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84.2 Package absimp

The absimp package contains pattern-matching rules that extend the built-in simplification rules for the abs and signum functions. absimp respects relations established with the built-in assume function and by declarations such as mode_declare (m, even, n, odd) for even or odd integers.

absimp defines unitramp and unitstep functions in terms of abs and signum.

load ("absimp") loads this package. demo ("absimp") shows a demonstration of this package.


(%i1) load ("absimp")$
(%i2) (abs (x))^2;
(%o2)                          x
(%i3) diff (abs (x), x);
(%o3)                        ------
(%i4) cosh (abs (x));
(%o4)                        cosh(x)

‘Category: Simplification functions’ ‘Category: Rules and patterns’ ‘Category: Share packages’ ‘Category: Package absimp’

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