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9.1 Introduction to Simplification

Maxima performs a cycle of actions in response to each new user-typed command. This consists of four steps: reading or "parsing" the input, evaluation, simplification and output. Parsing converts a syntactically valid sequence of typed characters into a data structure to be used for the rest of the operations. Evaluation includes replacing names with their assigned values. Simplification means rewriting an expression to be easier for the user or other programs to understand. Output includes displaying computational results in a variety of different formats and notations.

Evaluation and simplification sometimes appear to have similar functionality as they both have the goal of removing "complexity" and system designers have sometimes divided a task so that it is performed partly in each. For example, integrate(x,x) evaluates the answer as x*x/2, which is then simplified to x^2/2.

Evaluation is always present: it is the consequence of having a programming system with functions, subroutines, variables, values, loops, assignments and so on. In the evaluation step, built-in or user-defined function names are replaced by their definitions, variables are replaced by their values. This is largely the same as activities of a conventional programming language, but extended to work with symbolic mathematical data. Because of the generality of the mathematics at hand, there are different possible models of evaluation and so the systems has optional "flags" that can steer the process of evaluation. See Functions and Variables for Evaluation.

By contrast, the intent of simplification is to maintain the value of an expression while re-formulating its representation to be smaller, simpler to understand, or to conform to particular specifications (like factored, expanded). For example, sin(0) to 0 or x+x to 2*x. There are several powerful tools to alter the results of simplification, since it is largely in this part of the system that an user can incorporate knowledge of newly introduced functions or symbolic notation into Maxima.

Simplification is generally done at four different levels:

The internal simplifier belongs to the heart of Maxima. It is a large and complicated collection of programs, and it has been refined over many years and by thousands of users. Nevertheless, especially if you are trying out novel ideas or unconventional notation, you may find it helpful to make small (or large) changes to the program yourself. For details see for example the paper at the end of

Maxima internally represents expressions as "trees" with operators or "roots" like +, * , = and operands ("leaves") which are variables like x, y, z, functions or sub-trees, like x*y. Each operator has a simplification program associated with it. + (which also covers binary - since a-b = a+(-1)*b) and * (which also covers / since a/b = a*b^(-1)) have rather elaborate simplification programs. These simplification programs (simplus, simptimes, simpexpt, etc.) are called whenever the simplifier encounters the respective arithmetic operators in an expression tree to be analyzed.

The structure of the simplifier dates back to 1965, and many hands have worked on it through the years. The structure turns out to be, in modern jargon, data- directed, or object-oriented. The program dispatches to the appropriate routine depending on the root of some sub-tree of the expression, recursively. This general notion means you can make modifications to the simplification process by very local changes to the program. In many cases it is conceptually straightforward to add an operator and add its simplification routine without disturbing existing code.

We note that in addition to this general simplifier operating on algebraic expression trees, there are several other representations of expressions in Maxima which have separate methods and simplifiers. For example, the rat function converts polynomials to vectors of coefficients to assist in rapid manipulation of such forms. Other representations include Taylor series and the (rarely used) Poisson series.

All operators introduced by the user initially have no simplification programs associated with them. Maxima does not know anything about function "f" and so typing f(a,b) will result in simplifying a,b, but not f. Even some built-in operators have no simplifications. For example, = does not "simplify" – it is a place-holder with no simplification semantics other than to simplify its two arguments, in this case referred to as the left and right sides. Other parts of Maxima such as the solve program take special note of equations, that is, trees with = as the root. (Note – in Maxima, the assignment operation is : . That is, q: 4 sets the value of the symbol q to 4. Function definition is done with :=. )

The general simplifier returns results with an internal flag indicating the expression and each sub-expression has been simplified. This does not guarantee that it is unique over all possible equivalent expressions. That’s too hard (theoretically, not possible given the generality of what can be expressed in Maxima). However, some aspects of the expression, such as the ordering of terms in a sum or product, are made uniform. This is important for the other programs to work properly.

You can set a number of option variables which direct Maxima’s processing to favor particular kinds of patterns as being goals. You can even use the most extreme option which is to turn the simplifier off by simp:false. We do not recommend this since many internal routines expect their arguments to be simplified. (About the only time it seems plausible to turn off the simplifier is in the rare case that you want to over-ride a built-in simplification. In that case you might temporarily disable the simplifier, put in the new transformation via tellsimp, and then re-enable the simplifier by simp:true.)

It is more plausible for you to associate user-defined symbolic function names or operators with properties (additive, lassociative, oddfun, antisymmetric, linear, outative, commutative, multiplicative, rassociative, evenfun, nary and symmetric). These options steer the simplifier processing in systematic directions.

For example, declare(f,oddfun) specifies that f is an odd function. Maxima will simplify f(-x) to -f(x). In the case of an even function, that is declare(g,evenfun), Maxima will simplify g(-x) to g(x). You can also associate a programming function with a name such as h(x):=x^2+1. In that case the evaluator will immediately replace h(3) by 10, and h(a+1) by (a+1)^2+1, so any properties of h will be ignored.

In addition to these directly related properties set up by the user, facts and properties from the actual context may have an impact on the simplifier’s behavior, too. See Introduction to Maxima’s Database.

Example: sin(n*%pi) is simplified to zero, if n is an integer.

(%i1) sin(n*%pi);
(%o1)                      sin(%pi n)
(%i2) declare(n, integer);
(%o2)                         done
(%i3) sin(n*%pi);
(%o3)                           0

If automated simplification is not sufficient, you can consider a variety of built-in, but explicitly called simplfication functions (ratsimp, expand, factor, radcan and others). There are also flags that will push simplification into one or another direction. Given demoivre:true the simplifier rewrites complex exponentials as trigonometric forms. Given exponentialize:true the simplifier tries to do the reverse: rewrite trigonometric forms as complex exponentials.

As everywhere in Maxima, by writing your own functions (be it in the Maxima user language or in the implementation language Lisp) and explicitly calling them at selected places in the program, you can respond to your individual simplification needs. Lisp gives you a handle on all the internal mechanisms, but you rarely need this full generality. "Tellsimp" is designed to generate much of the Lisp internal interface into the simplifier automatically. See See Rules and Patterns.

Over the years (Maxima/Macsyma’s origins date back to about 1966!) users have contributed numerous application packages and tools to extend or alter its functional behavior. Various non-standard and "share" packages exist to modify or extend simplification as well. You are invited to look into this more experimental material where work is still in progress See simplification.

The following appended material is optional on a first reading, and reading it is not necessary for productive use of Maxima. It is for the curious user who wants to understand what is going on, or the ambitious programmer who might wish to change the (open-source) code. Experimentation with redefining Maxima Lisp code is easily possible: to change the definition of a Lisp program (say the one that simplifies cos(), named simp%cos), you simply load into Maxima a text file that will overwrite the simp%cos function from the maxima package.

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