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15.10 Functions and Variables for Special Functions

Function: specint (exp(- s*t) * expr, t)

Compute the Laplace transform of expr with respect to the variable t. The integrand expr may contain special functions. The parameter s maybe be named something else; it is determined automatically, as the examples below show where p is used in some places.

The following special functions are handled by specint: incomplete gamma function, error functions (but not the error function erfi, it is easy to transform erfi e.g. to the error function erf), exponential integrals, bessel functions (including products of bessel functions), hankel functions, hermite and the laguerre polynomials.

Furthermore, specint can handle the hypergeometric function %f[p,q]([],[],z), the whittaker function of the first kind %m[u,k](z) and of the second kind %w[u,k](z).

The result may be in terms of special functions and can include unsimplified hypergeometric functions.

When laplace fails to find a Laplace transform, specint is called. Because laplace knows more general rules for Laplace transforms, it is preferable to use laplace and not specint.

demo("hypgeo") displays several examples of Laplace transforms computed by specint.


(%i1) assume (p > 0, a > 0)$
(%i2) specint (t^(1/2) * exp(-a*t/4) * exp(-p*t), t);
(%o2)                     ------------
                                 a 3/2
                          2 (p + -)
(%i3) specint (t^(1/2) * bessel_j(1, 2 * a^(1/2) * t^(1/2))
              * exp(-p*t), t);
                                   - a/p
                         sqrt(a) %e
(%o3)                    ---------------

Examples for exponential integrals:

(%i4) assume(s>0,a>0,s-a>0)$
(%i5) ratsimp(specint(%e^(a*t)
(%o5)                        ------
                             s - a
(%i6) logarc:true$

(%i7) gamma_expand:true$

(%o8)                        ------
                             s  + 1
                               2    2
                          log(s  + a )
(%o9)                     ------------

Results when using the expansion of gamma_incomplete and when changing the representation to expintegral_e1:

(%i10) assume(s>0)$
(%i11) specint(1/sqrt(%pi*t)*unit_step(t-k)*%e^(-s*t),t);
                            gamma_incomplete(-, k s)
(%o11)                      ------------------------
                               sqrt(%pi) sqrt(s)

(%i12) gamma_expand:true$
(%i13) specint(1/sqrt(%pi*t)*unit_step(t-k)*%e^(-s*t),t);
                              erfc(sqrt(k) sqrt(s))
(%o13)                        ---------------------

(%i14) expintrep:expintegral_e1$
(%i15) ratsimp(specint(1/(t+a)^2*%e^(-s*t),t));
                              a s
                        a s %e    expintegral_e1(a s) - 1
(%o15)                - ---------------------------------

‘Category: Laplace transform’

Function: hypergeometric_simp (e)

hypergeometric_simp simplifies hypergeometric functions by applying hgfred to the arguments of any hypergeometric functions in the expression e.

Only instances of hypergeometric are affected; any %f, %w, and %m in the expression e are not affected. Any unsimplified hypergeometric functions are returned unchanged (instead of changing to %f as hgfred would).

load(hypergeometric); loads this function.

See also hgfred.


(%i1) load ("hypergeometric") $
(%i2) foo : [hypergeometric([1,1], [2], z), hypergeometric([1/2], [1], z)];
(%o2) [hypergeometric([1, 1], [2], z), 
                                     hypergeometric([-], [1], z)]
(%i3) hypergeometric_simp (foo);
                 log(1 - z)              z    z/2
(%o3)         [- ----------, bessel_i(0, -) %e   ]
                     z                   2
(%i4) bar : hypergeometric([n], [m], z + 1);
(%o4)            hypergeometric([n], [m], z + 1)
(%i5) hypergeometric_simp (bar);
(%o5)            hypergeometric([n], [m], z + 1)

‘Category: Hypergeometric functions’ ‘Category: Simplification functions’ ‘Category: Special functions’

Function: hgfred (a, b, t)

Simplify the generalized hypergeometric function in terms of other, simpler, forms. a is a list of numerator parameters and b is a list of the denominator parameters.

If hgfred cannot simplify the hypergeometric function, it returns an expression of the form %f[p,q]([a], [b], x) where p is the number of elements in a, and q is the number of elements in b. This is the usual pFq generalized hypergeometric function.

(%i1) assume(not(equal(z,0)));
(%o1)                          [notequal(z, 0)]
(%i2) hgfred([v+1/2],[2*v+1],2*%i*z);

                     v/2                               %i z
                    4    bessel_j(v, z) gamma(v + 1) %e
(%o2)               ---------------------------------------
(%i3) hgfred([1,1],[2],z);

                                   log(1 - z)
(%o3)                            - ----------
(%i4) hgfred([a,a+1/2],[3/2],z^2);

                               1 - 2 a          1 - 2 a
                        (z + 1)        - (1 - z)
(%o4)                   -------------------------------
                                 2 (1 - 2 a) z

It can be beneficial to load orthopoly too as the following example shows. Note that L is the generalized Laguerre polynomial.

(%i5) load(orthopoly)$
(%i6) hgfred([-2],[a],z);

                                    (a - 1)
                                 2 L       (z)
(%o6)                            -------------
                                   a (a + 1)
(%i7) ev(%);

                                 z        2 z
(%o7)                         --------- - --- + 1
                              a (a + 1)    a

Function: lambert_w (z)

The principal branch of Lambert’s W function W(z), the solution of z = W(z) * exp(W(z)). (DLMF 4.13)

‘Category: Special functions’

Function: generalized_lambert_w (k, z)

The k-th branch of Lambert’s W function W(z), the solution of z = W(z) * exp(W(z)). (DLMF 4.13)

The principal branch, denoted Wp(z) in DLMF, is lambert_w(z) = generalized_lambert_w(0,z).

The other branch with real values, denoted Wm(z) in DLMF, is generalized_lambert_w(-1,z).

‘Category: Special functions’

Function: nzeta (z)

The Plasma Dispersion Function nzeta(z) = %i*sqrt(%pi)*exp(-z^2)*(1-erf(-%i*z))

‘Category: Special functions’

Function: nzetar (z)

Returns realpart(nzeta(z)).

‘Category: Special functions’

Function: nzetai (z)

Returns imagpart(nzeta(z)).

‘Category: Special functions’

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