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2. The Unicode module

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what
the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.

Fundamentally, computers just deal with numbers. They store letters
and other characters by assigning a number for each one. Before
Unicode was invented, there were hundreds of different encoding
systems for assigning these numbers. No single encoding could contain
enough characters: for example, the European Union alone requires
several different encodings to cover all its languages. Even for a
single language like English no single encoding was adequate for all
the letters, punctuation, and technical symbols in common use.

These encoding systems also conflict with one another. That is, two
encodings can use the same number for two different characters, or use
different numbers for the same character. Any given computer
(especially servers) needs to support many different encodings; yet
whenever data is passed between different encodings or platforms, that
data always runs the risk of corruption.

Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what
the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.
The Unicode Standard has been adopted by such industry leaders as
Apple, HP, IBM, JustSystem, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase,
Unisys and many others. Unicode is required by modern standards such
as XML, Java, ECMAScript (JavaScript), LDAP, CORBA 3.0, WML, etc., and
is the official way to implement ISO/IEC 10646. It is supported in
many operating systems, all modern browsers, and many other products.
The emergence of the Unicode Standard, and the availability of tools
supporting it, are among the most significant recent global software
technology trends.

The following sections explain the basic vocabulary and concepts
associated with Unicode and encodings.

Most of the information comes from the official Unicode Web site, at

Part of this documentation comes from http://www.unicode.org, the
official web site for Unicode.

2.1. Glyphs

A glyph is a particular representation of a character or part of a

Several representations are possible, mostly depending on the exact
font used at that time. A single glyph can correspond to a sequence of
characters, or a single character to a sequence of glyphs.

The Unicode standard doesn’t deal with glyphs, although a suggested
representation is given for each character in the standard. Likewise,
this module doesn’t provide any graphical support for Unicode, and
will just deal with textual memory representation and encodings.

Take a look at the **GtkAda** library that provides the graphical
interface for unicode in the upcoming 2.0 version.

2.2. Repertoires and subsets

A repertoire is a set of abstract characters to be encoded, normally a
familiar alphabet or symbol set. For instance, the alphabet used to
spell English words, or the one used for the Russian alphabet are two
such repertoires.

There exist two types of repertoires, close and open ones. The former
is the most common one, and the two examples above are such
repertoires.  No character is ever added to them.

Unicode is also a repertoire, but an open one. New entries are added
to it. However, it is guaranteed that none will ever be deleted from
it.  Unicode intends to be a universal repertoire, with all possible
characters currently used in the world. It currently contains all the
alphabets, including a number of alphabets associated with dead
languages like hieroglyphs. It also contains a number of often used
symbols, like mathematical signs.

The goal of this Unicode module is to convert all characters to
entries in the Unicode repertoire, so that any applications can
communicate with each other in a portable manner.

Given its size, most applications will only support a subset of
Unicode.  Some of the scripts, most notably Arabic and Asian
languages, require a special support in the application (right-to-left
writing…), and thus will not be supported by some applications.

The Unicode standard includes a set of internal catalogs, called
collections. Each character in these collections is given a special
name, in addition to its code, to improve readability.

Several child packages (**Unicode.Names.***) define those names. For

   This contains the basic characters used in most western European
   languages, including the standard ASCII subset.

   This contains the Russian alphabet.

   This contains several mathematical symbols

More than 80 such packages exist.

2.3. Character sets

A character set is a mapping from a set of abstract characters to some
non-negative integers. The integer associated with a character is
called its code point, and the character itself is called the encoded

There exist a number of standard character sets, unfortunately not
compatible with each other. For instance, ASCII is one of these
character sets, and contains 128 characters. A super-set of it is the
ISO/8859-1 character set. Another character set is the JIS X 0208,
used to encode Japanese characters.

Note that a character set is different from a repertoire. For
instance, the same character C with cedilla doesn’t have the same
integer value in the ISO/8859-1 character set and the ISO/8859-2
character set.

Unicode is also such a character set, that contains all the possible
characters and associate a standard integer with them. A similar and
fully compatible character set is ISO/10646. The only addition that
Unicode does to ISO/10646 is that it also specifies algorithms for
rendering presentation forms of some scripts (say Arabic), handling of
bi-directional texts that mix for instance Latin and Hebrew,
algorithms for sorting and string comparison, and much more.

Currently, our Unicode package doesn’t include any support for these

Unicode and ISO 10646 define formally a 31-bit character set. However,
of this huge code space, so far characters have been assigned only to
the first 65534 positions (0x0000 to 0xFFFD). The characters that are
expected to be encoded outside the 16-bit range belong all to rather
exotic scripts (e.g., Hieroglyphics) that are only used by specialists
for historic and scientific purposes

The Unicode module contains a set of packages to provide conversion
from some of the most common character sets to and from Unicode. These
are the **Unicode.CCS.*** packages.

All these packages have a common structure:

* They define a global variable of type *Character_Set* with two
  fields, ie the two conversion functions between the given character
  set and Unicode.

  These functions convert one character (actually its code point) at a

* They also define a number of standard names associated with this
  character set. For instance, the ISO/8859-1 set is also known as

  The function *Unicode.CCS.Get_Character_Set* can be used to find a
  character set by its standard name.

Currently, the following sets are supported:

*ISO/8859-1 aka Latin1*

   This is the standard character set used to represent most Western
   European languages including: Albanian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch,
   English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Irish,
   Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.

*ISO/8859-2 aka Latin2*

   This character set supports the Slavic languages of Central Europe
   which use the Latin alphabet. The ISO-8859-2 set is used for the
   following languages: Czech, Croat, German, Hungarian, Polish,
   Romanian, Slovak and Slovenian.


   This character set is used for Esperanto, Galician, Maltese and


   Some letters were added to the ISO-8859-4 to support languages such
   as Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. It is an incomplete precursor
   of the Latin 6 set.

2.4. Character encoding schemes

We now know how each encoded character can be represented by an
integer value (code point) depending on the character set.

Character encoding schemes deal with the representation of a sequence
of integers to a sequence of code units. A code unit is a sequence of
bytes on a computer architecture.

There exists a number of possible encoding schemes. Some of them
encode all integers on the same number of bytes. They are called
fixed-width encoding forms, and include the standard encoding for
Internet emails (**7bits**, but it can’t encode all characters), as
well as the simple **8bits** scheme, or the **EBCDIC** scheme. Among
them is also the **UTF-32** scheme which is defined in the Unicode

Another set of encoding schemes encode integers on a variable number
of bytes. These include two schemes that are also defined in the
Unicode standard, namely **Utf-8** and **Utf-16**.

Unicode doesn’t impose any specific encoding. However, it is most
often associated with one of the Utf encodings. They each have their
own properties and advantages:


   This is the simplest of all these encodings. It simply encodes all
   the characters on 32 bits (4 bytes). This encodes all the possible
   characters in Unicode, and is obviously straightforward to
   manipulate. However, given that the first 65535 characters in
   Unicode are enough to encode all known languages currently in use,
   Utf32 is also a waste of space in most cases.


   For the above reason, Utf16 was defined. Most characters are only
   encoded on two bytes (which is enough for the first 65535 and most
   current characters). In addition, a number of special code points
   have been defined, known as *surrogate pairs*, that make the
   encoding of integers greater than 65535 possible. The integers are
   then encoded on four bytes.  As a result, Utf16 is thus much more
   memory-efficient and requires less space than Utf32 to encode
   sequences of characters. However, it is also more complex to


   This is an even more space-efficient encoding, but is also more
   complex to decode. More important, it is compatible with the most
   currently used simple 8bit encoding.

   Utf8 has the following properties:

   * Characters 0 to 127 (ASCII) are encoded simply as a single byte.
     This means that files and strings which contain only 7-bit ASCII
     characters have the same encoding under both ASCII and UTF-8.

   * Characters greater than 127 are encoded as a sequence of several
     bytes, each of which has the most significant bit set. Therefore,
     no ASCII byte can appear as part of any other character.

   * The first byte of a multibyte sequence that represents a non-
     ASCII character is always in the range 0xC0 to 0xFD and it
     indicates how many bytes follow for this character. All further
     bytes in a multibyte sequence are in the range 0x80 to 0xBF. This
     allows easy resynchronization and makes the encoding stateless
     and robust against missing bytes.

   * UTF-8 encoded characters may theoretically be up to six bytes
     long, however the first 16-bit characters are only up to three
     bytes long.

Note that the encodings above, except for Utf8, have two versions,
depending on the chosen byte order on the machine.

The Ada95 Unicode module provides a set of packages that provide an
easy conversion between all the encoding schemes, as well as basic
manipulations of these byte sequences. These are the **Unicode.CES.***
packages.  Currently, four encoding schemes are supported, the three
Utf schemes and the basic 8bit encoding which corresponds to the
standard Ada strings.

It also supports some routines to convert from one byte-order to

The following examples show a possible use of these packages:

   Converting a latin1 string coded on 8 bits to a Utf8 latin2 file
   involves the following steps:

      Latin1 string  (bytes associated with code points in Latin1)
        |    "use Unicode.CES.Basic_8bit.To_Utf32"
      Utf32 latin1 string (contains code points in Latin1)
        |    "Convert argument to To_Utf32 should be
        v         Unicode.CCS.Iso_8859_1.Convert"
      Utf32 Unicode string (contains code points in Unicode)
        |    "use Unicode.CES.Utf8.From_Utf32"
      Utf8 Unicode string (contains code points in Unicode)
        |    "Convert argument to From_Utf32 should be
        v         Unicode.CCS.Iso_8859_2.Convert"
      Utf8 Latin2 string (contains code points in Latin2)

2.5. Unicode_Encoding

XML/Ada groups the two notions of character sets and encoding schemes
into a single type, *Unicode.Encodings.Unicode_Encoding*.

This package provides additional functions to manipulate these
encodings, for instance to retrieve them by the common name that is
associated with them (for instance "utf-8", "iso-8859-15"…), since
very often the encoding scheme is implicit. If you are speaking of
utf-8 string, most people always assume you also use the unicode
character set. Likewise, if you are speaking of "iso-8859-1", most
people will assume you string is encoded as 8 byte characters.

The goal of the *Unicode.Encodings* package is to make these implicit
associations more obvious.

It also provides one additional function *Convert*, which can be used
to convert a sequence of bytes from one encoding to another. This is a
convenience function that you can use when for instance creating DOM
trees directly through Ada calls, since XML/Ada excepts all its
strings to be in utf-8 by default.

2.6. Misc. functions

The package **Unicode** contains a series of *Is_** functions,
matching the Unicode standard.


   Return True if the character argument is a space character, ie a
   space, horizontal tab, line feed or carriage return.


   Return True if the character argument is a letter. This includes
   the standard English letters, as well as some less current cases
   defined in the standard.

   Return True if the character is a base character, ie a character
   whose meaning can be modified with a combining character.

   Return True if the character is a digit (numeric character)

   Return True if the character is a combining character. Combining
   characters are accents or other diacritical marks that are added to
   the previous character.

   The most important accented characters, like those used in the
   orthographies of common languages, have codes of their own in
   Unicode to ensure backwards compatibility with older character
   sets. Accented characters that have their own code position, but
   could also be represented as a pair of another character followed
   by a combining character, are known as precomposed characters.
   Precomposed characters are available in Unicode for backwards
   compatibility with older encodings such as ISO 8859 that had no
   combining characters. The combining character mechanism allows to
   add accents and other diacritical marks to any character

   Note however that your application must provide specific support
   for combining characters, at least if you want to represent them

   True if Char is an extender character.

   True if Char is an ideographic character. This is defined only for
   Asian languages.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Tue Jul 2 00:14:00 CEST 2024.