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Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
Upstream-Name: chardet
Upstream-Contact: Daniel Blanchard <dan.blanchard@gmail.com>
Source: https://github.com/chardet/chardet
Files-Excluded: tests/ascii/howto.diveintomark.org.xml
Comment: The files in the test suite have mostly no detailed copyright
 information since years. Also some usage conditions might be problematic
 for some kind of users. The upstream issue tracker did get some entries
 about that problem.
 The test files are collected by the upstream project over time from random
 places, some files which are clearly not DFSG compatible getting removed
 from the repackaged tarball for Debian.

Files: *
Copyright: 1998, 2001, 2005 Netscape Communications Corporation
 2003, Mozilla Foundation
 2006, 2007, 2008 Mark Pilgrim
 2012-2013, Ian Cordasco
 2013-2022, Dan Blanchard
License: LGPL-2.1+

Files: chardet/cli/chardetect.py
Copyright: 2012, Erik Rose <grinch@grinchcentral.com>
License: LGPL-2.1+

Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2006-2011, Piotr Ożarowski <piotr@debian.org>
 2014, 2016-2019, Daniele Tricoli <eriol@debian.org>
 2022, Carsten Schoenert <c.schoenert@t-online.de>
License: LGPL-2.1+

Files: tests/*
Copyright: various people, organizations or companies
License: non-given-in-english

License: LGPL-2.1+
 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
 License, or (at your option) any later version.
 See /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1 for the full license text.

License: non-given-in-english
 There are no specific license information available in English except some
 year data of copyright holders.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 23 21:25:10 CEST 2024.