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5.2.2 Functions and Variables for Strings

Function: concat (arg_1, arg_2, …)

Concatenates its arguments. The arguments must evaluate to atoms. The return value is a symbol if the first argument is a symbol and a string otherwise.

concat evaluates its arguments. The single quote ' prevents evaluation.

See also sconcat, that works on non-atoms, too, simplode, string and eval_string. For complex string conversions see also printf.

(%i1) y: 7$
(%i2) z: 88$
(%i3) concat (y, z/2);
(%o3)                          744
(%i4) concat ('y, z/2);
(%o4)                          y44

A symbol constructed by concat may be assigned a value and appear in expressions. The :: (double colon) assignment operator evaluates its left-hand side.

(%i5) a: concat ('y, z/2);
(%o5)                          y44
(%i6) a:: 123;
(%o6)                          123
(%i7) y44;
(%o7)                          123
(%i8) b^a;
(%o8)                         b
(%i9) %, numer;
(%o9)                         b

Note that although concat (1, 2) looks like a number, it is a string.

(%i10) concat (1, 2) + 3;
(%o10)                       12 + 3

‘Category: Expressions’ ‘Category: Strings’

Function: sconcat (arg_1, arg_2, …)

Concatenates its arguments into a string. Unlike concat, the arguments do not need to be atoms.

See also concat, simplode, string and eval_string. For complex string conversions see also printf.

(%i1) sconcat ("xx[", 3, "]:", expand ((x+y)^3));
(%o1)             xx[3]:y^3+3*x*y^2+3*x^2*y+x^3

Another purpose for sconcat is to convert arbitrary objects to strings.

(%i1) sconcat (x);
(%o1)                           x
(%i2) stringp(%);
(%o2)                         true

‘Category: Expressions’ ‘Category: Strings’

Function: string (expr)

Converts expr to Maxima’s linear notation just as if it had been typed in.

The return value of string is a string, and thus it cannot be used in a computation.

See also concat, sconcat, simplode and eval_string.

‘Category: Strings’

Option variable: stringdisp

Default value: false

When stringdisp is true, strings are displayed enclosed in double quote marks. Otherwise, quote marks are not displayed.

stringdisp is always true when displaying a function definition.


(%i1) stringdisp: false$
(%i2) "This is an example string.";
(%o2)              This is an example string.
(%i3) foo () :=
      print ("This is a string in a function definition.");
(%o3) foo() := 
              print("This is a string in a function definition.")
(%i4) stringdisp: true$
(%i5) "This is an example string.";
(%o5)             "This is an example string."

‘Category: Display flags and variables’

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