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## 4.0.0
  - Drop support from 2.6, & < 3.4.5

## 3.0.6
  - Fixed encoding in special.py

## 3.0.5
  - Add test for pre-translation (e.g German Umlaut)
  - Add special char supports (optional Use)

## 3.0.4
  - Now supporting text-unidecode>=1.3
  - Now supporting Unidecode>=1.1.1 

## 3.0.3
  - Remove unicode chars from file

## 3.0.2
  - Add official support of Py 3.7

## 3.0.1
  - Add test.py to manifest

## 3.0.0
  - Upgrade Unidecode
  - Promote text-unidecode as the primary decoding package
  - Add Unidecode as an optional extra. "pip install python-slugify[unidecode]"

## 2.0.1
  - Add replacements option e.g. [['|', 'or'], ['%', 'percent'], ['-', '_']] (@andriyor)

## 2.0.0
  - Fix alternative dependency installation

## 1.2.6
  - Add support for case sensitive slugs (@s-m-e)

## 1.2.5
  - Add support for using text-unidecode (@bolkedebruin)
  - Switch to pycodestyle instead of pep8

## 1.2.4
  - Remove build artifacts during packaging
  - Simplify the setup.py file (@reece)

## 1.2.3
  - Republish - possible corrupt 1.2.2 build

## 1.2.2
  - Add `regex_pattern` option. (@vrbaskiz)
  - Add Python 3.6 support

## 1.2.1
  - Including certain files (e.g. license.md) in sdists via MANIFEST.in (@proinsias)
  - Relax licensing by moving from BSD to MIT
  - Add Python 3.5 support
  - Add more tests

## 1.2.0

Backward incompatible change: (@fabiocaccamo)

  - In version < 1.2.0 all single quotes ( ' ) were removed, and
    moving forward, >= 1.2.0, they will be replaced with ( - ).
      <  1.2.0 -- ('C\'est déjà l\'été.' -> "cest-deja-lete")
      >= 1.2.0 -- ('C\'est déjà l\'été.' -> "c-est-deja-l-ete")

## 1.1.4


  - Add more test cases, dropped `official` support for python 3.2

## 1.1.3


  - Handle unichar in python 3.x

## 1.1.2


  - Ability to remove `stopwords` from string

## 1.0.2


  - A new PyPI release

## 1.0.1


  - Promoting to production grade

## 0.1.1


  - Added option to save word order
  - Removed 2to3 dependency
  - Added more tests

## 0.1.0


  - Added more test
  - Added test for python 3.4

## 0.0.9


  - Enable console_scripts

## 0.0.8


  - Move logic out of __init__.py
  - Added console_scripts (@ekamil)
  - Updated pep8.sh
  - Added pypy support

## 0.0.7


  - Handle encoding in setup file
  - Update ReadME, ChangeLog, License files

## 0.0.6


  - Update for smart_truncate

## 0.0.5


  - Added Python 3.2 and 3.3 support (work by: arthurdarcet@github)

## 0.0.4


  - Added option to choose non-dash separators (request by: danilodimoia@github)

## 0.0.3


  - Added the ability to truncate slugs (request by: juanriaza@github)

## 0.0.2


  - Incremental update

## 0.0.1

  - Initial version

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 16 10:18:38 CEST 2024.