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# Let's make a plugin!

> Another example on how to use Got like a boss :electric_plug:

Okay, so you already have learned some basics. That's great!

When it comes to advanced usage, custom instances are really helpful.
For example, take a look at [`gh-got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/gh-got).
It looks pretty complicated, but... it's really not.

Before we start, we need to find the [GitHub API docs](https://developer.github.com/v3/).

Let's write down the most important information:
1. The root endpoint is `https://api.github.com/`.
2. We will use version 3 of the API.\
   The `Accept` header needs to be set to `application/vnd.github.v3+json`.
3. The body is in a JSON format.
4. We will use OAuth2 for authorization.
5. We may receive `400 Bad Request` or `422 Unprocessable Entity`.\
   The body contains detailed information about the error.
6. *Pagination?* Not yet. This is going to be a native feature of Got. We'll update this page accordingly when the feature is available.
7. Rate limiting. These headers are interesting:

- `X-RateLimit-Limit`
- `X-RateLimit-Remaining`
- `X-RateLimit-Reset`
- `X-GitHub-Request-Id`

Also `X-GitHub-Request-Id` may be useful.

8. User-Agent is required.

When we have all the necessary info, we can start mixing :cake:

### The root endpoint

Not much to do here, just extend an instance and provide the `prefixUrl` option:

const got = require('got');

const instance = got.extend({
        prefixUrl: 'https://api.github.com'

module.exports = instance;

### v3 API

GitHub needs to know which version we are using. We'll use the `Accept` header for that:

const got = require('got');

const instance = got.extend({
        prefixUrl: 'https://api.github.com',
        headers: {
                accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'

module.exports = instance;

### JSON body

We'll use [`options.responseType`](../readme.md#responsetype):

const got = require('got');

const instance = got.extend({
        prefixUrl: 'https://api.github.com',
        headers: {
                accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
        responseType: 'json'

module.exports = instance;

### Authorization

It's common to set some environment variables, for example, `GITHUB_TOKEN`. You can modify the tokens in all your apps easily, right? Cool. What about... we want to provide a unique token for each app. Then we will need to create a new option - it will default to the environment variable, but you can easily override it.

Let's use handlers instead of hooks. This will make our code more readable: having `beforeRequest`, `beforeError` and `afterResponse` hooks for just a few lines of code would complicate things unnecessarily.

**Tip:** it's a good practice to use hooks when your plugin gets complicated. Try not to overload the handler function, but don't abuse hooks either.

const got = require('got');

const instance = got.extend({
        prefixUrl: 'https://api.github.com',
        headers: {
                accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
        responseType: 'json',
        token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
        handlers: [
                (options, next) => {
                        // Authorization
                        if (options.token && !options.headers.authorization) {
                                options.headers.authorization = `token ${options.token}`;

                        return next(options);

module.exports = instance;

### Errors

We should name our errors, just to know if the error is from the API response. Superb errors, here we come!

        handlers: [
                (options, next) => {
                        // Authorization
                        if (options.token && !options.headers.authorization) {
                                options.headers.authorization = `token ${options.token}`;

                        // Don't touch streams
                        if (options.isStream) {
                                return next(options);

                        // Magic begins
                        return (async () => {
                                try {
                                        const response = await next(options);

                                        return response;
                                } catch (error) {
                                        const {response} = error;

                                        // Nicer errors
                                        if (response && response.body) {
                                                error.name = 'GitHubError';
                                                error.message = `${response.body.message} (${response.statusCode} status code)`;

                                        throw error;

### Rate limiting

Umm... `response.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining']` doesn't look good. What about `response.rateLimit.limit` instead?<br>
Yeah, definitely. Since `response.headers` is an object, we can easily parse these:

const getRateLimit = (headers) => ({
        limit: parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-limit'], 10),
        remaining: parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'], 10),
        reset: new Date(parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], 10) * 1000)

        'x-ratelimit-limit': '60',
        'x-ratelimit-remaining': '55',
        'x-ratelimit-reset': '1562852139'
// => {
//      limit: 60,
//      remaining: 55,
//      reset: 2019-07-11T13:35:39.000Z
// }

Let's integrate it:

const getRateLimit = (headers) => ({
        limit: parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-limit'], 10),
        remaining: parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'], 10),
        reset: new Date(parseInt(headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], 10) * 1000)

        handlers: [
                (options, next) => {
                        // Authorization
                        if (options.token && !options.headers.authorization) {
                                options.headers.authorization = `token ${options.token}`;

                        // Don't touch streams
                        if (options.isStream) {
                                return next(options);

                        // Magic begins
                        return (async () => {
                                try {
                                        const response = await next(options);

                                        // Rate limit for the Response object
                                        response.rateLimit = getRateLimit(response.headers);

                                        return response;
                                } catch (error) {
                                        const {response} = error;

                                        // Nicer errors
                                        if (response && response.body) {
                                                error.name = 'GitHubError';
                                                error.message = `${response.body.message} (${response.statusCode} status code)`;

                                        // Rate limit for errors
                                        if (response) {
                                                error.rateLimit = getRateLimit(response.headers);

                                        throw error;

### The frosting on the cake: `User-Agent` header.

const package = require('./package');

const instance = got.extend({
        headers: {
                accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
                'user-agent': `${package.name}/${package.version}`

## Woah. Is that it?

Yup. View the full source code [here](examples/gh-got.js). Here's an example of how to use it:

const ghGot = require('gh-got');

(async () => {
        const response = await ghGot('users/sindresorhus');
        const creationDate = new Date(response.created_at);

        console.log(`Sindre's GitHub profile was created on ${creationDate.toGMTString()}`);
        // => Sindre's GitHub profile was created on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:57:02 GMT

Did you know you can mix many instances into a bigger, more powerful one? Check out the [Advanced Creation](advanced-creation.md) guide.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 20 13:42:20 CEST 2024.