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Changes on 1.3.2 since 1.3.1:

* Fixed case when some keyboard shortcuts stopped working: Alt+Home, Alt+Up.

* Fixed sytem reboot delayed for 90 seconds in some cases.

Changes on 1.3.1 since 1.3.0:

* Allowed bigger sizes of icons and thumbnails as 256*256 appears to be small
    on hi-res displays.

Changes on 1.3.0 since 1.2.5:

* Fixed potential access violation, use runtime user dir instead of tmp dir
    for single instance socket.

* Fixed an issue with losing icons on desktop, when file name has a '[' char.

* Added a missing tooltip for 'New Window' toolbar button.

* Fixed an issue when single instance socket' directory did not exist (see

Changes on 1.2.5 since 1.2.4:

* Removed options to Cut, Remove and Rename from context menu on mounted
    drive on the desktop, user might accidentally recursively remove its

* Removed 'Open in terminal' from context menu on folder on the desktop
    that cannot be opened in terminal.

* Fixed invalid unref on CSS provider (GTK+ 3.0).

* Fixed unwanted unselection of items when right-clicked the desktop.

* Fixed endless loop in desktop items placement in some corner cases.

* Fixed spelling error in the manual page.

Changes on 1.2.4 since 1.2.3:

* Workarounded a bug in gtk_file_chooser_set_file() function (patch from
    Simon Long).

* Fixed single instance options cleanup that might affect next call.

* Fixed wrong update of status text after folder update when there are
    selected files in the folder.

* Disabled using desktop background from the GTK+ style since there is
    own color setting and changing the style may repaint the desktop.

* Enforced desktop font update on the desktop resize with GTK+ 3.0.

* Fixed items layout order to never be tried before desktop is realized.

* Fixed item borders calculations when matching to pointer position.

* Fixed forwarding events to root window, it could get unpaired events.

* Fixed crash on too fast folder change with focus_previous=1.

* Fixed stuck tooltip after click on the item.

* Improved option to open folder in terminal, it should work with gvfs
    paths that have resolvable local path as well.

* Fixed incorrect file names rendering position on the desktop.

* Fixed not working Connect to Server... dialog when non-anonymous user
    is selected.

* Fixed possible memory corruption in the Connect to Server... dialog.

* Support explicit mention of scheme in the Server line of the Connect to
    Server... dialog, not duplicate it if it's present. That includes the
    https:// to fix support for secure WebDAV access as well.

Changes on 1.2.3 since 1.2.2:

* Disabled unrequested config save on changing dir if show_hidden changes.

* Replaced deprecated atk_component_get_position() calls.

* Fixed invalid callback get_image_position() on ATK icon, it could loop
    and therefore hang the application.

* Increased delay on restoring scroller position from 20 to 50 ms.

Changes on 1.2.2 since 1.2.1:

* Fixed Ctrl+- and Ctrl+= key combinations for zooming.

* Fixed compilation with libfm 1.1.x.

* Disabled showing items on desktop that are being dragged, they should
    be at the mouse cursor, visually dragged instead.

* Fixed setting of custom settings on wrong folders which were set on
    directory change where show hidden flag was different.

Changes on 1.2.1 since 1.2.0:

* Fixed update desktop config from old settings.

* Fixed 'Edit'->'Rename' menu item, it should be inactive if rename isn't

* Fixed install and uninstall for modules directory.

* Port number shouldn't be added in Connect to Server dialog if port is
    default one.

* Got rid of possible memory exhausting after changing wallpaper.

* Fixed icons positioning when upper reserved area is not 0.

* Fixed resetting cursor in location bar to beginning after navigation.

* Corrected folder popup update on folder loading so context menu is now
    correct for the folder shown.

* Fixed dragging and dropping icons behavior on desktop.

* Correctly use screen number to display all the windows.

* Added "System;FileTools;" into Categories for pcmanfm.desktop, those
    are recommended categories for the FileManager one.

* Reordered 'View' menu items a bit to conform with HIG.

* Implemented drawing icons of dragged items as cursor to see where they
    will end up dropped.

Changes on 1.2.0 since 1.1.0:

* Implemented accessibility for the desktop managed by pcmanfm.

* Added missing accessibility relations between main window parts.

* Added tooltips for desktop items. Tooltips contain full file names,
    while desktop text shows them truncated in case of long names.

* For LibFM version 1.2.0 (and newer) show version of LibFM in the About
    window as well, not just PCManFM version.

* Added support for configuration options of LibFM 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 into
    Preferences dialog.

* Adopted new LibFM APIs and disabled all the deprecated calls.

* Implemented separated desktop configuration for each monitor. The
    Desktop Preferences dialog will be applied only to current monitor.
    If no setup was ever done for secondary monitor then setup will be
    copied from primary one. Configuration will be converted into new
    style from old one on the first start of PCManFM desktop manager.
    The new configuration will be not known to old version of PCManFM so
    if you start old one again, it will gain default configuration for
    the desktop instead.

* Changed representing of sort mode in config file: instead of numerics
    'sort_type' and 'sort_by' it's saved as 'sort=<list>' text setting.
    Thus it is possible to save extended modes such as 'case' or 'mingle'
    and save sort by extended columns (see LibFM new APIs).

* Implemented saving of columns (works for Detailed List View mode). The
    list of columns is represented as <name>[:<width]. This feature will
    work with LibFM 1.0.2 or newer. The LibFM 1.1.x will get some benefit
    only, the PCManFM can load that list from config. The possibility to
    catch columns change is available since LibFM 1.2.0 so this feature
    will work in full only with LibFM 1.2.0 or newer.

* Changed strings to follow common Human Interface Guidelines for strings

* New tab with Search Results now opened in Detailed List View mode with
    columns: Name, Description, Location, Size, Modified. Since Search
    Results is a special folder, its layout should be other than default.

* The 'Tools'->'Open Current Folder as Root' menu item is removed along
    with 'su_cmd' configuration option. That mode is too much dangerous
    and appropriate functionality can be achieved using DES-EMA extension
    for context menu, no need to hardcode it into PCManFM.

* Added support for extended sort modes into main menu.

* If used with LibFM 1.2.0 or newer then list of view modes in the main
    menu will be not hardcoded but list of supported view modes retrieved
    from FmStandardView widget.

* Added support for per-folder configurations: sort mode, show_hidden,
    and view mode. The settings will be loaded from the file .directory
    if it exists, the file ~/.config/pcmanfm/<profile>/dir-settings.conf
    will be used otherwise (and if linked with LibFM 1.2.0 or newer then
    the file ~/.config/libfm/dir-settings.conf will be used instead by
    the LibFM). Those settings will be saved not for each of the visited
    folders but only if 'View'->'Save for This Folder' checkbox in the
    main menu is checked, and will be forgotten after it's unchecked.

* Changed representing of view mode in config file: instead of numeric
    'view_mode' it is saved in portable way as string defined by widget

* Changed representing of side pane mode in config file: instead of
    numeric 'side_pane_mode' it is saved now in portable way as string
    defined by widget FmSidePane.

* Implemented Dual Pane mode which can be toggled on anytime. If there is
    some tab next to current then it will be used for inactive pane, and
    if there is only one tab present in the window then new tab will be
    created (for the same directory as current view). When tab that is
    shown in inactive pane is closed then Dual Pane mode is terminated
    and may be toggled on again by user if needed. The Dual Pane mode can
    be toggled either via the main menu or by pressing a key 'F3'.

* Added icon size manipulations (increase, decrease, normalize size) into
    View menu. New size will be remembered in config for the appropriate
    type of icons.

* Added configuration for toolbar: it can be now hidden, and elements on
    it (New Tab, navigations, Home) can be hidden individually as well.

* Added menu option 'Go'->'Connect to Server...". If selected it opens a
    dialog window to select type of remote folder and few parameters
    (host, port, path, login) for the connection. If not cancelled then
    selected remote folder will be opened in new tab.

* Implemented new config option 'media_in_new_tab', defaulted to false.
    If set then automounted folder will be opened in new tab instead of
    new window.

* Implemented new config option 'desktop_folder_new_win', defaulted to
    false. If set then folder from desktop will be opened in new window
    instead of new tab.

* Context menu options to open folder in new window / tab / terminal now
    available also for side pane items' context menu if used with LibFM
    1.2.0 or newer.

* If used with libfm 1.2.0 or newer then option 'mingle' will be included
    into default sort modes for the Desktop. This is expected by most of
    users - we add something to Desktop, then we see it after all already
    added items, not after other folders.

* Implemented handling for extra items on the desktop:
    - Trash Can
    - "Documents" folder
    - external media
    Those items have not be in the Desktop folder, they will be added to
    the view by desktop manager internally. Corresponding config options
    are 'show_trash', 'show_documents', 'show_mounts' - those are set in
    the desktop config for each monitor. Default is true for 'show_trash'
    and false for other items. Note that all those items are not links of
    any kind but folders itself so weird operations with them may lead to
    weird results.
    This feature will work only if linked against libfm 1.2.0 or newer.

* Folder view modes moved to separate submenu to make View menu shorter.

* Reordered View, Bookmarks, and Go menus placement in menu bar to follow
    common order used by other applications and file managers.

* The menu items 'Go'->'Applications' and 'Tools'->'Find Files...' should
    become insensitive now if appropriate modules were not loaded.

* Added new section 'autorun' into config where last choices made by user
    for some kind of inserted media is remembered. Added a checkbutton
    'Always perform this action on this media type' into the dialog where
    user selects an action so user can remember the choice and never ask
    again for that kind of media. The button is not available for unknown
    or mixed media types. The 'do nothing' kind of choice is allowed to
    remember as well if user selects not ask again and press the 'Cancel'
    button in the dialog. The choice 'not ask' is saved in config file as
    asterisk (*) prepended to application ID. The choice of view in the
    PCManFM itself is saved as pseudo-ID "pcmanfm".

* The menu option 'Edit'->'Delete' is split to two: 'Move to Trash' and
    'Delete' because some users with disabilities may not be able to use
    keybinding Shift+Del therefore should be a possibility to do exact
    action by mouse only.

* Added new menu option 'File'->'Folder Properties' which duplicates the
    folder context menu option for those who cannot use the context menu.

* Added new menu option 'Edit'->'Properties' from the selection context
    menu for those who cannot use the context menu.

* Added new menu option 'Edit'->'Open' to launch selection for those who
    can use neither keyboard nor selection context menu.

* Added new config option 'show_statusbar' with default to true which
    defines should status bar be shown or hidden. It's controllable via
    menu 'View'->'Show Status Bar'.

* Added new menu option 'File'->'Create Link...' to create link(s) on the
    selected file(s) into some directory.

* Implemented a runtime option to open Find Files dialog window. It will
    not replace any other options, i.e. if used alone and no other window
    nor desktop manager is active, it will open new default window. It
    will not open any additional window if used when an other window or
    desktop manager is active though.

* When wallpaper mode is color-only, the file chooser for wallpaper image
    is not clickable anymore because it has no reasons to be clickable.

* Implemented the interactive search for desktop contents. It is similar
    to that in GtkTreeView and ExoIconView, activated by just typing or
    pressing Ctrl+F. This small search entry window is opened at the top
    right corner of workspace. It supports the same shortcuts as those
    GtkTreeView - Ctrl+G for "find next" or "Shift+Ctrl+G for backward,
    scroll gestures also possible.

* Added new menu option 'View'->'Filter...' which allows to apply shell
    pattern to files currently shown in the view. The pattern is case

* After creation of new tab using keyboard Ctrl+T (or main menu option)
    the Location Bar of new created tab will be focused to allow easy
    change path. Any other created new tabs will have the focus as usual.

* Added new config option 'change_tab_on_drop', defaulted to true to keep
    old behavior: when you drag file(s) on tab label then tab will be
    unfolded so you can drop files into folder view. If set to false (new
    behavior) then the tab will be not unfolded but you can drop files
    directly on tab label using any wanted gestures and files will end up
    in the folder that tab label points to.

* Added new menu option 'Edit'->'Copy Path(s)' to copy text paths for the
    selection into clipboard.

* Added new config option 'home_path' (unset by default) which defines
    the file path or URI string to open when 'Home Folder' is activated
    in side pane, toolbar, or menu. Available only with LibFM 1.2.0 or

* Added new config option 'focus_previous' defaulted to false (preserving
    old behavior) which allows select and focus the folder where we came
    from when we go into parent directory. It's available only with LibFM
    1.2.0 or newer.

* Added new config option 'close_on_unmount' defaulted to true. If set to
    true then tab containing a folder that is vanished (that happens if
    the folder either was deleted or was renamed or was unmounted) will
    be closed. If set to false then such tab will go to the 'Home Folder'
    instead (with respect to 'home_path' config option).

* Implemented possibility to set custom folder to display on desktop. It
    is saved in monitor config option 'folder'. If that config option is
    unset that implies default desktop folder. If that config option is
    set to empty string then desktop icons support and drag&drop support
    will be disabled for that monitor. Otherwise mentioned path will be
    used to display on the desktop instead of Desktop Folder.

* Changed saving option 'wallpaper_mode' into desktop config, it will be
    saved as text instead of number to allow further improvements.

* Added new wallpaper mode 'crop' that will scale image proportionally to
    match the monitor size fut in difference to the 'fit' mode the scaled
    image will fill whole monitor area and will be cropped if it's bigger
    than the monitor.

* Added new wallpaper mode 'screen' that will scale image to fill the
    entire screen size and display appropriate part on the monitor it is
    configured for. This mode is useful when people have an appropriate
    wallpaper and want their screen composed of two monitors to show the
    whole image - a part on first monitor and other part on second.

* Added alternative to Location Bar - implemented FmPathBar support with
    switching via menu 'View'->'Path Bar'->... radio buttons. The path
    bar mode is applied to windows opened after change, the same way as
    the side bar change is applied.

* Added optional 'New Window' button to the toolbar left to 'New Tab' one
    to those who don't like tabbed view.

* The statusbar can show total size of selected files if some conditions
    are met. Conditions are:
    - number of selected files should be less than 1000;
    - selection should contain no directories.
    Those limitations are due to lightweight nature of the file manager
    and otherwise counting will take too much resources.

* Added API to create third-party plugins that may append own text to the
    statusbar text for selected files. The plugins should be installed
    into $(libdir)/pcmanfm folder and use "#include <pcmanfm-modules.h>"
    directive in the code.

* Added new menu option 'Tools'->'Run a Command in Current Folder' to run
    an arbitrary command line from the folder opened in current tab. This
    option works only with LibFM 1.2.0 or newer.

* A whole lot of bugfixes.

Changes on 1.1.0 since 1.0.1:

* Corrected underscores (mnemonics) on every menu and dialog.

* Migrated to new libfm APIs for simplification.

* Fixed GTK+ 3.0 compatibility problems. Added switch --with-gtk=N to
    configure script where N is GTK+ version: 2 or 3. Default is 2.

* Added option 'Treat backup files as hidden' into 'Display' tab of the
    preferences dialog and 'Use Application Startup Notify by default'
    into 'Advanced' tab. Both have effect with libfm 1.0.2 or newer.

* Added rintime option '--new-win' to open new window instead of new tab
    when started with some directory name.

* Added runtime option '--role' to set WM_WINDOW_ROLE property which can
    be used by window manager to do arrangement of window. Works only if
    option '--new-win' is also used.

* Added search engine support. Works if compiled with libfm-gtk >= 1.0.2.

* The items which cannot act (such as "Copy" when no items selected) now
    are disabled in menu and toolbar.

* Experimental implementation of option --one-screen to apply --desktop
    option only for one (current) X-Screen.

* Implemented side pane hiding, bound to 'F9' key press.

Changes on 1.0.1 since 1.0.0:

* Implemented basic multi-monitor support.

* Implemented toggling fullscreen mode via 'F11' key press.

* Added tab 'Layout' into Preferences dialog.

* Few lesser bugfixes.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 04:31:35 CEST 2024.