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.. currentmodule:: asyncio


**Source code:** :source:`Lib/asyncio/runners.py`

This section outlines high-level asyncio primitives to run asyncio code.

They are built on top of an :ref:`event loop <asyncio-event-loop>` with the aim
to simplify async code usage for common wide-spread scenarios.

.. contents::
   :depth: 1

Running an asyncio Program

.. function:: run(coro, *, debug=None)

   Execute the :term:`coroutine` *coro* and return the result.

   This function runs the passed coroutine, taking care of
   managing the asyncio event loop, *finalizing asynchronous
   generators*, and closing the threadpool.

   This function cannot be called when another asyncio event loop is
   running in the same thread.

   If *debug* is ``True``, the event loop will be run in debug mode. ``False`` disables
   debug mode explicitly. ``None`` is used to respect the global
   :ref:`asyncio-debug-mode` settings.

   This function always creates a new event loop and closes it at
   the end.  It should be used as a main entry point for asyncio
   programs, and should ideally only be called once.


       async def main():
           await asyncio.sleep(1)


   .. versionadded:: 3.7

   .. versionchanged:: 3.9
      Updated to use :meth:`loop.shutdown_default_executor`.

   .. versionchanged:: 3.10

      *debug* is ``None`` by default to respect the global debug mode settings.

Runner context manager

.. class:: Runner(*, debug=None, loop_factory=None)

   A context manager that simplifies *multiple* async function calls in the same

   Sometimes several top-level async functions should be called in the same :ref:`event
   loop <asyncio-event-loop>` and :class:`contextvars.Context`.

   If *debug* is ``True``, the event loop will be run in debug mode. ``False`` disables
   debug mode explicitly. ``None`` is used to respect the global
   :ref:`asyncio-debug-mode` settings.

   *loop_factory* could be used for overriding the loop creation.
   It is the responsibility of the *loop_factory* to set the created loop as the
   current one. By default :func:`asyncio.new_event_loop` is used and set as
   current event loop with :func:`asyncio.set_event_loop` if *loop_factory* is ``None``.

   Basically, :func:`asyncio.run()` example can be rewritten with the runner usage::

        async def main():
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

        with asyncio.Runner() as runner:

   .. versionadded:: 3.11

   .. method:: run(coro, *, context=None)

      Run a :term:`coroutine <coroutine>` *coro* in the embedded loop.

      Return the coroutine's result or raise its exception.

      An optional keyword-only *context* argument allows specifying a
      custom :class:`contextvars.Context` for the *coro* to run in.
      The runner's default context is used if ``None``.

      This function cannot be called when another asyncio event loop is
      running in the same thread.

   .. method:: close()

      Close the runner.

      Finalize asynchronous generators, shutdown default executor, close the event loop
      and release embedded :class:`contextvars.Context`.

   .. method:: get_loop()

      Return the event loop associated with the runner instance.

   .. note::

      :class:`Runner` uses the lazy initialization strategy, its constructor doesn't
      initialize underlying low-level structures.

      Embedded *loop* and *context* are created at the :keyword:`with` body entering
      or the first call of :meth:`run` or :meth:`get_loop`.

Handling Keyboard Interruption

.. versionadded:: 3.11

When :const:`signal.SIGINT` is raised by :kbd:`Ctrl-C`, :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`
exception is raised in the main thread by default. However this doesn't work with
:mod:`asyncio` because it can interrupt asyncio internals and can hang the program from

To mitigate this issue, :mod:`asyncio` handles :const:`signal.SIGINT` as follows:

1. :meth:`asyncio.Runner.run` installs a custom :const:`signal.SIGINT` handler before
   any user code is executed and removes it when exiting from the function.
2. The :class:`~asyncio.Runner` creates the main task for the passed coroutine for its
3. When :const:`signal.SIGINT` is raised by :kbd:`Ctrl-C`, the custom signal handler
   cancels the main task by calling :meth:`asyncio.Task.cancel` which raises
   :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError` inside the main task.  This causes the Python stack
   to unwind, ``try/except`` and ``try/finally`` blocks can be used for resource
   cleanup.  After the main task is cancelled, :meth:`asyncio.Runner.run` raises
4. A user could write a tight loop which cannot be interrupted by
   :meth:`asyncio.Task.cancel`, in which case the second following :kbd:`Ctrl-C`
   immediately raises the :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` without cancelling the main task.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 30 21:47:51 CEST 2024.