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15.3 Airy Functions

The Airy functions Ai(x) and Bi(x) are defined in Abramowitz and Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Section 10.4.

y = Ai(x) and y = Bi(x) are two linearly independent solutions of the Airy differential equation diff (y(x), x, 2) - x y(x) = 0.

If the argument x is a real or complex floating point number, the numerical value of the function is returned.

Function: airy_ai (x)

The Airy function Ai(x). (A&S 10.4.2)

The derivative diff (airy_ai(x), x) is airy_dai(x).

See also airy_bi, airy_dai, airy_dbi.

‘Category: Airy functions’ ‘Category: Special functions’

Function: airy_dai (x)

The derivative of the Airy function Ai airy_ai(x).

See airy_ai.

‘Category: Airy functions’ ‘Category: Special functions’

Function: airy_bi (x)

The Airy function Bi(x). (A&S 10.4.3)

The derivative diff (airy_bi(x), x) is airy_dbi(x).

See airy_ai, airy_dbi.

‘Category: Airy functions’ ‘Category: Special functions’

Function: airy_dbi (x)

The derivative of the Airy Bi function airy_bi(x).

See airy_ai and airy_bi.

‘Category: Airy functions’ ‘Category: Special functions’

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