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## Tests for freqlist

context("Testing the freqlist strata and multiple LHS output")

tab <- table(mockstudy[c("arm", "sex", "mdquality.s")], useNA = "ifany")
dat <- data.frame(
  wts1 = rep(1:2, each = 6),
  wts2 = rep(1:2, times = 6),
  wts3 = rep(1:3, times = 4),
  a = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 4),
  b = rep(c("D", "E", "F", "G"), each = 3),
  d = rep(c("H", "I"), each = 6),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
tab.wts <- freqlist(list(wts1, wts2) ~ a + b + d, strata = "d", data = dat, sparse = FALSE)


test_that("Multiple strata work", {
    capture.kable(summary(freqlist(tab, strata = c("arm", "sex")))),
    capture.kable(summary(freqlist(~ arm + sex + addNA(mdquality.s), data = mockstudy, strata = c("arm", "sex")),
                          labelTranslations = c(arm = "arm", "addNA(mdquality.s)" = "mdquality.s")))

test_that("Multiple endpoints work", {
    capture.kable(summary(freqlist(list(wts1, wts2) ~ a + b, data = dat))),
      capture.kable(summary(freqlist(wts1 ~ a + b, data = dat))), "", "",
      capture.kable(summary(freqlist(wts2 ~ a + b, data = dat)))

test_that("Multiple endpoints and strata work", {
      capture.kable(summary(freqlist(wts1 ~ a + b + d, strata = "d", data = dat))), "", "",
      capture.kable(summary(freqlist(wts2 ~ a + b + d, strata = "d", data = dat)))

      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|H  |A  |D  |    3|               3|   50.00|              50.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    1|               4|   16.67|              66.67|",
      "|   |B  |E  |    2|               6|   33.33|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|I  |B  |F  |    4|               4|   33.33|              33.33|",
      "|   |C  |F  |    2|               6|   16.67|              50.00|",
      "|   |   |G  |    6|              12|   50.00|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|H  |A  |D  |    4|               4|   44.44|              44.44|",
      "|   |   |E  |    2|               6|   22.22|              66.67|",
      "|   |B  |E  |    3|               9|   33.33|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|I  |B  |F  |    3|               3|   33.33|              33.33|",
      "|   |C  |F  |    1|               4|   11.11|              44.44|",
      "|   |   |G  |    5|               9|   55.56|             100.00|"

test_that("Reordering variables and subsetting", {
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[c("b", "d", "a", "Freq")], text = TRUE)),
      "|b  |d  |a  | Freq|",
      "|D  |H  |A  |    3|",
      "|E  |H  |A  |    1|",
      "|   |   |B  |    2|",
      ""                   ,
      ""                   ,
      "|b  |d  |a  | Freq|",
      "|F  |I  |B  |    4|",
      "|   |   |C  |    2|",
      "|G  |I  |C  |    6|",
      ""                   ,
      ""                   ,
      "|b  |d  |a  | Freq|",
      "|D  |H  |A  |    4|",
      "|E  |H  |A  |    2|",
      "|   |   |B  |    3|",
      ""                   ,
      ""                   ,
      "|b  |d  |a  | Freq|",
      "|F  |I  |B  |    3|",
      "|   |   |C  |    1|",
      "|G  |I  |C  |    5|"
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[c(3,1,2,4)], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[c("b", "d", "a", "Freq")], text = TRUE))
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[, 2:1], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[, c("wts2", "wts1")], text = TRUE))

    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[1:4], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)], text = TRUE))
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[, 2], text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], text = TRUE))

  expect_warning(tab.wts[1:8], "Some indices not found")
  expect_warning(tab.wts[, 1:3], "Some indices not found")
  expect_error(tab.wts[TRUE], "Logical vector")
  expect_error(tab.wts[, TRUE], "Logical vector")

test_that("Merging freqlist objects", {
  tb1 <- tab.wts
  tb2 <- freqlist(wts3 ~ b + d, strata = "d", data = dat)
  tb3 <- freqlist(~ a + d, strata = "d", data = dat)
  tb4 <- freqlist(~ b, data = dat)
  expect_error(merge(tb1, freqlist(wts1 ~ a + d, strata = "d", data = dat)), "Can only merge freqlist objects")
    capture.kable(summary(merge(tb1, tb2))),
    c(capture.kable(summary(tb1)), "", "", capture.kable(summary(tb2)))
    capture.kable(summary(merge(tb1, merge(tb3, tb4)))),
    c(capture.kable(summary(tb1)), "", "", capture.kable(summary(tb3)), "", "", capture.kable(summary(tb4)))

test_that("head() and tail() work with freqlist (#188)", {
    capture.kable(head(summary(tab.wts), 2)),
    capture.kable(summary(tab.wts))[2-7*(1:4)]  # we already tested this above
    capture.kable(head(summary(tab.wts, sparse = TRUE))),
    c("|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|H  |A  |D  |    3|               3|   50.00|              50.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    1|               4|   16.67|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |F  |    0|               4|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |G  |    0|               4|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |B  |D  |    0|               4|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |E  |    2|               6|   33.33|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|I  |A  |D  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |F  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |G  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |B  |D  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|H  |A  |D  |    4|               4|   44.44|              44.44|",
      "|   |   |E  |    2|               6|   22.22|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |F  |    0|               6|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |G  |    0|               6|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |B  |D  |    0|               6|    0.00|              66.67|",
      "|   |   |E  |    3|               9|   33.33|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                 ,
      "|d  |a  |b  | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|I  |A  |D  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |F  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |G  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |B  |D  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|",
      "|   |   |E  |    0|               0|    0.00|               0.00|"

test_that("sort() works with freqlist() (#187)", {
  expect_error(sort(freqlist(~ arm, data = mockstudy)[c("arm", "cumFreq")]), "You tried to create or sort a freqlist")
  mockstudy.wts <- mockstudy
  mockstudy.wts$one <- 1
  mockstudy.wts$two <- 2

  mck.wts <- freqlist(list(one, two) ~ arm + addNA(mdquality.s) + sex, data = mockstudy.wts, strata = "sex",
                      na.options = 'showexclude', labelTranslations = c("addNA(mdquality.s)" = "QOL"))
  mck.wts2 <- freqlist(list(one, two) ~ arm + addNA(mdquality.s) + sex, data = mockstudy.wts, strata = "sex",
                       na.options = 'include', labelTranslations = c("addNA(mdquality.s)" = "QOL"))
  mck.wts3 <- freqlist(list(one, two) ~ arm + addNA(mdquality.s) + sex, data = mockstudy.wts, strata = "sex", na.options = 'remove')
    all(capture.kable(summary(sort(mck.wts[c(1:4, 6)]), dupLabels = TRUE)) %in% capture.kable(summary(mck.wts[c(1:4, 6)], dupLabels = TRUE)))
    all(capture.kable(summary(sort(mck.wts[c(1:4, 6)], decreasing = TRUE), dupLabels = TRUE)) %in%
          capture.kable(summary(mck.wts[c(1:4, 6)], dupLabels = TRUE)))
    all(capture.kable(summary(sort(mck.wts2[c(1:4, 6)]), dupLabels = TRUE)) %in% capture.kable(summary(mck.wts2[c(1:4, 6)], dupLabels = TRUE)))
    all(capture.kable(summary(sort(mck.wts3[c(1:4, 6)]), dupLabels = TRUE)) %in% capture.kable(summary(mck.wts3[c(1:4, 6)], dupLabels = TRUE)))

  ## this checks that each table recalculates with its own na.options
    capture.kable(summary(sort(merge(mck.wts[, 1], mck.wts2[, 2]), decreasing = TRUE))),
    c("|sex  |Treatment Arm |QOL | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|"  ,
      "|:----|:-------------|:---|----:|---------------:|-------:|------------------:|"  ,
      "|Male |F: FOLFOX     |1   |  285|             285|   37.35|              37.35|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |1   |  214|             499|   28.05|              65.40|"  ,
      "|     |G: IROX       |1   |  187|             686|   24.51|              89.91|"  ,
      "|     |F: FOLFOX     |NA  |   95|              NA|      NA|                 NA|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |NA  |   34|              NA|      NA|                 NA|"  ,
      "|     |F: FOLFOX     |0   |   31|             717|    4.06|              93.97|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |0   |   29|             746|    3.80|              97.77|"  ,
      "|     |G: IROX       |NA  |   24|              NA|      NA|                 NA|"  ,
      "|     |              |0   |   17|             763|    2.23|             100.00|"  ,
      ""                                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                                 ,
      "|sex    |Treatment Arm |QOL | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|Female |F: FOLFOX     |1   |  198|             198|   40.91|              40.91|",
      "|       |G: IROX       |1   |  121|             319|   25.00|              65.91|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |1   |  118|             437|   24.38|              90.29|",
      "|       |F: FOLFOX     |NA  |   61|              NA|      NA|                 NA|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |NA  |   21|              NA|      NA|                 NA|",
      "|       |F: FOLFOX     |0   |   21|             458|    4.34|              94.63|",
      "|       |G: IROX       |NA  |   17|              NA|      NA|                 NA|",
      "|       |              |0   |   14|             472|    2.89|              97.52|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |0   |   12|             484|    2.48|             100.00|",
      ""                                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                                 ,
      "|sex  |Treatment Arm |QOL | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|"  ,
      "|:----|:-------------|:---|----:|---------------:|-------:|------------------:|"  ,
      "|Male |F: FOLFOX     |1   |  570|             570|   31.11|              31.11|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |1   |  428|             998|   23.36|              54.48|"  ,
      "|     |G: IROX       |1   |  374|            1372|   20.41|              74.89|"  ,
      "|     |F: FOLFOX     |NA  |  190|            1562|   10.37|              85.26|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |NA  |   68|            1630|    3.71|              88.97|"  ,
      "|     |F: FOLFOX     |0   |   62|            1692|    3.38|              92.36|"  ,
      "|     |A: IFL        |0   |   58|            1750|    3.17|              95.52|"  ,
      "|     |G: IROX       |NA  |   48|            1798|    2.62|              98.14|"  ,
      "|     |              |0   |   34|            1832|    1.86|             100.00|"  ,
      ""                                                                                 ,
      ""                                                                                 ,
      "|sex    |Treatment Arm |QOL | Freq| Cumulative Freq| Percent| Cumulative Percent|",
      "|Female |F: FOLFOX     |1   |  396|             396|   33.96|              33.96|",
      "|       |G: IROX       |1   |  242|             638|   20.75|              54.72|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |1   |  236|             874|   20.24|              74.96|",
      "|       |F: FOLFOX     |NA  |  122|             996|   10.46|              85.42|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |NA  |   42|            1038|    3.60|              89.02|",
      "|       |F: FOLFOX     |0   |   42|            1080|    3.60|              92.62|",
      "|       |G: IROX       |NA  |   34|            1114|    2.92|              95.54|",
      "|       |              |0   |   28|            1142|    2.40|              97.94|",
      "|       |A: IFL        |0   |   24|            1166|    2.06|             100.00|"


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