (N=25)    |    B (N=30)    |  Total (N=55)  |",
      "|a            |               |                |                |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 6.600 (2.719) | 7.333 (2.870)  | 7.000 (2.622)  |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 9.000 | 2.000 - 10.000 | 1.000 - 10.000 |"
  d$w <- d$w + 0.111
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(b ~ a, weights = w, data = d, digits.n = 2), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |  A (N=25.55)  |  B (N=30.55)   | Total (N=56.11) |",
      "|a            |               |                |                 |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 6.565 (2.741) | 7.309 (2.881)  |  6.970 (2.640)  |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 9.000 | 2.000 - 10.000 | 1.000 - 10.000  |"

test_that("07/17/2019: fix bug with confidence limits (#234)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ arm, data = mockstudy, cat.stats = "binomCI",
                                  control = tableby.control(conf.level = 0.9)), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              |     Male (N=916)     |    Female (N=583)    |    Total (N=1499)    | p value|",
      "|Treatment Arm |                      |                      |                      |   0.190|",
      "|-  A: IFL     | 0.302 (0.277, 0.328) | 0.259 (0.229, 0.291) | 0.286 (0.266, 0.305) |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  | 0.449 (0.421, 0.476) | 0.480 (0.446, 0.515) | 0.461 (0.440, 0.483) |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX    | 0.249 (0.225, 0.274) | 0.261 (0.231, 0.292) | 0.254 (0.235, 0.273) |        |"

test_that("07/17/2019: run stat test even if one group has 0 observations (#233, #250)", {
  dd <- data.frame(group=factor(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 20)), x1=1:60, x2 = rep(c("D", "E", "F"), each = 20))
  dd$x1[dd$group == "C"] <- NA
  dd$x2[dd$group == "C"] <- NA
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x1, data = dd), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    A (N=20)     |    B (N=20)     | C (N=20) |  Total (N=60)   | p value|",
      "|x1           |                 |                 |          |                 |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss    |        0        |        0        |    20    |       20        |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 29.500 (17.748) | 30.500 (17.748) |    NA    | 30.000 (17.527) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 58.000  | 2.000 - 59.000  |    NA    | 1.000 - 59.000  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x1, data = dd, test.always = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    A (N=20)     |    B (N=20)     | C (N=20) |  Total (N=60)   | p value|",
      "|x1           |                 |                 |          |                 |   0.860|",
      "|-  N-Miss    |        0        |        0        |    20    |       20        |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 29.500 (17.748) | 30.500 (17.748) |    NA    | 30.000 (17.527) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 58.000  | 2.000 - 59.000  |    NA    | 1.000 - 59.000  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x2, data = dd), text = TRUE)),
    c("|          | A (N=20)  | B (N=20)  | C (N=20) | Total (N=60) | p value|",
      "|x2        |           |           |          |              |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss |     0     |     0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  D      | 7 (35.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  14 (35.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  E      | 7 (35.0%) | 6 (30.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |",
      "|-  F      | 6 (30.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x2, data = dd, test.always = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|          | A (N=20)  | B (N=20)  | C (N=20) | Total (N=60) | p value|",
      "|x2        |           |           |          |              |   0.926|",
      "|-  N-Miss |     0     |     0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  D      | 7 (35.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  14 (35.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  E      | 7 (35.0%) | 6 (30.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |",
      "|-  F      | 6 (30.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x2, data = dd), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ fe(x2), data = dd), text = TRUE))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ fe(x2), data = dd, test.always = TRUE, subset = group != "A" | x2 != "F"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|          | A (N=14)  | B (N=20)  | C (N=20) | Total (N=54) | p value|",
      "|x2        |           |           |          |              |   0.055|",
      "|-  N-Miss |     0     |     0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  D      | 7 (50.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  14 (41.2%)  |        |",
      "|-  E      | 7 (50.0%) | 6 (30.0%) |    0     |  13 (38.2%)  |        |",
      "|-  F      | 0 (0.0%)  | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  7 (20.6%)   |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ x2, data = dd), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ ordered(x2), data = dd), labelTranslations = list("ordered(x2)" = "x2"), text = TRUE))
  skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "3.3.0")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ ordered(x2), data = dd, test.always = TRUE), labelTranslations = list("ordered(x2)" = "x2"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|          | A (N=20)  | B (N=20)  | C (N=20) | Total (N=60) | p value|",
      "|x2        |           |           |          |              |   0.849|",
      "|-  N-Miss |     0     |     0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  D      | 7 (35.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  14 (35.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  E      | 7 (35.0%) | 6 (30.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |",
      "|-  F      | 6 (30.0%) | 7 (35.0%) |    0     |  13 (32.5%)  |        |"

  skip_if_not_installed("survival", "2.41-3")
  dd$surv <- Surv(1:60)
  dd$surv[dd$group == "C"] <- NA
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ surv, data = dd), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                   | A (N=20) | B (N=20) | C (N=20) | Total (N=60) | p value|",
      "|surv               |          |          |          |              |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss          |    0     |    0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  Events          |    20    |    20    |    NA    |      40      |        |",
      "|-  Median Survival |  29.500  |  30.500  |    NA    |    30.000    |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(group ~ surv, data = dd, test.always = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                   | A (N=20) | B (N=20) | C (N=20) | Total (N=60) | p value|",
      "|surv               |          |          |          |              |   0.690|",
      "|-  N-Miss          |    0     |    0     |    20    |      20      |        |",
      "|-  Events          |    20    |    20    |    NA    |      40      |        |",
      "|-  Median Survival |  29.500  |  30.500  |    NA    |    30.000    |        |"

test_that("07/30/2019: modpval.tableby and factors (#239)", {
  tab1 <- tableby(arm ~ sex + age + race, total = FALSE, test = FALSE, data = mockstudy)
  mypval <- data.frame(
    byvar = factor("arm"),
    variable = factor(c("sex", "age", "race")),
    adj.pvalue = 1:3
  tab2 <- modpval.tableby(tab1, mypval, use.pname = TRUE)
  expect_equal(tests(tab2)$adj.pvalue, mypval$adj.pvalue)

test_that("07/30/2019: summary.tableby and pre-formatted p-values (#249)", {
  tab1 <- tableby(arm ~ sex + age, total = FALSE, test = FALSE, data = mockstudy)
  mypval <- data.frame(byvar = "arm", variable = "sex", adj.pvalue = "0.0001", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  tab2 <- modpval.tableby(tab1, mypval, use.pname = TRUE)
    capture.kable(summary(tab2, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             | A: IFL (N=428)  | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | adj.pvalue|",
      "|sex          |                 |                   |                 |     0.0001|",
      "|-  Male      |   277 (64.7%)   |    411 (59.5%)    |   228 (60.0%)   |           |",
      "|-  Female    |   151 (35.3%)   |    280 (40.5%)    |   152 (40.0%)   |           |",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                   |                 |           |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) |  60.301 (11.632)  | 59.763 (11.499) |           |",
      "|-  Range     | 27.000 - 88.000 |  19.000 - 88.000  | 26.000 - 85.000 |           |"

test_that("10/09/2019: change title for overall and total (#253, #261, #272)", {
  tab1 <- tableby(~ sex + age, data = mockstudy, stats.labels = list(overall = "Total"))
  tab2 <- tableby(~ sex + age, data = mockstudy, stats.labels = list(overall = "Hello"))
    capture.kable(summary(tab1, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             | Total (N=1499)  |",
      "|sex          |                 |",
      "|-  Male      |   916 (61.1%)   |",
      "|-  Female    |   583 (38.9%)   |",
      "|Age in Years |                 |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 59.985 (11.519) |",
      "|-  Range     | 19.000 - 88.000 |"
    capture.kable(summary(tab1, text = TRUE)),
    sub("Hello", "Total", capture.kable(summary(tab2, text = TRUE)))

  d <- data.frame(
    x = 10:1,
    by = factor(rep(c("b", "Total"), each = 5), levels = c("b", "Total"))
  tab <- tableby(by ~ x, data = d, stats.labels = list(total = "Total 2"))
    capture.kable(summary(tab, text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    b (N=5)     |  Total (N=5)  | Total 2 (N=10) | p value|",
      "|x            |                |               |                |   0.001|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 8.000 (1.581)  | 3.000 (1.581) | 5.500 (3.028)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 6.000 - 10.000 | 1.000 - 5.000 | 1.000 - 10.000 |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tab, text = TRUE, total = FALSE)),
    c("|             |    b (N=5)     |  Total (N=5)  | p value|",
      "|x            |                |               |   0.001|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 8.000 (1.581)  | 3.000 (1.581) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 6.000 - 10.000 | 1.000 - 5.000 |        |"

  tab3 <- tableby(sex ~ age + arm, data = mockstudy, stats.labels = list(total = "Overa"), cat.stats = c("countpct", "countrowpct", "rowbinomCI"))
  tab4 <- tableby(sex ~ age + arm, data = mockstudy, stats.labels = list(total = "Hello"), cat.stats = c("countpct", "countrowpct", "rowbinomCI"))
  tab5 <- tableby(sex ~ age + arm, data = mockstudy, stats.labels = list(total = "Total"), cat.stats = c("countpct", "countrowpct", "rowbinomCI"))
    capture.kable(summary(tab5, text = TRUE)),
    c("|              |     Male (N=916)     |    Female (N=583)    |    Total (N=1499)    | p value|",
      "|Age in Years  |                      |                      |                      |   0.048|",
      "|-  Mean (SD)  |   60.455 (11.369)    |   59.247 (11.722)    |   59.985 (11.519)    |        |",
      "|-  Range      |   19.000 - 88.000    |   22.000 - 88.000    |   19.000 - 88.000    |        |",
      "|Treatment Arm |                      |                      |                      |   0.190|",
      "|-  A: IFL     |     277 (30.2%)      |     151 (25.9%)      |     428 (28.6%)      |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  |     411 (44.9%)      |     280 (48.0%)      |     691 (46.1%)      |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX    |     228 (24.9%)      |     152 (26.1%)      |     380 (25.4%)      |        |",
      "|-  A: IFL     |     277 (64.7%)      |     151 (35.3%)      |     428 (100.0%)     |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  |     411 (59.5%)      |     280 (40.5%)      |     691 (100.0%)     |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX    |     228 (60.0%)      |     152 (40.0%)      |     380 (100.0%)     |        |",
      "|-  A: IFL     | 0.647 (0.600, 0.692) | 0.353 (0.308, 0.400) | 1.000 (0.991, 1.000) |        |",
      "|-  F: FOLFOX  | 0.595 (0.557, 0.632) | 0.405 (0.368, 0.443) | 1.000 (0.995, 1.000) |        |",
      "|-  G: IROX    | 0.600 (0.549, 0.650) | 0.400 (0.350, 0.451) | 1.000 (0.990, 1.000) |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tab3, text = TRUE)),
    sub("Total", "Overa", capture.kable(summary(tab5, text = TRUE)))
    capture.kable(summary(tab4, text = TRUE)),
    sub("Total", "Hello", capture.kable(summary(tab5, text = TRUE)))

test_that("11/05/2019: remove N's in title (#256)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy, digits.n = NA), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |      Male       |     Female      |      Total      | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |   0.048|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy, digits.n = NA), text = TRUE))[-1],
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy), text = TRUE))[-1]

test_that("11/12/2019: base summary stats work (#259, #281); meanse (#315)", {
  allstats <- c("min", "max", "range", "mean", "sd", "meansd", "meanse", "meanCI", "var", "median", "medianrange", "sum")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Sex ~ Age, data = mdat, numeric.stats = allstats), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                  |      Female (N=46)      |       Male (N=44)       |      Total (N=90)       | p value|",
      "|Age in Years      |                         |                         |                         |   0.818|",
      "|-  Min            |         30.000          |         29.000          |         29.000          |        |",
      "|-  Max            |         49.000          |         53.000          |         53.000          |        |",
      "|-  Range          |     30.000 - 49.000     |     29.000 - 53.000     |     29.000 - 53.000     |        |",
      "|-  Mean           |         39.826          |         39.568          |         39.700          |        |",
      "|-  SD             |          5.259          |          5.315          |          5.258          |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)      |     39.826 (5.259)      |     39.568 (5.315)      |     39.700 (5.258)      |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SE)      |     39.826 (0.775)      |     39.568 (0.801)      |     39.700 (0.554)      |        |",
      "|-  Mean (CI)      | 39.826 (38.264, 41.388) | 39.568 (37.952, 41.184) | 39.700 (38.599, 40.801) |        |",
      "|-  Var            |         27.658          |         28.251          |         27.651          |        |",
      "|-  Median         |         39.000          |         39.500          |         39.000          |        |",
      "|-  Median (Range) | 39.000 (30.000, 49.000) | 39.500 (29.000, 53.000) | 39.000 (29.000, 53.000) |        |",
      "|-  Sum            |        1832.000         |        1741.000         |        3573.000         |        |"

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(Sex ~ dt, data = mdat, date.stats = setdiff(allstats, "sum")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                  |            Female (N=46)            |             Male (N=44)             |            Total (N=90)             | p value|",
      "|dt                |                                     |                                     |                                     |   0.339|",
      "|-  Min            |             1935-08-15              |             1937-02-08              |             1935-08-15              |        |",
      "|-  Max            |             1959-09-06              |             1968-05-14              |             1968-05-14              |        |",
      "|-  Range          |       1935-08-15 - 1959-09-06       |       1937-02-08 - 1968-05-14       |       1935-08-15 - 1968-05-14       |        |",
      "|-  Mean           |             1949-06-11              |             1950-07-14              |             1949-12-23              |        |",
      "|-  SD             |            1981.348 days            |            2227.654 days            |            2103.010 days            |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SD)      |     1949-06-11 (1981.348 days)      |     1950-07-14 (2227.654 days)      |     1949-12-23 (2103.010 days)      |        |",
      "|-  Mean (SE)      |      1949-06-11 (292.134 days)      |      1950-07-14 (335.832 days)      |      1949-12-23 (221.677 days)      |        |",
      "|-  Mean (CI)      | 1949-06-11 (1947-10-31, 1951-01-20) | 1950-07-14 (1948-09-05, 1952-05-22) | 1949-12-23 (1948-10-08, 1951-03-08) |        |",
      "|-  Var            |             3925741.628             |             4962443.482             |             4422652.929             |        |",
      "|-  Median         |             1948-12-07              |             1951-03-26              |             1949-10-07              |        |",
      "|-  Median (Range) | 1948-12-07 (1935-08-15, 1959-09-06) | 1951-03-26 (1937-02-08, 1968-05-14) | 1949-10-07 (1935-08-15, 1968-05-14) |        |"

test_that("11/13/2019: geometric summaries (#260)", {
  allstats <- c("gmean", "gsd", "gmeansd", "gmeanCI")
  blah <- data.frame(
    a = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 5),
    b = c(0:4, 1:5, -1, 1:4),
    d = Sys.Date() + c(-1, 1:14),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(a ~ b + d, data = blah, numeric.stats = allstats, date.stats = allstats), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                       |  A (N=5)   |       B (N=5)        | C (N=5) | Total (N=15) | p value|",
      "|b                      |            |                      |         |              |   0.510|",
      "|-  Geom Mean           |   0.000    |        2.605         |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom SD             |     NA     |        1.765         |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom Mean (Geom SD) | 0.000 (NA) |    2.605 (1.765)     |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom Mean (CI)      | 0.000 (NA) | 2.605 (1.286, 5.277) |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|d                      |            |                      |         |              |   0.002|",
      "|-  Geom Mean           |     NA     |          NA          |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom SD             |     NA     |          NA          |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom Mean (Geom SD) |     NA     |          NA          |   NA    |      NA      |        |",
      "|-  Geom Mean (CI)      |     NA     |          NA          |   NA    |      NA      |        |"

test_that("12/20/2019: Npct (#263)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ arm + ps, data = mockstudy, cat.stats = "Npct", numeric.stats = c("Npct", "Nmiss")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|              | Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|Treatment Arm |              |                |                |   0.190|",
      "|-  N (Pct)    | 916 (61.1%)  |  583 (38.9%)   | 1499 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|ps            |              |                |                |   0.345|",
      "|-  N (Pct)    | 754 (61.2%)  |  479 (38.8%)   | 1233 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss     |     162      |      104       |      266       |        |"

test_that("12/27/2019: informative error when no stats are computed (#273)", {
  expect_error(summary(tableby(~ sex, data = mockstudy, cat.stats = "Nmiss")), "Nothing to show for variable")

test_that("02/28/2020: as.tbstat and as.countpct are better described (#283)", {
  trim510bracket <- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
    tmp <- c(mean(x, trim = 0.05, ...), mean(x, trim = 0.1, ...))
    as.tbstat(tmp, sep = " ", parens = c("[", "]"))
  trim10pct <- function(x, weights=rep(1,length(x)), ...){
    tmp <- mean(x, trim = 0.05, ...)
    as.countpct(c(tmp, 10), sep = " ", parens = c("(", ")"), which.count = 0, which.pct = 2, pct = "%")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "trim510bracket"),
                                  stats.labels = list(Nmiss = "N-Missing", trim510bracket = "Trimmed means"),
                                  digits.count = 0, digits = 2), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                 | Male (N=916)  | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|hgb              |               |                |                | < 0.001|",
      "|-  N-Missing     |      162      |      104       |      266       |        |",
      "|-  Trimmed means | 12.57 [12.56] | 11.92 [11.91]  | 12.31 [12.29]  |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ hgb, data=mockstudy, numeric.stats=c("Nmiss", "trim10pct"),
                                  digits = 2, digits.pct = 0, digits.count = 1), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             | Male (N=916) | Female (N=583) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|hgb          |              |                |                | < 0.001|",
      "|-  N-Miss    |    162.0     |     104.0      |     266.0      |        |",
      "|-  trim10pct | 12.57 (10%)  |  11.92 (10%)   |  12.31 (10%)   |        |"

test_that("Warn if reserved word is used in tableby by-variable (#277)", {
  for(v in c("group.term", "group.label", "strata.term", "strata.value", "variable", "term",
             "label", "variable.type", "test", "p.value"))
    expect_error(tableby(y ~ x, data = data.frame(y = rep(c("hi", v), each = 5), x = 1:10)), v)
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(y ~ x, data = data.frame(y = rep(c("hi", "test "), each = 5), x = 1:10)), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   hi (N=5)    |  test  (N=5)   |  Total (N=10)  | p value|",
      "|x            |               |                |                |   0.001|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 3.000 (1.581) | 8.000 (1.581)  | 5.500 (3.028)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.000 - 5.000 | 6.000 - 10.000 | 1.000 - 10.000 |        |"

test_that("HTML footnotes (#298)", {
    capture.output(summary(tableby(sex ~ age + arm, data = mockstudy), text = "html", pfootnote = "html")),
    c("<table>"                                                                ,
      " <thead>"                                                               ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <th style=\"text-align:left;\">  </th>"                              ,
      "   <th style=\"text-align:center;\"> Male (N=916) </th>"                ,
      "   <th style=\"text-align:center;\"> Female (N=583) </th>"              ,
      "   <th style=\"text-align:center;\"> Total (N=1499) </th>"              ,
      "   <th style=\"text-align:right;\"> p value </th>"                      ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      " </thead>"                                                              ,
      "<tbody>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> <strong>Age in Years</strong> </td>" ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\"> 0.048<sup>1</sup> </td>"            ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Mean (SD) </td>"   ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 60.455 (11.369) </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 59.247 (11.722) </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 59.985 (11.519) </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\">  </td>"                             ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Range </td>"       ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 19.000 - 88.000 </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 22.000 - 88.000 </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 19.000 - 88.000 </td>"             ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\">  </td>"                             ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> <strong>Treatment Arm</strong> </td>",
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\">  </td>"                            ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\"> 0.190<sup>2</sup> </td>"            ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A: IFL </td>"      ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 277 (30.2%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 151 (25.9%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 428 (28.6%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\">  </td>"                             ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;F: FOLFOX </td>"   ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 411 (44.9%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 280 (48.0%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 691 (46.1%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\">  </td>"                             ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "  <tr>"                                                                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:left;\"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;G: IROX </td>"     ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 228 (24.9%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 152 (26.1%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:center;\"> 380 (25.4%) </td>"                 ,
      "   <td style=\"text-align:right;\">  </td>"                             ,
      "  </tr>"                                                                ,
      "</tbody>"                                                               ,
      "</table>"                                                               ,
      "<ol>"                                                                   ,
      "<li>Linear Model ANOVA</li>"                                            ,
      "<li>Pearson's Chi-squared test</li>"                                    ,
      "</ol>"                                                                  ,

test_that("selectall", {
  d <- data.frame(
    grp = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 5),
    option1 = c(rep(1, 4), rep(0, 6)),
    option2 = c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
    option3 = 1,
    option4 = c(rep(0, 9), NA)
  d$s <- selectall(`Option 1` = d$option1, `Option 2` = d$option2, `Option 3` = d$option3, `Option 4` = d$option4)
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(grp ~ s, data = d[1:9, ]), text = TRUE)),
    c("|            |  A (N=5)   |  B (N=4)   | Total (N=9) | p value|",
      "|s           |            |            |             |        |",
      "|-  Option 1 | 4 (80.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  4 (44.4%)  |        |",
      "|-  Option 2 | 1 (20.0%)  | 3 (75.0%)  |  4 (44.4%)  |        |",
      "|-  Option 3 | 5 (100.0%) | 4 (100.0%) | 9 (100.0%)  |        |",
      "|-  Option 4 |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)  |  0 (0.0%)   |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(grp ~ notest(s, "count", "Nmiss"), data = d), text = TRUE)),
    c("|            | A (N=5) | B (N=5) | Total (N=10) | p value|",
      "|s           |         |         |              |        |",
      "|-  Option 1 |    4    |    0    |      4       |        |",
      "|-  Option 2 |    1    |    3    |      4       |        |",
      "|-  Option 3 |    5    |    4    |      9       |        |",
      "|-  Option 4 |    0    |    0    |      0       |        |",
      "|-  N-Miss   |    0    |    1    |      1       |        |"

test_that("Labels work for cat.simplify and ord.simplify (#288)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + as.character(fu.stat), data = mockstudy, cat.simplify = "label"), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                          | A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|sex (Female)              |  151 (35.3%)   |    280 (40.5%)    |   152 (40.0%)   |  583 (38.9%)   |   0.190|",
      "|as.character(fu.stat) (2) |  410 (95.8%)   |    592 (85.7%)    |   354 (93.2%)   |  1356 (90.5%)  | < 0.001|"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + notest(as.character(fu.stat), cat.simplify = "label"), data = mockstudy, cat.simplify = TRUE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|                          | A: IFL (N=428) | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499) | p value|",
      "|sex                       |  151 (35.3%)   |    280 (40.5%)    |   152 (40.0%)   |  583 (38.9%)   |   0.190|",
      "|as.character(fu.stat) (2) |  410 (95.8%)   |    592 (85.7%)    |   354 (93.2%)   |  1356 (90.5%)  |        |"

test_that("Titles work with knitr::kable(caption=) (#310)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data = mockstudy), title = "My cool table", text = TRUE)),
    c("Table: My cool table"                                                                              ,
      ""                                                                                                  ,
      "|             | A: IFL (N=428)  | F: FOLFOX (N=691) | G: IROX (N=380) | Total (N=1499)  | p value|",
      "|sex          |                 |                   |                 |                 |   0.190|",
      "|-  Male      |   277 (64.7%)   |    411 (59.5%)    |   228 (60.0%)   |   916 (61.1%)   |        |",
      "|-  Female    |   151 (35.3%)   |    280 (40.5%)    |   152 (40.0%)   |   583 (38.9%)   |        |",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                   |                 |                 |   0.614|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 59.673 (11.365) |  60.301 (11.632)  | 59.763 (11.499) | 59.985 (11.519) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 27.000 - 88.000 |  19.000 - 88.000  | 26.000 - 85.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |        |"
    capture.kable(print(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex + age, data = mockstudy), title = "My cool table", text = TRUE), format = "pandoc")),
    c("Table: My cool table"                                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                                                     ,
      "                A: IFL (N=428)     F: FOLFOX (N=691)    G: IROX (N=380)    Total (N=1499)     p value",
      "-------------  -----------------  -------------------  -----------------  -----------------  --------",
      "sex                                                                                             0.190",
      "-  Male           277 (64.7%)         411 (59.5%)         228 (60.0%)        916 (61.1%)             ",
      "-  Female         151 (35.3%)         280 (40.5%)         152 (40.0%)        583 (38.9%)             ",
      "Age in Years                                                                                    0.614",
      "-  Mean (SD)    59.673 (11.365)     60.301 (11.632)     59.763 (11.499)    59.985 (11.519)           ",
      "-  Range        27.000 - 88.000     19.000 - 88.000     26.000 - 85.000    19.000 - 88.000           "
  expect_true(any(grepl("<caption>", capture.output(print(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex, data = mockstudy), title = "hi"), format = "html")))))
  expect_true(any(grepl("\\\\caption", capture.output(print(summary(tableby(arm ~ sex, data = mockstudy), title = "hi"), format = "latex")))))

test_that("stats.labels doesn't overwrite existing labels (#316)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy, stats.labels=list(medSurv = 'Median')), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |  Male (N=916)   | Female (N=583)  | Total (N=1499)  | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |   0.048|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |        |"
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ age, data = mockstudy, stats.labels=NULL), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |  Male (N=916)   | Female (N=583)  | Total (N=1499)  | p value|",
      "|Age in Years |                 |                 |                 |   0.048|",
      "|-  meansd    | 60.455 (11.369) | 59.247 (11.722) | 59.985 (11.519) |        |",
      "|-  range     | 19.000 - 88.000 | 22.000 - 88.000 | 19.000 - 88.000 |        |"

test_that("wt (#321)", {
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ kwt(age), data = mockstudy), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ wt(age), data = mockstudy), text = TRUE))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ wt(age), data = head(mockstudy, 10), wilcox.correct = TRUE, wilcox.exact = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |   Male (N=5)    |  Female (N=5)   |  Total (N=10)   | p value|",
      "|age          |                 |                 |                 |   0.463|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 58.600 (6.580)  | 63.000 (11.554) | 60.800 (9.163)  |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 50.000 - 67.000 | 50.000 - 74.000 | 50.000 - 74.000 |        |"

test_that("medtest (#327)", {

    capture.kable(summary(tableby(sex ~ medtest(ast), data = mockstudy, numeric.stats = c("meansd", "range", "N")), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |  Male (N=916)   |  Female (N=583)  | Total (N=1499)  | p value|",
      "|ast          |                 |                  |                 |   0.705|",
      "|-  Mean (SD) | 35.873 (26.606) | 36.029 (27.238)  | 35.933 (26.843) |        |",
      "|-  Range     | 5.000 - 205.000 | 10.000 - 178.000 | 5.000 - 205.000 |        |",
      "|-  N         |       754       |       479        |      1233       |        |"

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