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53.1 Introduction to draw

draw is a Maxima-Gnuplot and a Maxima-VTK interface.

There are three main functions to be used at Maxima level:

Each scene can contain any number of objects and key=value pairs with options for the scene or the following objects.

A selection of useful objects a scene can be made up from are:

A short description of all draw commands and options including example plots (in the html and pdf version of this manual) can be found in the section See Functions and Variables for draw. An online version of the html manual can be found at More elaborated examples of this package can be found at the following locations:


(%i1) draw2d(
          title="Two simple plots",

          color=red,key="A sinus",
          color=blue,line_type=dots,key="A cosinus",

You need Gnuplot 4.2 or newer to run draw; If you are using wxMaxima as a front end wxdraw, wxdraw2d and wxdraw3d are drop-in replacements for draw that do the same as draw, draw2d and draw3d but embed the resulting plot in the worksheet.

If you want to use VTK with draw, you need VTK with the Python interface installed (the dynamics uses VTK with the TCL interface!) and set the variable:

draw_renderer: 'vtk $

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