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# pyls-spyder

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*Copyright © 2020– Spyder Project Contributors*

## Overview
Spyder extensions for the [python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server) (pylsp). This package provides Spyder-specific extras for the [Language Server Protocol](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/) (LSP) on Python, such as document symbol searching and others.

## Installing
To install pyls-spyder, you can use both conda or pip package managers:

# Using conda (Recommended)
conda install pyls-spyder -c spyder-ide

# Using pip
pip install pyls-spyder

## Dependencies
This package depends on the [python-lsp-server](https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server) to integrate the Spyder-specific extensions.

## Installing locally
To install and develop spyder-pyls locally, you will need to install the python-lsp-server:

# Using conda
conda install python-lsp-server

# Using pip
pip install python-lsp-server

Then, you can install the package locally using pip:

pip install -U -e .

## Running tests
We use pytest to run tests as it follows:

pytest -x -v pyls_spyder/tests

## Extended LSP calls

|          LSP method           |              Spyder extensions                   |
| `textDocument/documentSymbol` | Find code cells `# %%` and block comments `# --` |
| `textDocument/foldingRange`   | Return code cells `# %%` as code folding regions |

## Plugin configuration options
This plugin can be configured by using the key `pyls_spyder` when calling `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` on the pyls. Each configuration option is described below:

            <th>LSP method</th>
            <th>Configuration Key</th>
            <td rowspan=2><code>textDocument/documentSymbol</code></td>
            <td>Enable/Disable code cell grouping according to the total number of leading percentages</td>
            <td>Enable/disable block comment detection</td>

## Changelog
Please see our [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/spyder-ide/pyls-spyder/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) file to learn more about our new features and improvements.

## Contribution guidelines
We follow PEP8 and PEP257 for all Python modules. We use MyPy type annotations for all functions and classes declared on this package. Feel free to send a PR or create an issue if you have any problem/question.

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