
scipy.linalg.lapack.dgtsv(dl, d, du, b[, overwrite_dl, overwrite_d, overwrite_du, overwrite_b]) = <fortran function dgtsv>

Wrapper for dgtsv.

dlinput rank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (-1 + n)
dinput rank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (n)
duinput rank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (-1 + n)
binput rank-2 array(‘d’) with bounds (n,nrhs)
du2rank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (-1 + n) and dl storage
drank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (n)
durank-1 array(‘d’) with bounds (-1 + n)
xrank-2 array(‘d’) with bounds (n,nrhs) and b storage
Other Parameters:
overwrite_dlinput int, optional

Default: 0

overwrite_dinput int, optional

Default: 0

overwrite_duinput int, optional

Default: 0

overwrite_binput int, optional

Default: 0