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2021-12-08 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Upgrade xsimd version to 8.0.5

        * Performance fix on np.dot with transposed parameters

        * Raise an error when no specs are given and we want to generate a native module

        * Support more complex transpose expression

        * Honor quotes in config files for *FLAGS

        * Add pythran option -ftime-report to print out the time spent on optimizations
        * Support isinstance when second argument is a tuple

2021-09-08 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Fix performance issue with assert handling

        * Fix issue in libomp detection

        * Support immediate value for some keyword parameters, esp; keep_dims

        * Better detection of generalized expression overlap

        * And extra minor fixes :-)

2021-07-06 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Remove six, networkx and decorator dependency

        * Bump gast and Beniget requirements to support python 3.10

        * Bump xsimd to 7.5.0

        * Minimal default support for non-linux, non-osx, now-windows platform

        * Numpy improvements for np.bincount, np.transpose, np.searchsorted

        * Restore (and test) cython compatibility

        * Expose pythran.get_include for toolchain integration

        * Improve error message on invalid spec

        * Handle static dispatching based on keyword signature

        * Raise Memory Error upon (too) large numpy alloc

        * Support scalar case of scipy.special.binom

        * Trim the number of warnings in pythonic codebase

2021-05-23 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Fix compatibility issue with python 3.10

2021-05-09 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Honor CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS

        * Generalize numpy.dot to higher dimenson (partial support)

        * Fix important memory leak in handling of transposed matrices

        * Fix several string interaction (str.split, f-string)

        * Fix interaction with numpy.dtype.type

        * Improve OpenMP detection

        * Optimize some matrix transpose cases

2021-03-30 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Always honor $HOME for user configuration lookup (even on Windows)

        * Default to clang-cl on windows 

        * Honor CFLAGS environment variable

        * Correctly type tuples that are not bound to a variable

        * Move to pocketfft for fft related operations

        * Support numpy.vdot, numpy.dot between array of different dtype, improve
          numpy.copyto, numpy.ndarray constructor, numpy.ihfft, numpy.hfft,
          numpy.full and numpy.full_like

        * Return a floating point type when computing builtins.pow, unless the
          exponenent is a positive integer literal

        * Optimize shared reference of array expressions (not you again!)

        * Introduce a specific type for strings of one element, aka chr

        * Fix implementation of str.lstrip and str.rstrip, harden str.join

        * Improve quality of the error report

        * Detect divide by zero in debug mode

        * Improve PythranBuildExt to support base class customization

2020-11-09 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Basic f-string support

        * Optimize shared reference of array expressions (again)

        * np.nan{min,max}, np.around, np.wrap implementation fixes

        * PYTHONOPTIMIZE={1,2} compatibility

        * Support list.sort with key argument

2020-09-22 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Improve computation of contiguous slices when bounds are positive

        * Optimize shared reference of array expressions

        * Speedup complex combined types computation

        * Fix pythran-config with cl.exe or clang-cl.exe

        * Support Python 3.9

2020-08-01 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * First release only supporting Python3

        * Allow to disable blas usage through blas=none setting

        * Improve range value analysis

        * Change numpy expression evaluator

        * Change sorting algorithm from std::sort to pdqsort

        * Bug fixes in various numpy.* implementation

        * Freeze gast and beniget version

        * Diligently use and document assert behavior

        * Many fix related to static conditions

        * Improve np.sort and np.median argument support

        * Improve scope computation in presence of if/else

        * Refuse assert with side effect

        * Provide sane default for OpenMP reduction on complex

        * Upgrade boost version to 1.72

        * Allow %{ext} substitution in output filename

        * Prettier pythran syntax error

        * Faster compilation (in some cases!)

        * Partial np.tofile implementation

        * Allow to specify --config 'pythran.optimizations=' on the CLI

        * Fix interaction between OpenMP collapse and pythran-generated loops

2019-12-31 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Last release supporting both Python2 and Python3

        * Vectorized version of numpy.arange

        * Support more numpy type conversion operators

        * Improve translation time

        * Version bump for xsimd dependency

        * Fix compile without ENABLE_PYTHON_MODULE

        * Various fixes for bug introduced in previous revision ^^!

2019-10-30 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Support Python up to 3.8 (included)

        * clang-cl on Windows support

        * PyPy3.6 support

        * Fix bug involving is None and loops

        * Support numpy.heaviside, numpy.cross  

        * Significant improvement of numpy.random.* support

        * Fix memory leak when converting a dict to python

        * New optimization: dead function elimination

        * Support for kwonly arguments

        * More pattern transformations: numpy.cbrt, numpy.sqrt and variant of abssqr

        * Support dtype argument for numpy.linspace

        * Improve constant folding & forward substitution

        * Extend range analysis to tuples

        * Basic support for scipy.special.spherical_jn and scipy.special.spherical_yn

        * Support isinstance builtin

        * Support the type() builtin

        * New command line parameter: --config= as an alternative to .pythranrc

        * Various fixes and doc upgrade I'm too lazy to list here ;-)

2019-08-19 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Warn users about deprecation of python2

        * Fix incompatibility with numpy 1.17.0

        * Allow pythran-openblas as a fallback dependency for openblas

        * Better 32bit arch support

        * Better support of OpenMP collapse clause

        * Upgrade boost dep to 1.68 and xsimd dep to 7.2.2

        * Use static shape information for more efficient broadcasting

        * Allow / options on Windows platform in addition to Unix-style options

        * Fix typing issue for r-value dict/set/list

        * Allow to pass slice to pythran-exported functions

        * Fix np.arange for integral numbers

        * Fix static if support

        * Support tuple arguments for np.concatenate

        * Support default arguments for np.randint

        * Support kind argument for np.sort

2019-05-05 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Better support for `is None` pattern

        * Support numpy.byte in code and annotation

        * Fix string slice assignment

        * Support numpy.interp

        * Improved Windows support

        * Fix numpy.fft in presence of threading

        * Better error message upon type mismatch

        * Extended support for numpy.append

        * Fix ndarray printing

        * Property report error on Elippsis

        * Optimize away some uses of np.array

        * Properly support keyword-only arguments from Python3

        * Improved fixed-size array broadcasting

        * New annotation syntax for default argument through the '?' qualifier

        * Stricter type checking between Python and Pythran result type

        * Rely on beniget <https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/beniget> for some

        * Fix dtype inference for OSX and Windows, wrt 32/64 bits

        * Generate code compatible with OpenMP collapse clause

        * Fix np.bincount, np.angle, np.fromiter  implementation

        * Improved (but still incomplete) support of slicing of an array through
          an array

        * Allow specification of memory layout for 2D array parameters in

        * Avoid useless copies for some dict operations

        * Support np.expand_dims, np.correlate, np.convolve, np.setdiff1d

        * Detect and specialize code for fixed-size list

        * Support more dot-idiom-to-blas forwarding

        * Fix important memory leak in numpy_gexpr to_python

2019-01-29 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Fix np.transpose regression

        * Upgrade xsimd to 7.1.2

        * Fix setup.py test target

2019-01-18 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Honor PYTHRANRC environment variable for config file lookup

        * Stricter type checking for export parameters

        * Allow some kind of list to tuple conversion

        * Lazy slicing of broadcasted expression and transposed expression

        * Support numpy.stack, numpy.rollaxis, numpy.broadcast_to,

        * Better support of array of complex numbers

        * Verbose mode in pythran-config to debug compiler backend issues

        * Config file linting

        * Evaluate numpy.arange lazily when valid

        * Faster PRNG, namely pcg

        * Favor Python3 support in various places

        * Fix Numpy.remainder implementation

        * Better support for importing user modules

        * More vectorized operations support

2018-11-06 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Moving to xsimd as vectorization engine, requires -DUSE_XSIMD

        * Better support of view conversion from Python to Pythran

        * Improved Cython integration

        * Improved documentation, add example section

        * Updated ArchLinux Packaging

        * Remove useless warnings during compilation

        * Faster ``abs(x**2)`` for complex numbers

        * IPython magic now accepts most optimization flags

        * Automatic detection of partially (or fully) constant shape for arrays

        * Add ignoreflags settings to .pythranrc to skip some compiler flags

        * Quad number (aka long double) basic support

        * And many minor bugfixes, as usual :-)

2018-09-16 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Decent support for ``is None`` pattern

        * Bessel functions, aka scipy.special.stuff

        * ``__builtin__.slice`` support

        * ``np.unravel_index``, ``np.(u)intc`` support

        * Cleanup and fix issues around sdist / build_ext and stuff

        * O(1) View conversion to Python

        * Dropped big int support

        * Speed improvement for ``np.argmin``, ``np.argmax`` and square of complex

        * Allow partially (or fully) constant shape for arrays

        * Deterministic header inclusion (toward reproducible build?)

        * Better error report on argument mismatch

        * Better support for view arguments (but still lotta missing :-/)

        * Better Windows support (fix compiler-specific bugs) including OpenMP

2018-06-06 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Much better support of fancy indexing, still not 100% support though

        * Better distutils integration (extra_compile_args)

        * Better support for np.unique, functor, np.Inf, np.arange, it.repeat

        * Better support of user import from pythranized module (still no globals)

        * Better OSX support (fix compiler-specific bugs)

        * Most tests now work on Python 2 and Python 3

        * Many bugfixes triggered by the bug report of Yann Diorcet, Jean Laroche
          and David Menéndez Hurtado, Fabien Rozar, C. Claus

2018-04-23 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * numpy.fft support (thanks to Jean Laroche)

        * Faster generalized expression

        * Faster numpy.transpose, numpy.argmax, numpy reduction

        * Sphinx-compatible generated docstring (thanks to Pierre Augier)

        * Python output through ``-P`` (thanks to Pierre Augier)

        * Many bugfixes and numpy improvements (thanks to Yann Diorecet and Jean Laroche)

2018-02-05 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Slimmer generated binaries

        * Preliminary native Windows support for Python3

        * Several numpy-related function improvements

        * @ operator support

        * Better negative index support and range detection

        * Glimpses of OpenMP4 support, min/max support in OpenMP reductions

        * Python Capsule support

        * Work around GCC-7 parsing bug

2017-10-14 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Moving to networkx 2.0

        * List/Tuple partial constant folding

        * Minor notebook integration fixes

        * Minor cython integration fixes

        * Memory leak removal

        * Support out field in numpy.sum

2017-09-12 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Significant compilation time improvements (again)

        * Improved cython cooperation

        * Many OSX and Python3 integration fixes

        * Revive pure C++ mode

        * Exported functions now support keyword passing style

2017-07-04 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Significant compilation time improvements

        * Support for separated .pythran files

        * Many bug fixes and perf improvement

2017-01-05 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Python 3 support

        * (unsound) Type Checker

        * Various bug fixes and perf improvement, as usual

2016-07-05 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Fix install / setup minor issues

        * Restore OpenMP support

        * Fix GMP installation issue

2016-06-13 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Better Jupyter Note book integration

        * Numpy Broadcasting support

        * Improved value binding analysis

        * Simple inlining optimization

        * Type engine improvement

        * Less fat in the generated modules

        * More and better support for various Numpy functions

        * Various performance improvement

        * Global variable handling, as constants only though

2016-01-05 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * IPython's magic for pythran now supports extra compile flags

        * Pythran's C++ output is compatible with Python3 and pythran3 can compile it!

        * More syntax checks (and less template traceback)

        * Improved UI (multiline pythran exports, better setup.py...)

        * Pythonic leaning / bugfixing (this tends to be a permanent item)

        * More generic support for numpy's dtype

        * Simpler install (no more boost.python deps, nor nt2 configuration)

        * Faster compilation (no more boost.python deps, smarter pass manager)

        * Better testing (gcc + clang)

2015-10-13 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Significantly decrease compilation time

        * Faster execution of numpy generalized slicing

        * Tentative conda support

        * Tentative Windows support (using Win Python)

        * Preserve original docstrings

        * Add __pythran__ global variable to pythran generated modules

        * Faster implementation of various itertools functions

        * Rely on distutils for module code compilation

        * Support most of numpy.random

        * Remove git and make dependency to install nt2

        * Proper pip support instead of distuils

        * Remove dependency to boost.python

        * Remove dependency to tcmalloc

        * Pythonic library cleaning (less dependencies / header / splitting / mrpropering)

        * More lazy computations

        * More numpy function support (including dot on matrices, linalg.norm, mean)

        * Lot of code cleaning / refactoring (both in Python and C++)

        * Many bugfixes, thanks to all the bug reporters!

2015-04-06 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Various numpy.* function implementation improvement (incl. concatenate,
          str.join, itertools.combinations)

        * Better error detection during install step

        * 32 bit compatibility

        * Complete rewrite of the expression engine

        * Improved support of numpy extended expression

        * Better user feedback on invalid pythran spec

        * More efficient support of string literals

        * Faster exponentiation when index is an integer

        * NT2 revision bump

        * No-copy list as numpy expression parameters

        * Accept C and fortran layout for input arrays

        * Range value analysis and boundcheck removal

        * Newaxis style indexing

        * Better array-of-complex support

        * Glimpses of python3 support

        * Support for importing user defined modules

        * Archlinux support

        * Accept strided array as exported function input

2014-10-22 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Full SIMD support! Almost all numpy expressions are vectorized

        * Better memory management at the Python/C++ layer, esp. when sharing

        * Support named parameters

        * Better complex numbers support

        * A lot of internal code cleaning

        * Better code generation for regular loops

        * MacOS install guide & ArchLinux packages

        * Travis run the test suite, w and w/ SIMD, w and w/ OpenMP

        * Many performance improvements at the numpy expression level

        * Faster array copies, including slices

        * Much better constant folding

        * Distutils support through a PythranExtension

        * Improve implementation of many numpy functions

        * Improve forward substitution

        * Use most recent nt2 version

        * Make dependency on libgomp optional

2014-05-17 Serge Guelton <serge.guelton@telecom-bretagne.eu>

        * Improved C++ compilation time (twice as fast)

        * Efficient extended slicing

        * Support most numpy dtype ([u]int8,..., [u]int64, float32, float64)

        * Support indexing array through boolean array

        * Add a nice Pythran logo :-)

        * Improve validation *a lot*

        * Reduce native module loading overhead

        * Forward substitution implementation

        * More numpy support and *many* bug fixes!

        * Remove array auto vectorization/parallelization

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 16 20:17:26 CEST 2024.