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# supports-color

> Detect whether a terminal supports color

## Install

$ npm install supports-color

## Usage

const supportsColor = require('supports-color');

if (supportsColor.stdout) {
        console.log('Terminal stdout supports color');

if (supportsColor.stdout.has256) {
        console.log('Terminal stdout supports 256 colors');

if (supportsColor.stderr.has16m) {
        console.log('Terminal stderr supports 16 million colors (truecolor)');

## API

Returns an `Object` with a `stdout` and `stderr` property for testing either streams. Each property is an `Object`, or `false` if color is not supported.

The `stdout`/`stderr` objects specifies a level of support for color through a `.level` property and a corresponding flag:

- `.level = 1` and `.hasBasic = true`: Basic color support (16 colors)
- `.level = 2` and `.has256 = true`: 256 color support
- `.level = 3` and `.has16m = true`: Truecolor support (16 million colors)

### `require('supports-color').supportsColor(stream, options?)`

Additionally, `supports-color` exposes the `.supportsColor()` function that takes an arbitrary write stream (e.g. `process.stdout`) and an optional options object to (re-)evaluate color support for an arbitrary stream.

For example, `require('supports-color').stdout` is the equivalent of `require('supports-color').supportsColor(process.stdout)`.

The options object supports a single boolean property `sniffFlags`. By default it is `true`, which instructs `supportsColor()` to sniff `process.argv` for the multitude of `--color` flags (see _Info_ below). If `false`, then `process.argv` is not considered when determining color support.

## Info

It obeys the `--color` and `--no-color` CLI flags.

For situations where using `--color` is not possible, use the environment variable `FORCE_COLOR=1` (level 1), `FORCE_COLOR=2` (level 2), or `FORCE_COLOR=3` (level 3) to forcefully enable color, or `FORCE_COLOR=0` to forcefully disable. The use of `FORCE_COLOR` overrides all other color support checks.

Explicit 256/Truecolor mode can be enabled using the `--color=256` and `--color=16m` flags, respectively.

## Related

- [supports-color-cli](https://github.com/chalk/supports-color-cli) - CLI for this module
- [chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) - Terminal string styling done right

## Maintainers

- [Sindre Sorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
- [Josh Junon](https://github.com/qix-)


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