Source code for logilab.common.pytest

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of logilab-common.
# logilab-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# logilab-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with logilab-common.  If not, see <>.
"""logilab-pytest is a tool that eases test running and debugging.

To be able to use logilab-pytest, you should either write tests using
the logilab.common.testlib's framework or the unittest module of the
Python's standard library.

You can customize logilab-pytest's behaviour by defining a ````
file somewhere in your test directory. In this file, you can add options or
change the way tests are run.

To add command line options, you must define a ``update_parser`` function in
your ```` file. The function must accept a single parameter
that will be the OptionParser's instance to customize.

If you wish to customize the tester, you'll have to define a class named
``CustomPyTester``. This class should extend the default `PyTester` class
defined in the logilab.common.pytest module. Take a look at the `PyTester` and
`DjangoTester` classes for more information about what can be done.

For instance, if you wish to add a custom -l option to specify a loglevel, you
could define the following ```` file ::

    import logging
    from logilab.common.pytest import PyTester

    def update_parser(parser):
        parser.add_option('-l', '--loglevel', dest='loglevel', action='store',
                          choices=('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'),
                          default='critical', help="the default log level possible choices are "
                          "('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical')")
        return parser

    class CustomPyTester(PyTester):
        def __init__(self, cvg, options):
            super(CustomPyTester, self).__init__(cvg, options)
            loglevel = options.loglevel.upper()
            logger = logging.getLogger('erudi')

In your TestCase class you can then get the value of a specific option with
the ``optval`` method::

    class MyTestCase(TestCase):
        def test_foo(self):
            loglevel = self.optval('loglevel')
            # ...

You can also tag your tag your test for fine filtering

With those tag::

    from logilab.common.testlib import tag, TestCase

    class Exemple(TestCase):

        @tag('rouge', 'carre')
        def toto(self):

        @tag('carre', 'vert')
        def tata(self):

        def titi(test):

you can filter the function with a simple python expression

 * ``toto`` and ``titi`` match ``rouge``
 * ``toto``, ``tata`` and ``titi``, match ``rouge or carre``
 * ``tata`` and ``titi`` match``rouge ^ carre``
 * ``titi`` match ``rouge and not carre``

import os
import re
import sys
import os.path as osp
from time import process_time, time

    from re import Match  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    # Match is python > 3.6 only.
    # To be compatible with python <= 3.6, and still provide some typing, we
    # manually define Match, in the same manner it is defined in the re module
    # of python > 3.7
    # cf
    Match = type(re.sre_compile.compile("", 0).match(""))  # type: ignore
import warnings
import types
import inspect
import traceback
from inspect import isgeneratorfunction, isclass, FrameInfo
from random import shuffle
from itertools import dropwhile

# mypy error: Module 'unittest.runner' has no attribute '_WritelnDecorator'
# but it does
from unittest.runner import _WritelnDecorator  # type: ignore
from unittest.suite import TestSuite

from typing import Callable, Any, Optional, List, Tuple, Generator, Dict

from logilab.common.deprecation import callable_deprecated
from logilab.common.fileutils import abspath_listdir
from logilab.common import textutils
from logilab.common import testlib, STD_BLACKLIST

# use the same unittest module as testlib
from logilab.common.testlib import unittest, start_interactive_mode
from logilab.common.testlib import (  # noqa
)  # bwcompat
from logilab.common.debugger import Debugger, colorize_source
import doctest

import unittest as unittest_legacy

from .decorators import monkeypatch

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

PYTEST_DOC = """%prog [OPTIONS] [testfile [testpattern]]


logilab-pytest path/to/
logilab-pytest path/to/ TheseTests
logilab-pytest path/to/ TheseTests.test_thisone
logilab-pytest path/to/ -m '(not long and database) or regr'

logilab-pytest one (will run both test_thisone and test_thatone)
logilab-pytest path/to/ -s not (will skip test_notthisone)

FILE_RESTART = ".pytest.restart"

if not getattr(unittest_legacy, "__package__", None):
        import unittest2.suite as unittest_suite
    except ImportError:
        sys.exit("You have to install python-unittest2 to use this module")
    # mypy: Name 'unittest_suite' already defined (possibly by an import))
    import unittest.suite as unittest_suite  # type: ignore

    import django  # noqa
    from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, load_module_from_modpath

except ImportError:
    DJANGO_FOUND = False


TESTFILE_RE = re.compile(r"^((unit)?test.*|smoketest)\.py$")

[docs]def this_is_a_testfile(filename: str) -> Optional[Match]: """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test file""" return TESTFILE_RE.match(osp.basename(filename))
TESTDIR_RE = re.compile("^(unit)?tests?$")
[docs]def this_is_a_testdir(dirpath: str) -> Optional[Match]: """returns True if `filename` seems to be a test directory""" return TESTDIR_RE.match(osp.basename(dirpath))
[docs]def load_pytest_conf(path, parser): """loads a ```` file and update default parser and / or tester. """ namespace = {} exec(open(path, "rb").read(), namespace) if "update_parser" in namespace: namespace["update_parser"](parser) return namespace.get("CustomPyTester", PyTester)
[docs]def project_root(parser, projdir=None): """try to find project's root and add it to sys.path""" if projdir is None: projdir = os.getcwd() previousdir = curdir = osp.abspath(projdir) testercls = PyTester conf_file_path = osp.join(curdir, CONF_FILE) if osp.isfile(conf_file_path): testercls = load_pytest_conf(conf_file_path, parser) while this_is_a_testdir(curdir) or osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, "")): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: break previousdir = curdir curdir = newdir conf_file_path = osp.join(curdir, CONF_FILE) if osp.isfile(conf_file_path): testercls = load_pytest_conf(conf_file_path, parser) return previousdir, testercls
[docs]class GlobalTestReport(object): """this class holds global test statistics""" def __init__(self): self.ran = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.failures = 0 self.errors = 0 self.ttime = 0 self.ctime = 0 self.modulescount = 0 self.errmodules = []
[docs] def feed(self, filename, testresult, ttime, ctime): """integrates new test information into internal statistics""" ran = testresult.testsRun self.ran += ran self.skipped += len(getattr(testresult, "skipped", ())) self.failures += len(testresult.failures) self.errors += len(testresult.errors) self.ttime += ttime self.ctime += ctime self.modulescount += 1 if not testresult.wasSuccessful(): problems = len(testresult.failures) + len(testresult.errors) self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], problems, ran))
[docs] def failed_to_test_module(self, filename): """called when the test module could not be imported by unittest""" self.errors += 1 self.modulescount += 1 self.ran += 1 self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], 1, 1))
[docs] def skip_module(self, filename): self.modulescount += 1 self.ran += 1 self.errmodules.append((filename[:-3], 0, 0))
def __str__(self): """this is just presentation stuff""" line1 = ["Ran %s test cases in %.2fs (%.2fs CPU)" % (self.ran, self.ttime, self.ctime)] if self.errors: line1.append("%s errors" % self.errors) if self.failures: line1.append("%s failures" % self.failures) if self.skipped: line1.append("%s skipped" % self.skipped) modulesok = self.modulescount - len(self.errmodules) if self.errors or self.failures: line2 = "%s modules OK (%s failed)" % (modulesok, len(self.errmodules)) descr = ", ".join(["%s [%s/%s]" % info for info in self.errmodules]) line3 = "\nfailures: %s" % descr elif modulesok: line2 = "All %s modules OK" % modulesok line3 = "" else: return "" return "%s\n%s%s" % (", ".join(line1), line2, line3)
[docs]def remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir): """remove all modules from cache that come from `testdir` This is used to avoid strange side-effects when using the testall() mode of pytest. For instance, if we run pytest on this tree:: A/test/ B/test/ we **have** to clean sys.modules to make sure the correct test_utils module is ran in B """ for modname, mod in list(sys.modules.items()): if mod is None: continue if not hasattr(mod, "__file__"): # this is the case of some built-in modules like sys, imp, marshal continue modfile = mod.__file__ # if modfile is not an absolute path, it was probably loaded locally # during the tests if not osp.isabs(modfile) or modfile.startswith(testdir): del sys.modules[modname]
[docs]class PyTester(object): """encapsulates testrun logic""" def __init__(self, cvg, options): = GlobalTestReport() self.cvg = cvg self.options = options self.firstwrite = True self._errcode = None
[docs] def show_report(self): """prints the report and returns appropriate exitcode""" # everything has been ran, print report print("*" * 79) print(
[docs] def get_errcode(self): # errcode set explicitly if self._errcode is not None: return self._errcode return +
[docs] def set_errcode(self, errcode): self._errcode = errcode
errcode = property(get_errcode, set_errcode)
[docs] def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks through current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ here = os.getcwd() for dirname, dirs, _ in os.walk(here): for skipped in STD_BLACKLIST: if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) basename = osp.basename(dirname) if this_is_a_testdir(basename): print("going into", dirname) # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = [] if == 0: print("no test dir found testing here:", here) # if no test was found during the visit, consider # the local directory as a test directory even if # it doesn't have a traditional test directory name self.testonedir(here)
[docs] def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it return true when all tests has been executed, false if exitfirst and some test has failed. """ files = abspath_listdir(testdir) shuffle(files) for filename in files: if this_is_a_testfile(filename): if self.options.exitfirst and not self.options.restart: # overwrite restart file try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "w") restartfile.close() except Exception: print( "Error while overwriting succeeded test file :", osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), file=sys.__stderr__, ) raise # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): return False self.firstwrite = True # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) return True
[docs] def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) # overwrite restart file if it has not been done already if self.options.exitfirst and not self.options.restart and self.firstwrite: try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "w") restartfile.close() except Exception: print( "Error while overwriting succeeded test file :", osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), file=sys.__stderr__, ) raise modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] print((" %s " % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, "="), file=sys.__stderr__) try: tstart, cstart = time(), process_time() try: testprog = SkipAwareTestProgram( modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg, options=self.options, outstream=sys.stderr, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit as exc: self.errcode = exc.code raise except testlib.SkipTest: print("Module skipped:", filename) return None except Exception: print("unhandled exception occurred while testing", modname, file=sys.stderr) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return None tend, cend = time(), process_time() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart), testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog finally: if dirname: os.chdir(here)
[docs]class DjangoTester(PyTester):
[docs] def load_django_settings(self, dirname): """try to find project's setting and load it""" curdir = osp.abspath(dirname) while not osp.isfile(osp.join(curdir, "")) and osp.isfile( osp.join(curdir, "") ): newdir = osp.normpath(osp.join(curdir, os.pardir)) if newdir == curdir: raise AssertionError("could not find") curdir = newdir # late django initialization settings = load_module_from_modpath(modpath_from_file(osp.join(curdir, ""))) from import setup_environ setup_environ(settings) settings.DEBUG = False self.settings = settings # add settings dir to pythonpath since it's the project's root if curdir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(1, curdir)
[docs] def before_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment from django.test.utils import create_test_db setup_test_environment() create_test_db(verbosity=0) self.dbname = self.settings.TEST_DATABASE_NAME
[docs] def after_testfile(self): # Those imports must be done **after** setup_environ was called from django.test.utils import teardown_test_environment from django.test.utils import destroy_test_db teardown_test_environment() print("destroying", self.dbname) destroy_test_db(self.dbname, verbosity=0)
[docs] def testall(self, exitfirst=False): """walks through current working directory, finds something which can be considered as a testdir and runs every test there """ for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()): for skipped in ("CVS", ".svn", ".hg"): if skipped in dirs: dirs.remove(skipped) if "" in files: if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = [] else: basename = osp.basename(dirname) if basename in ("test", "tests"): print("going into", dirname) # we found a testdir, let's explore it ! if not self.testonedir(dirname, exitfirst): break dirs[:] = []
[docs] def testonedir(self, testdir, exitfirst=False): """finds each testfile in the `testdir` and runs it return true when all tests has been executed, false if exitfirst and some test has failed. """ # special django behaviour : if tests are splitted in several files, # remove the main file and tests each test file separately testfiles = [fpath for fpath in abspath_listdir(testdir) if this_is_a_testfile(fpath)] if len(testfiles) > 1: try: testfiles.remove(osp.join(testdir, "")) except ValueError: pass for filename in testfiles: # run test and collect information prog = self.testfile(filename, batchmode=True) if exitfirst and (prog is None or not prog.result.wasSuccessful()): return False # clean local modules remove_local_modules_from_sys(testdir) return True
[docs] def testfile(self, filename, batchmode=False): """runs every test in `filename` :param filename: an absolute path pointing to a unittest file """ here = os.getcwd() dirname = osp.dirname(filename) if dirname: os.chdir(dirname) self.load_django_settings(dirname) modname = osp.basename(filename)[:-3] print((" %s " % osp.basename(filename)).center(70, "="), file=sys.stderr) try: try: tstart, cstart = time(), process_time() self.before_testfile() testprog = SkipAwareTestProgram(modname, batchmode=batchmode, cvg=self.cvg) tend, cend = time(), process_time() ttime, ctime = (tend - tstart), (cend - cstart), testprog.result, ttime, ctime) return testprog except SystemExit: raise except Exception as exc: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print("unhandled exception occurred while testing", modname) print("error: %s" % exc) return None finally: self.after_testfile() if dirname: os.chdir(here)
[docs]def make_parser(): """creates the OptionParser instance""" from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=PYTEST_DOC) parser.newargs = [] def rebuild_cmdline(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main""" parser.newargs.append(opt) def rebuild_and_store(option, opt, value, parser): """carry the option to unittest_main and store the value on current parser """ parser.newargs.append(opt) setattr(parser.values, option.dest, True) def capture_and_rebuild(option, opt, value, parser): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) rebuild_cmdline(option, opt, value, parser) # logilab-pytest options parser.add_option( "-t", dest="testdir", default=None, help="directory where the tests will be found" ) parser.add_option( "-d", dest="dbc", default=False, action="store_true", help="enable design-by-contract" ) # unittest_main options provided and passed through logilab-pytest parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Verbose output" ) parser.add_option( "-i", "--pdb", callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="pdb", action="callback", help="Enable test failure inspection", ) parser.add_option( "-x", "--exitfirst", callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="exitfirst", default=False, action="callback", help="Exit on first failure " "(only make sense when logilab-pytest run one test file)", ) parser.add_option( "-R", "--restart", callback=rebuild_and_store, dest="restart", default=False, action="callback", help="Restart tests from where it failed (implies exitfirst) " "(only make sense if tests previously ran with exitfirst only)", ) parser.add_option( "--color", callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="colorize tracebacks" ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--skip", # XXX: I wish I could use the callback action but it # doesn't seem to be able to get the value # associated to the option action="store", dest="skipped", default=None, help="test names matching this name will be skipped " "to skip several patterns, use commas", ) parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", callback=rebuild_cmdline, action="callback", help="Minimal output" ) parser.add_option( "-P", "--profile", default=None, dest="profile", help="Profile execution and store data in the given file", ) parser.add_option( "-m", "--match", default=None, dest="tags_pattern", help="only execute test whose tag match the current pattern", ) if DJANGO_FOUND: parser.add_option( "-J", "--django", dest="django", default=False, action="store_true", help="use logilab-pytest for django test cases", ) return parser
[docs]def parseargs(parser): """Parse the command line and return (options processed), (options to pass to unittest_main()), (explicitfile or None). """ # parse the command line options, args = parser.parse_args() filenames = [arg for arg in args if arg.endswith(".py")] if filenames: if len(filenames) > 1: parser.error("only one filename is acceptable") explicitfile = filenames[0] args.remove(explicitfile) else: explicitfile = None # someone wants DBC testlib.ENABLE_DBC = options.dbc newargs = parser.newargs if options.skipped: newargs.extend(["--skip", options.skipped]) # restart implies exitfirst if options.restart: options.exitfirst = True # append additional args to the new sys.argv and let unittest_main # do the rest newargs += args return options, explicitfile
@callable_deprecated("[logilab-common 1.3] logilab-pytest is deprecated, use another test runner") def run(): parser = make_parser() rootdir, testercls = project_root(parser) options, explicitfile = parseargs(parser) # mock a new command line sys.argv[1:] = parser.newargs cvg = None if "" not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, "") if DJANGO_FOUND and options.django: tester = DjangoTester(cvg, options) else: tester = testercls(cvg, options) if explicitfile: cmd, args = tester.testfile, (explicitfile,) elif options.testdir: cmd, args = tester.testonedir, (options.testdir, options.exitfirst) else: cmd, args = tester.testall, (options.exitfirst,) try: try: if options.profile: import hotshot prof = hotshot.Profile(options.profile) prof.runcall(cmd, *args) prof.close() print("profile data saved in", options.profile) else: cmd(*args) except SystemExit: raise except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: tester.show_report() sys.exit(tester.errcode)
[docs]class SkipAwareTestProgram(unittest.TestProgram): # XXX: don't try to stay close to, use optparse USAGE = """\ Usage: %(progName)s [options] [test] [...] Options: -h, --help Show this message -v, --verbose Verbose output -i, --pdb Enable test failure inspection -x, --exitfirst Exit on first failure -s, --skip skip test matching this pattern (no regexp for now) -q, --quiet Minimal output --color colorize tracebacks -m, --match Run only test whose tag match this pattern -P, --profile FILE: Run the tests using cProfile and saving results in FILE Examples: %(progName)s - run default set of tests %(progName)s MyTestSuite - run suite 'MyTestSuite' %(progName)s MyTestCase.testSomething - run MyTestCase.testSomething %(progName)s MyTestCase - run all 'test*' test methods in MyTestCase """ def __init__( self, module="__main__", defaultTest=None, batchmode=False, cvg=None, options=None, outstream=sys.stderr, ): self.batchmode = batchmode self.cvg = cvg self.options = options self.outstream = outstream super(SkipAwareTestProgram, self).__init__( module=module, defaultTest=defaultTest, testLoader=NonStrictTestLoader() )
[docs] def parseArgs(self, argv): self.pdbmode = False self.exitfirst = False self.skipped_patterns = [] self.test_pattern = None self.tags_pattern = None self.colorize = False self.profile_name = None import getopt try: options, args = getopt.getopt( argv[1:], "hHvixrqcp:s:m:P:", [ "help", "verbose", "quiet", "pdb", "exitfirst", "restart", "skip=", "color", "match=", "profile=", ], ) for opt, value in options: if opt in ("-h", "-H", "--help"): self.usageExit() if opt in ("-i", "--pdb"): self.pdbmode = True if opt in ("-x", "--exitfirst"): self.exitfirst = True if opt in ("-r", "--restart"): self.restart = True self.exitfirst = True if opt in ("-q", "--quiet"): self.verbosity = 0 if opt in ("-v", "--verbose"): self.verbosity = 2 if opt in ("-s", "--skip"): self.skipped_patterns = [pat.strip() for pat in value.split(", ")] if opt == "--color": self.colorize = True if opt in ("-m", "--match"): # self.tags_pattern = value self.options["tag_pattern"] = value if opt in ("-P", "--profile"): self.profile_name = value self.testLoader.skipped_patterns = self.skipped_patterns if len(args) == 0 and self.defaultTest is None: suitefunc = getattr(self.module, "suite", None) if isinstance(suitefunc, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)): self.test = self.module.suite() else: self.test = self.testLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self.module) return if len(args) > 0: self.test_pattern = args[0] self.testNames = args else: self.testNames = (self.defaultTest,) self.createTests() except getopt.error as msg: self.usageExit(msg)
[docs] def runTests(self): if self.profile_name: import cProfile cProfile.runctx("self._runTests()", globals(), locals(), self.profile_name) else: return self._runTests()
def _runTests(self): self.testRunner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner( verbosity=self.verbosity, stream=self.outstream, exitfirst=self.exitfirst, pdbmode=self.pdbmode, cvg=self.cvg, test_pattern=self.test_pattern, skipped_patterns=self.skipped_patterns, colorize=self.colorize, batchmode=self.batchmode, options=self.options, ) def removeSucceededTests(obj, succTests): """Recursive function that removes succTests from a TestSuite or TestCase """ if isinstance(obj, unittest.TestSuite): removeSucceededTests(obj._tests, succTests) if isinstance(obj, list): for el in obj[:]: if isinstance(el, unittest.TestSuite): removeSucceededTests(el, succTests) elif isinstance(el, unittest.TestCase): descr = ".".join( (el.__class__.__module__, el.__class__.__name__, el._testMethodName) ) if descr in succTests: obj.remove(el) # take care, self.options may be None if getattr(self.options, "restart", False): # retrieve succeeded tests from FILE_RESTART try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "r") try: succeededtests = list(elem.rstrip("\n\r") for elem in restartfile.readlines()) removeSucceededTests(self.test, succeededtests) finally: restartfile.close() except Exception as ex: raise Exception( "Error while reading succeeded tests into %s: %s" % (osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), ex) ) result = # help garbage collection: we want TestSuite, which hold refs to every # executed TestCase, to be gc'ed del self.test if getattr(result, "debuggers", None) and getattr(self, "pdbmode", None): start_interactive_mode(result) if not getattr(self, "batchmode", None): sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) self.result = result
[docs]class SkipAwareTextTestRunner(unittest.TextTestRunner): def __init__( self, stream=sys.stderr, verbosity=1, exitfirst=False, pdbmode=False, cvg=None, test_pattern=None, skipped_patterns=(), colorize=False, batchmode=False, options=None, ): super(SkipAwareTextTestRunner, self).__init__(stream=stream, verbosity=verbosity) self.exitfirst = exitfirst self.pdbmode = pdbmode self.cvg = cvg self.test_pattern = test_pattern self.skipped_patterns = skipped_patterns self.colorize = colorize self.batchmode = batchmode self.options = options def _this_is_skipped(self, testedname: str) -> bool: return any([(pat in testedname) for pat in self.skipped_patterns]) def _runcondition(self, test: Callable, skipgenerator: bool = True) -> bool: if isinstance(test, testlib.InnerTest): testname = else: if isinstance(test, testlib.TestCase): meth = test._get_test_method() testname = "%s.%s" % (test.__name__, meth.__name__) elif isinstance(test, types.FunctionType): func = test testname = func.__name__ elif isinstance(test, types.MethodType): cls = test.__self__.__class__ testname = "%s.%s" % (cls.__name__, test.__name__) else: return True # Not sure when this happens if isgeneratorfunction(test) and skipgenerator: return self.does_match_tags(test) # Let inner tests decide at run time if self._this_is_skipped(testname): return False # this was explicitly skipped if self.test_pattern is not None: try: classpattern, testpattern = self.test_pattern.split(".") klass, name = testname.split(".") if classpattern not in klass or testpattern not in name: return False except ValueError: if self.test_pattern not in testname: return False return self.does_match_tags(test)
[docs] def does_match_tags(self, test: Callable) -> bool: if self.options is not None: tags_pattern = getattr(self.options, "tags_pattern", None) if tags_pattern is not None: tags = getattr(test, "tags", testlib.Tags()) if tags.inherit and isinstance(test, types.MethodType): tags = tags | getattr(test.__self__.__class__, "tags", testlib.Tags()) return tags.match(tags_pattern) return True # no pattern
def _makeResult(self) -> "SkipAwareTestResult": return SkipAwareTestResult(, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.exitfirst, self.pdbmode, self.cvg, self.colorize, )
[docs] def run(self, test): "Run the given test case or test suite." result = self._makeResult() startTime = time() test(result, runcondition=self._runcondition, options=self.options) stopTime = time() timeTaken = stopTime - startTime result.printErrors() if not self.batchmode: run = result.testsRun"Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (run, run != 1 and "s" or "", timeTaken)) if not result.wasSuccessful(): if self.colorize:"FAILED", color="red")) else:"FAILED") else: if self.colorize:"OK", color="green")) else:"OK") failed, errored, skipped = map(len, (result.failures, result.errors, result.skipped)) det_results = [] for name, value in ( ("failures", result.failures), ("errors", result.errors), ("skipped", result.skipped), ): if value: det_results.append("%s=%i" % (name, len(value))) if det_results:" (")", ".join(det_results))")")"") return result
[docs]class SkipAwareTestResult(unittest._TextTestResult): def __init__( self, stream: _WritelnDecorator, descriptions: bool, verbosity: int, exitfirst: bool = False, pdbmode: bool = False, cvg: Optional[Any] = None, colorize: bool = False, ) -> None: super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).__init__(stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.skipped: List[Tuple[Any, Any]] = [] self.debuggers: List = [] self.fail_descrs: List = [] self.error_descrs: List = [] self.exitfirst = exitfirst self.pdbmode = pdbmode self.cvg = cvg self.colorize = colorize self.pdbclass = Debugger self.verbose = verbosity > 1
[docs] def descrs_for(self, flavour: str) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]: return getattr(self, "%s_descrs" % flavour.lower())
def _create_pdb(self, test_descr: str, flavour: str) -> None: self.descrs_for(flavour).append((len(self.debuggers), test_descr)) if self.pdbmode: self.debuggers.append(self.pdbclass(sys.exc_info()[2])) def _iter_valid_frames(self, frames: List[FrameInfo]) -> Generator[FrameInfo, Any, None]: """only consider non-testlib frames when formatting traceback""" def invalid(fi): return osp.abspath(fi[1]) in (lgc_testlib, std_testlib) lgc_testlib = osp.abspath(__file__) std_testlib = osp.abspath(unittest.__file__) for frameinfo in dropwhile(invalid, frames): yield frameinfo def _exc_info_to_string(self, err, test): """Converts a sys.exc_info()-style tuple of values into a string. This method is overridden here because we want to colorize lines if --color is passed, and display local variables if --verbose is passed """ exctype, exc, tb = err output = ["Traceback (most recent call last)"] frames = inspect.getinnerframes(tb) colorize = self.colorize frames = enumerate(self._iter_valid_frames(frames)) for index, (frame, filename, lineno, funcname, ctx, ctxindex) in frames: filename = osp.abspath(filename) if ctx is None: # pyc files or C extensions for instance source = "<no source available>" else: source = "".join(ctx) if colorize: filename = textutils.colorize_ansi(filename, "magenta") source = colorize_source(source) output.append(' File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (filename, lineno, funcname)) output.append(" %s" % source.strip()) if self.verbose: output.append("%r == %r" % (dir(frame), test.__module__)) output.append("") output.append(" " + " local variables ".center(66, "-")) for varname, value in sorted(frame.f_locals.items()): output.append(" %s: %r" % (varname, value)) if varname == "self": # special handy processing for self for varname, value in sorted(vars(value).items()): output.append(" self.%s: %r" % (varname, value)) output.append(" " + "-" * 66) output.append("") output.append("".join(traceback.format_exception_only(exctype, exc))) return "\n".join(output)
[docs] def addError(self, test, err): """err -> (exc_type, exc, tcbk)""" exc_type, exc, _ = err if isinstance(exc, testlib.SkipTest): assert exc_type == testlib.SkipTest self.addSkip(test, exc) else: if self.exitfirst: self.shouldStop = True descr = self.getDescription(test) super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).addError(test, err) self._create_pdb(descr, "error")
[docs] def addFailure(self, test, err): if self.exitfirst: self.shouldStop = True descr = self.getDescription(test) super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).addFailure(test, err) self._create_pdb(descr, "fail")
[docs] def addSkip(self, test, reason): self.skipped.append((test, reason)) if self.showAll:"SKIPPED") elif self.dots:"S")
[docs] def printErrors(self) -> None: super(SkipAwareTestResult, self).printErrors() self.printSkippedList()
[docs] def printSkippedList(self) -> None: # format (test, err) compatible with unittest2 for test, err in self.skipped: descr = self.getDescription(test)"%s: %s" % ("SKIPPED", descr))"\t%s" % err)
[docs] def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors): for (_, descr), (test, err) in zip(self.descrs_for(flavour), errors):"%s: %s" % (flavour, descr))"no stdout".center(len(self.separator2)))"no stderr".center(len(self.separator2)))
orig_call = testlib.TestCase.__call__
[docs]@monkeypatch(testlib.TestCase, "__call__") def call( self: Any, result: SkipAwareTestResult = None, runcondition: Optional[Callable] = None, options: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: orig_call(self, result=result, runcondition=runcondition, options=options) # mypy: Item "None" of "Optional[Any]" has no attribute "exitfirst" # we check it first in the if if hasattr(options, "exitfirst") and options.exitfirst: # type: ignore # add this test to restart file try: restartfile = open(FILE_RESTART, "a") try: descr = ".".join( (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName) ) restartfile.write(descr + os.linesep) finally: restartfile.close() except Exception: print( "Error while saving succeeded test into", osp.join(os.getcwd(), FILE_RESTART), file=sys.__stderr__, ) raise
[docs]@monkeypatch(testlib.TestCase) def defaultTestResult(self): """return a new instance of the defaultTestResult""" return SkipAwareTestResult()
[docs]class NonStrictTestLoader(unittest.TestLoader): """ Overrides default testloader to be able to omit classname when specifying tests to run on command line. For example, if the file contains :: class FooTC(TestCase): def test_foo1(self): # ... def test_foo2(self): # ... def test_bar1(self): # ... class BarTC(TestCase): def test_bar2(self): # ... 'python' will run the 3 tests in FooTC 'python FooTC' will run the 3 tests in FooTC 'python test_foo' will run test_foo1 and test_foo2 'python test_foo1' will run test_foo1 'python test_bar' will run FooTC.test_bar1 and BarTC.test_bar2 """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.skipped_patterns = () # some magic here to accept empty list by extending # and to provide callable capability
[docs] def loadTestsFromNames(self, names: List[str], module: type = None) -> TestSuite: suites = [] for name in names: suites.extend(self.loadTestsFromName(name, module)) return self.suiteClass(suites)
def _collect_tests(self, module: type) -> Dict[str, Tuple[type, List[str]]]: tests = {} for obj in vars(module).values(): if isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, unittest.TestCase): classname = obj.__name__ if classname[0] == "_" or self._this_is_skipped(classname): continue methodnames = [] # obj is a TestCase class for attrname in dir(obj): if attrname.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix): attr = getattr(obj, attrname) if callable(attr): methodnames.append(attrname) # keep track of class (obj) for convenience tests[classname] = (obj, methodnames) return tests
[docs] def loadTestsFromSuite(self, module, suitename): try: suite = getattr(module, suitename)() except AttributeError: return [] assert hasattr(suite, "_tests"), "%s.%s is not a valid TestSuite" % ( module.__name__, suitename, ) # python2.3 does not implement __iter__ on suites, we need to return # _tests explicitly return suite._tests
[docs] def loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None): parts = name.split(".") if module is None or len(parts) > 2: # let the base class do its job here return [super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).loadTestsFromName(name)] tests = self._collect_tests(module) collected = [] if len(parts) == 1: pattern = parts[0] if callable(getattr(module, pattern, None)) and pattern not in tests: # consider it as a suite return self.loadTestsFromSuite(module, pattern) if pattern in tests: # case python MyTestTC klass, methodnames = tests[pattern] for methodname in methodnames: collected = [klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames] else: # case python something for klass, methodnames in tests.values(): # skip methodname if matched by skipped_patterns for skip_pattern in self.skipped_patterns: methodnames = [ methodname for methodname in methodnames if skip_pattern not in methodname ] collected += [ klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if pattern in methodname ] elif len(parts) == 2: # case "MyClass.test_1" classname, pattern = parts klass, methodnames = tests.get(classname, (None, [])) for methodname in methodnames: collected = [ klass(methodname) for methodname in methodnames if pattern in methodname ] return collected
def _this_is_skipped(self, testedname: str) -> bool: # mypy: Need type annotation for 'pat' # doc doesn't say how to that in list comprehension return any([(pat in testedname) for pat in self.skipped_patterns]) # type: ignore
[docs] def getTestCaseNames(self, testCaseClass: type) -> List[str]: """Return a sorted sequence of method names found within testCaseClass""" is_skipped = self._this_is_skipped classname = testCaseClass.__name__ if classname[0] == "_" or is_skipped(classname): return [] testnames = super(NonStrictTestLoader, self).getTestCaseNames(testCaseClass) return [testname for testname in testnames if not is_skipped(testname)]
# The 2 functions below are modified versions of the method # that is provided with unittest2 for python 2.6, in unittest2/ # It is used to monkeypatch the original implementation to support # extra runcondition and options arguments (see in def _ts_run( self: Any, result: SkipAwareTestResult, debug: bool = False, runcondition: Callable = None, options: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> SkipAwareTestResult: self._wrapped_run(result, runcondition=runcondition, options=options) self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) self._handleModuleTearDown(result) return result def _ts_wrapped_run( self: Any, result: SkipAwareTestResult, debug: bool = False, runcondition: Callable = None, options: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> SkipAwareTestResult: for test in self: if result.shouldStop: break if unittest_suite._isnotsuite(test): self._tearDownPreviousClass(test, result) self._handleModuleFixture(test, result) self._handleClassSetUp(test, result) result._previousTestClass = test.__class__ if getattr(test.__class__, "_classSetupFailed", False) or getattr( result, "_moduleSetUpFailed", False ): continue # --- modifications to deal with _wrapped_run --- # original code is: # # if not debug: # test(result) # else: # test.debug() if hasattr(test, "_wrapped_run"): try: test._wrapped_run(result, debug, runcondition=runcondition, options=options) except TypeError: test._wrapped_run(result, debug) elif not debug: try: test(result, runcondition, options) except TypeError: test(result) else: test.debug() # --- end of modifications to deal with _wrapped_run --- return result if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # The function below implements a modified version of the # method that is provided with python 2.7, in # unittest/ def _ts_run( # noqa self: Any, result: SkipAwareTestResult, debug: bool = False, runcondition: Callable = None, options: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> SkipAwareTestResult: topLevel = False if getattr(result, "_testRunEntered", False) is False: result._testRunEntered = topLevel = True self._wrapped_run(result, debug, runcondition, options) if topLevel: self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) self._handleModuleTearDown(result) result._testRunEntered = False return result
[docs]def enable_dbc(*args): """ Without arguments, return True if contracts can be enabled and should be enabled (see option -d), return False otherwise. With arguments, return False if contracts can't or shouldn't be enabled, otherwise weave ContractAspect with items passed as arguments. """ if not ENABLE_DBC: return False try: from logilab.aspects.weaver import weaver from logilab.aspects.lib.contracts import ContractAspect except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Warning: logilab.aspects is not available. Contracts disabled.") return False for arg in args: weaver.weave_module(arg, ContractAspect) return True
# monkeypatch unittest and doctest (ouch !) unittest._TextTestResult = SkipAwareTestResult unittest.TextTestRunner = SkipAwareTextTestRunner unittest.TestLoader = NonStrictTestLoader unittest.TestProgram = SkipAwareTestProgram if sys.version_info >= (2, 4): doctest.DocTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) # XXX check python2.6 compatibility # doctest.DocTestCase._cleanups = [] # doctest.DocTestCase._out = [] else: unittest.FunctionTestCase.__bases__ = (testlib.TestCase,) = _ts_run unittest.TestSuite._wrapped_run = _ts_wrapped_run if __name__ == "__main__": run()