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media-types (10.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Typse changed:
  fc1dbd3 Removed `aml` extension in `application/automationml-aml+xml`
          (redundant).  Thanks to Glenn Strauss (Closes: #1031068)

  Types added:

  44e3270 application/vnd.eln+zip (file ext. ELN)
  0661e4e application/vnd.gpxsee.map+xml

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sat, 11 Feb 2023 22:46:09 +0900

media-types (9.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types changed:

  25ede06 application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database renamed
  5e05a28 chemical/x-mol2 replaced with application/vnd.sybyl.mol2
  96ba60b Move apng suffix from image/vnd.mozilla.apng (deprecated)
          to image/apng (new)
  ee6d877 application/vnd.gentics.grd+json: add file extension grd

  Types removed:

  f39a636 Removed video/dl, conlfict for file ext .dl with a/vnd.datalog
  33f1b86 Remove obsolete type application/remote-printing
  6e4c8cc Remove application/vnd.wordperfect5.1 (file ext. wp5),
          not regisered at the IANA

  Types added:

  0310ebf application/apexlang (file exts apex, apexlang).
  bd7ea5f application/automationml-aml+xml and application/automationml-amlx+zip
  a57abd9 application/concise-problem-details+cbor (no file extension)
  c1b61c2 application/cose-x509
  8f5ed9b application/EmergencyCallData.LegacyESN+json
  5a9d10d application/logout+jwt
  ed68c0c application/rpki-checklist, did not associate it to file ext. sig.
  7ae76d0 application/swid+cbor (file extension: coswid).
  a4a9f59 application/tm+json (extensions tm.jsonl, tm.json or jsontm)
  95ecec7 application/vnd.3gpp-prose-pc3a+xml,
  894dafd application/vnd.belightsoft.lhzl+zip (extension lhzl)
  d1bfd67 application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip (no file ext)
  7b1eab9 application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.provenance.v1.prov
  60b329a application/vnd.datalog (file extension .dl)
  3101b7a application/vnd.gentoo.manifest
  48baea4 application/vnd.gentoo.catmetadata+xml
          application/vnd.gentoo.ebuild (ebuild),
          application/vnd.gentoo.eclass (eclass)
          application/vnd.gentoo.gpkg (gpkg.tar)
          application/vnd.gentoo.xpak (xpak)
  e58b95e application/vnd.ipld.dag-cbor, application/vnd.ipld.dag-json
  ef32b7f application/vnd.medicalholodeck.recordxr (ext: rxt)
  3e875a5 application/vnd.wasmflow.wafl (file ext. wafl)
  5b728a0 application/vnd.wordlift
  810d7f6 message/bhttp (RFC 9292)
  e132b7b model/JT (file ext. jt)
  49b3563 model/vnd.cld (ext: cld)
  5f3a948 model/vnd.usda (file ext. usda)
  874b906 text/hl7v2 (no file extension)
  68c1778 text/vnd.exchangeable (file ext. VFK)
  aed967c text/wgsl (ext. wgsl)
  c161d8d video/H266
  860be7e image/dpx (ext. dpx)
  6883baf image/webp (file ext. webp) (Closes: #971011)

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 29 Jan 2023 08:38:59 +0900

media-types (8.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types changed:

  a5d04b1 Removed application/vnd.fdf, recently replaced by application/fdf.
  496de8b Removed application/vnd.hl7cda+xml and application/vnd.hl7v2+xml
          and added application/hl7v2+xml and application/cda+xml
  d5f4a66 Replaced application/vnd.adobe.xfdf with application/xfdf.

  Types added:

  c80e84b Added application/yang-data+cbor.
  37887a7 Added application/vnd.belightsoft.lhzd+zip (extension lhzd).
  f70436a Added application/cwl and application/cwl+json
          (exts: cwl and cwl.json).
  493c677 Added application/linkset and application/linkset+json.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 15 May 2022 14:03:54 +0900

media-types (7.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types added:

  6e5985b Added application/aif+cbor and application/aif+json.
  1d1d62c Added application/ace+json.
  460c575 Added application/fdf for the Forms Data Format (extension fdf).
  a920822 Added application/vnd.genozip (extension genozip).
  f057a2c Added application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-msgstore-ctrl-request+xml and
  0980fa9 Added application/vnd.ipld.car (extension car).
          and application/vnd.ipld.raw.
  d798063 Added application/vnd.onvif.metadata.

  Changes reverted:

  3b37fef Added back application/x-pki-message, application/x-x509-ca-ra-cert
                and application/x-x509-next-ca-cert.
  cfe09c2 Added back application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sat, 09 Apr 2022 17:50:20 +0900

media-types (7.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types changed:

  c25a2ac Add model/prc and give it the prc suffix from application/vnd.palm
  f67681a Replace application/javascript and application/ecmascript
          with text/javascript as per draft-ietf-dispatch-javascript-mjs-17,
          which is already applied by the IANA.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Mon, 21 Mar 2022 18:18:18 +0900

media-types (6.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types changed:

  acf2032 Added the unregistered extension `m4a` to `audio/mp4` and removed
          it from `audio/mpeg`.  Thanks to Anders Kaseorg (Closes: #1004985)

  Types added:

  5b15f34 application/vnd.eclipse.ditto+json
  714dff2 application/oblivious-dns-message and model/u3d
  6d5aece application/alto-cdni+json, application/alto-cdnifilter+json,
          application/alto-propmap+json, application/alto-propmapparams+json
  871a291 application/vnd.gnu.taler.exchange+json,

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:55:59 +0900

media-types (5.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Types changed:

  26cc8f9 Change GIMP's application/x-xcf to image/x-xcf.
          Thanks to Joel Hockey (Closes: #991158)
  956d82e Uppercased audio/QCELP as in the IANA documents.
  72781ac Uppercased text/SGML and application/SGML as in IANA.
  bfc437b Uppercased application/IOTP, application/ISUP, application/QSIG.
  39cbba4 Uppercased application/CALS-1840, a/EDI-consent and a/ODA.
  723e182 Corrected application/vq-rtcp-xr to application/vq-rtcpxr.
  c9818e3 Corrected 'ense' to 'ence' in a/vnd.piaccess.application-licence.
  dbc72aa Corrected '-' to '.' in application/vnd.efi.img and a/vnd.efi.iso.
  091fe07 Corrected model/x3d+vrml to model/x3d-vrml.
  6ddcb9e Remove non-registered ('*/x-*') types with no file extension:
          application/x-core, application/x-executable,
          application/x-java-applet, application/x-java-bean,
          application/x-kdelnk, application/x-pki-message, application/x-rx,
          application/x-shellscript, application/x-videolan,
          application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/x-x509-ca-ra-cert,
          application/x-x509-next-ca-cert, audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin,
          image/x-icon, text/x-makefile, text/x-server-parsed-html
  6834f86 Removed text/x-crontab (no file extension).
  20ef945 Removed x-world/x-vrml, gave vrm extension to model/xml,
          added x3dz extension to model/x3d+xml
  47a46bc Removed obsolete and unregistered x-epoc/x-sisx-app (ext: sisx)
  8b518ce Removed obsolete undeclared type x-conference/x-cooltalk (ext: ice)
  0ce50aa Remove unregistered application types that extensions:
          application/cap+xml, application/docbook+xml, application/ghostview
          application/ms-tnef, application/news-message-id,
  dca94fb Remove text types with no extension or no apparent use.
          text/english, text/h323, text/iuls, text/richtext, text/scriptlet,
  dadf927 Remove unregistered extensionless video/vnd.mts.
  4473324 Removed application/x-ms-manifest: (ext: manifest).
  fb4ad41 Removed application/x-ms-application (ext: application).
  319889b Remvoved extension from image/t38.
  8cb03f0 Added file extension smf to application/vnd.stardivision.math

  Types added:

  943d860 Added image/jxl (Closes: #987395).
  fbee352 Added image/avif
  74d5493 Added audio/scip
  7d98212 Added video/AV1, video/FFV1, video/jxsv, video/scip and video/VP9
  1289cba Added text/fhirpath, text/cql-extension, text/cql-identifier, text/cql
  ecfeac2 Added text/gff3 and text/shaclc
  063d184 Added text/spdx and application/spdx+json
  b0eb56e Added text/shex, text/vnd.familysearch.gedcom, text/vnd.hans
  eb47d5e Added application/elm+json and application/elm+xml
  ff44383 Added application/vnd.veritone.aion+json and application/vnd.wfa.dpp
  81f79f9 Added application/vnd.sycle+xml and application/vnd.syft+json
  b5ec7a2 Added application/vnd.resilient.logic and application/vnd.seis+json
  5dcf147 Added application/vnd.opentimestamps.ots
  06c9422 Added application/vnd.nebumind.line and application/vnd.oma.lwm2m+cbor
  182621c Added application/vnd.las, application/mipc and application/sipc
  60f54a2 Added application/vnd.nacamar.ybrid+json
  5cb2a4a Added application/vnd.hl7v2+xml and application/vnd.hl7cda+xml
  7526702 Added application/vnd.geogebra.slides
  09f65bc Added application/vnd.fujifilm.fb.docuworks,
  d16a2e2 Added application/vnd.familysearch.gedcom+zip
  8f6b0ff Added application/vnd.eu.kasparian.car+json
  a5f5fba Added application/vnd.d3m-dataset and application/vnd.d3m-problem
  597488a Added application/vnd.cyclonedx+json and application/vnd.cyclonedx+xml
  8f81fab Added a/vnd.cryptomator.encrypted and a/vnd.cryptomator.vault
  51f1b9a Added application/vnd.apache.arrow.file and a/vnd.apache.arrow.file
  019548b Added application/vnd.afpc.cmoca-cmresource and application/vnd.age
  d76426c Added application/3gppHal+json, a/3gppHalForms+json, a/vnd.3gpp.5gnas
          a/vnd.3gpp.gtpc, a/vnd.3gpp.interworking-data, a/vnd.3gpp.lpp,
          a/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-payload, a/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-service-config+xml,
          a/vnd.3gpp.ngap, a/vnd.3gpp.pfcp, a/vnd.3gpp.s1ap
  8fa36b5 Added application/token-introspection+jwt and a/oauth-authz-req+jwt
  786a184 Added application/sarif-external-properties+json a/sarif+json
  e67ffcd Added application/prs.cyn
  b128636 Added application/opc-nodeset+xml
  53bbc91 Added application/missing-blocks+cbor-seq
  f2b0f17 Added application/manifest+json
  d7ea565 Added application/jscalendar+json
  a200fce Added application/example and multipart/example
  ab41bc3 Added application/EmergencyCallData.cap+xml
  453d139 Added application/dash-patch+xml
  3bec167 Added application/clr
  177c6cc Added application/city+json
  88cd048 Added application/captive+json
  ca0176f Added application/at+jwt
  1d96815 Added application/ace+cbor
  99e1fdb Added application/express, a/p21, a/p21+zip,
          model/step, m/step+xml, m/step+zip, m/step-xml+zip
  73099d3 Added model/vnd.sap.vds
  841728d Added model/e57.
  e1f3159 Added model/vnd.pytha.pyox with only pyox file extensio because
          pyo is used by Python.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:34:58 +0900

media-types (4.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  Remove redundant types or file extensions; document them in README.md

  Types removed:

  d8dfe4c image/pcx, redundant with image/vnd.zbrush.pcx
  7a7c549 deprecated types application/font-sfnt and application/font-woff
  ee3e60b application/vnd.frogans.fnc, application/vnd.frogans.ltf,
          application/vnd.geocube+xml, application/vnd.gmx,
          application/vnd.ibm.afplinedata, application/vnd.ibm.modcap,
          application/vnd.nokia.n-gage.symbian.install, audio/vnd.qcelp
          (marked obsolete or deprecated by the IANA).
  10fb1e7 Removed the audio/midi type, superseded by audio/sp-midi
  2a5c6cf Removed text/mathml, redundant with application/mathml+xml
  0da009a Removed application/x-mpegURL and audio/x-mpegurl.
  59bc414 Removed application/x-jam
  135dc28 Removed application/x-mif
  af3e7f7 Removed audio/x-realaudio, redundant with audio/x-pn-realaudio.
  527927e Removed `application/x-cbr` and `application/x-cbz`, superseded
          by a/vnd.comicbook-rar and a/vnd.comicbook+zip.
  bce2d98 Removed application/x-pkcs7-crl, redundant with application/pkix-crl

  Extensions changed or removed:

  920dbdd Removed nbp in application/mathematica (not in the spec).
  01c57be Move nb from application/mathematica to a/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.
  02bf78f Remove wsc extension from text/scriptlet.
  209af44 Removed dot in application/msword and left it in text/vnd.graphviz.
          Removed x3d in a/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword and left it in model/x3d+xml
          Removed otf in application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template,
          font/ttf and font/sfnt, and left it in font/otf.
          Removed ttf in font/otf, font/sfnt and left it in font/ttf.
          Removed sub in text/vnd.dvb.subtitle and text/vnd.dvb.subtitle.
          Removed sdf from a/vnd.stardivision.math, left it in a/vnd.Kinar.
          Removed qcp from audio/qcelp and kept it in audio/EVRC-QCP.
          Removed loas from audio/aac and kept if in audio/usac.
          Removed mp4 from audio/mp4 and kept it in `video/mp4.
          Removed aa3 and omg from audio/ATRAC-ADVANCED-LOSSLESS
          and audio/ATRAC-X.
  152160a Removed xsd from application/xml.  Added mod to application/xml-dtd.
          Added `ent` to application/xml-external-parsed-entity and removed
          from chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-ascii and chemical/x-pdb.  Removed all
          suffixes from text/ aliases.
  2d4833b Removed wav from audio/L16 (duplicated with audio/x-wav).
  5213528 Removed mmd from chemical/x-macromodel-input
  43f4a18 Removed pls from application/pls+xml (conflict with audio/x-scpls).
  ded19d2 Removed ica from application/vnd.commerce-battelle
  e6c7e87 Removed curl from application/vnd.curl.
  a3ac15f Removed application/x-dms, conflicting with text/vnd.DMClientScript
  f6c949d Removed ac to application/vnd.nokia.n-gage.ac+xml
          and add it to `application/pkix-attr-cert.
  a3561b5 Removed cer from chemical/x-cerius (conflict with a/pkix-cert).

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sat, 16 Jan 2021 07:58:46 +0900

media-types (3.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  90a5cc8 Remove the png ext. from the image/vnd.mozilla.apng.
          Thanks Sandro Tosi for the report that it caused software to
          ignore image/png.
  207200a Make a README.md.  Document semantic versioning.
  110b0eb Adress name extensions appearing more than once in README.md

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Fri, 08 Jan 2021 06:57:42 +0900

media-types (2.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  8f2eb53 Import hundreds of media types from Fedora's mailcap-2.1.49-1.fc33.
          The list of changes is way too long to be included here.  I also
          removed some deprecated media types after the import.
  26e0235, 13b795a Sync audio types with IANA. Adde audio/EVRC-QCP,
          audio/sofa, audio/TSVCIS.
  2ef2ff2 Update URLs for registration to the IANA in the BTS template.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Thu, 07 Jan 2021 07:24:48 +0900

media-types (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

  [Steve Langasek]
  488ea27 Correct boundary condition for Breaks/Replaces. Closes: #975348

  [Charles Plessy]
  1265325 Add and update image media types from the IANA.

  Updated (added file extension): image/vnd.dxf, image/vnd.fastbidsheet,
  image/vnd.fpx, image/vnd.fst, image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-mmr,
  image/vnd.fujixerox.edmics-rlc, image/vnd.xiff

  Added: image/aces, image/avci, image/avcs, image/bmp, image/dicom-rle,
  image/emf, image/fits, image/heic, image/heic-sequence, image/heif,
  image/heif-sequence, image/hej2k, image/hsj2, image/jls, image/jph,
  image/jphc, image/jxr, image/jxrA, image/jxrS, image/jxs, image/jxsc,
  image/jxsi, image/jxss, image/ktx, image/ktx2, image/pwg-raster,
  image/t38, image/vnd.adobe.photoshop, image/vnd.airzip.accelerator.azv,
  image/vnd.dece.graphic, image/vnd.dvb.subtitle,
  image/vnd.globalgraphics.pgb, image/vnd.ms-modi, image/vnd.mozilla.apng
  image/vnd.pco.b16, image/vnd.radiance, image/vnd.sealed.png,
  image/vnd.sealed.png, image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.gif,
  image/vnd.sealedmedia.softseal.jpg, image/vnd.tencent.tap,
  image/vnd.valve.source.texture, image/vnd.zbrush.pcx, image/wmf

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sat, 02 Jan 2021 09:08:54 +0900

media-types (1.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Upload to unstable.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Fri, 13 Nov 2020 04:39:07 +0900

media-types (1.0.0) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New package to distribute /etc/media.types independently from the
    mailcap system.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Thu, 08 Oct 2020 05:32:44 +0900

mime-support (3.64) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Sven Joachim ]
  fd4ca45 update-mime: avoid using uninitialized values (Closes: #939587)

  [ Charles Plessy ]
  f72871a run-mailcap: revert 694e239 (use strict etc.), because it was
          incompatible with its argument parsing (Closes: #939226)
  55f3742 Switch to 3.0 (native) to ease the use of git debpush.

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 06 Oct 2019 22:11:08 +0900

mime-support (3.63) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Media types

  7909e87 Add mjs suffix to application/javascript (Closes: #927300)
  ac860b6 Add application/ls+json            (Thanks: Nicolas Fella)

  * run-mailcap

  [ Elliott Mitchell ]
  694e239 use strict; use warnings (Closes: #803729)
  c7b7de6 Return !0 when launched program does not exist (Closes: #783195)

  * update-mime

  [ Alex Riesen ]
  21035f8 update-mime: softly reject empty media types (Closes: #931300)

 -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org>  Sun, 11 Aug 2019 08:53:20 +0900

# Older entries have been removed from this changelog.
# To read the complete changelog use `apt changelog media-types`.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 16 10:58:18 CEST 2024.