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# xdg-basedir

> Get [XDG Base Directory](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html) paths

This package is meant for Linux. You should not use XDG on macOS or Windows. Instead, you should follow their platform conventions. You can use [`env-paths`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/env-paths) for that.

## Install

$ npm install xdg-basedir

## Usage

import {xdgData, xdgConfig, xdgDataDirectories} from 'xdg-basedir';

//=> '/home/sindresorhus/.local/share'

//=> '/home/sindresorhus/.config'

//=> ['/home/sindresorhus/.local/share', '/usr/local/share/', '/usr/share/']

## API

The exports `xdgData`, `xdgConfig`, `xdgCache`, `xdgRuntime` will return `undefined` in the uncommon case that both the XDG environment variable is not set and the users home directory can't be found. You need to handle this case. A common solution is to [fall back to a temporary directory](https://github.com/yeoman/configstore/blob/b82690fc401318ad18dcd7d151a0003a4898a314/index.js#L15).

### xdgData

Directory for user-specific data files.

### xdgConfig

Directory for user-specific configuration files.

### xdgState

Directory for user-specific state files.

### xdgCache

Directory for user-specific non-essential data files.

### xdgRuntime

Directory for user-specific non-essential runtime files and other file objects (such as sockets, named pipes, etc).

### xdgDataDirectories

Preference-ordered array of base directories to search for data files in addition to `xdgData`.

### xdgConfigDirectories

Preference-ordered array of base directories to search for configuration files in addition to `xdgConfig`.


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