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## Tests for formulize

context("Testing the formulize output")


cap <- function(...) capture.output(print(...))
check_form <- function(whatis, shouldbe)
  tmp <- cap(whatis, showEnv = TRUE)
  expect_identical(tmp[1], shouldbe)
  expect_true(grepl("<environment: ", tmp[2], fixed = TRUE))

#### Text input

test_that("Two-sided formula, text input", {
  check_form(formulize("y", c("x1", "x2", "x3")), "y ~ x1 + x2 + x3")

test_that("One-sided formula, text input", {
  check_form(formulize(x = c("x1", "x2", "x3")), "~x1 + x2 + x3")

test_that("Multi-sided formula, text input", {
  check_form(formulize("y", c("x1", "x2", "x3"), "w1", c("z1", "z2")), "y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 ~ w1 ~ z1 + z2")

test_that("Two-sided formula, invalid input", {
  expect_error(formulize("y", FALSE))

#### Numeric input

test_that("Two-sided formula, numeric input", {
  check_form(formulize(1, 2:4, data = mockstudy), "case ~ age + arm + sex")

test_that("One-sided formula, numeric input", {
  check_form(formulize(x = 2:4, data = mockstudy), "~age + arm + sex")

test_that("Multi-sided formula, numeric input", {
  check_form(formulize(1, 2:4, 5, 6:7, data = mockstudy), "case ~ age + arm + sex ~ race ~ fu.time + fu.stat")

test_that("Two-sided formula, numeric input, no data", {
  expect_error(formulize(1, 2:4))

#### Mixed input

test_that("Two-sided formula, mixed input", {
  check_form(formulize("y", 2:4, data = mockstudy), "y ~ age + arm + sex")

test_that("Multi-sided formula, mixed input", {
  check_form(formulize(1, "x1", 5, "w", data = mockstudy), "case ~ x1 ~ race ~ w")

test_that("Two-sided formula, interaction", {
  check_form(formulize("y", c("x1*x2", "x3")), "y ~ x1 * x2 + x3")
  check_form(formulize("y", c("x1", "x2", "x3"), collapse = "*"), "y ~ x1 * x2 * x3")

#### Actually using it

test_that("Two-sided formula, mixed input", {
    cap(lm(formulize(2, 3:4, data = mockstudy), data = mockstudy)),
    c(""                                                                   ,
      "Call:"                                                              ,
      "lm(formula = formulize(2, 3:4, data = mockstudy), data = mockstudy)",
      ""                                                                   ,
      "Coefficients:"                                                      ,
      " (Intercept)  armF: FOLFOX    armG: IROX     sexFemale  "           ,
      "     60.1075        0.6927        0.1484       -1.2319  "           ,

test_that("List formula, names and non-syntactic variables", {
  d <- data.frame(`+-` = 1:2, `-+` = 2:3, `P/E` = "A", `% Growth` = c(1.1, 1.2), check.names = FALSE)
  x <- c("`P/E`", "`% Growth`")
  y <- list(as.name("+-"), as.name("-+"))
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(formulize(y, x, collapse.y = "list"), data = d, test = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    c("|             |    1 (N=1)    |    2 (N=1)    |  Total (N=2)  |",
      "|P/E          |               |               |               |",
      "|-  A         |  1 (100.0%)   |  1 (100.0%)   |  2 (100.0%)   |",
      "|% Growth     |               |               |               |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |  1.100 (NA)   |  1.200 (NA)   | 1.150 (0.071) |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.100 - 1.100 | 1.200 - 1.200 | 1.100 - 1.200 |",
      ""                                                               ,
      ""                                                               ,
      "|             |    2 (N=1)    |    3 (N=1)    |  Total (N=2)  |",
      "|P/E          |               |               |               |",
      "|-  A         |  1 (100.0%)   |  1 (100.0%)   |  2 (100.0%)   |",
      "|% Growth     |               |               |               |",
      "|-  Mean (SD) |  1.100 (NA)   |  1.200 (NA)   | 1.150 (0.071) |",
      "|-  Range     | 1.100 - 1.100 | 1.200 - 1.200 | 1.100 - 1.200 |")
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(formulize(y, x, collapse.y = "list"), data = d, test = FALSE), text = TRUE)),
    capture.kable(summary(tableby(formulize(c("+-", "-+"), gsub("`", "", x), collapse.y = "list", escape = TRUE), data = d, test = FALSE), text = TRUE))

#### Reported bugs for formulize

test_that("08/26/2017: changing environment of resulting formula", {
    cap(environment(formulize("y", "x")))

test_that("06/04/2018: non-syntactic names", {
  dat <- data.frame(`:)` = 1:10, "log(hi)" = log(1:10), check.names = FALSE)
  check_form(formulize(1, 2, data = dat), "`:)` ~ `log(hi)`")
  check_form(formulize("", 1:2, data = dat), "~`:)` + `log(hi)`")
  check_form(formulize("log(hi)", 1, data = dat), "log(hi) ~ `:)`")
  check_form(formulize(1:2, ".", data = dat), "`:)` + `log(hi)` ~ .")

test_that("11/06/2018: passing names or calls (#152, #153, #282)", {
  expect_identical(stats::reformulate(c("`P/E`", "`% Growth`"), response = as.name("+-")), formulize(c("`P/E`", "`% Growth`"), y = as.name("+-")))
  expect_identical(stats::reformulate(c("`P/E`", "`% Growth`"), response = as.name("+-")), formulize(c("P/E", "% Growth"), y = "+-", escape = TRUE))

    f <- Surv(ft, case) ~ `hi there`
  expect_identical(stats::reformulate("`hi there`", f[[2]]), formulize(f[[2]], f[[3]])) # can't pass call as first arg of reformulate
  expect_identical(f, formulize(f[[2]], f[[3]]))
  f <- Surv(ft, case) ~ `hi there` + b
  expect_identical(f, formulize(f[[2]], f[[3]]))

test_that("03/25/2019: using collapse arguments (#197)", {
   formulize(c("y1", "y2", "y3"), c("x1", "x2"), collapse = "*", collapse.y = "list"),
   "list(y1, y2, y3) ~ x1 * x2"

  f <- Surv(ft, case) ~ `hi there` + b
  g <- Surv(fu, stat) ~ `hi there` + b
    formulize(list(f[[2]], g[[2]]), f[[3]], collapse.y = "list"),
    "list(Surv(ft, case), Surv(fu, stat)) ~ `hi there` + b"

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