7. Using the library

XML/Ada is a library. When compiling an application that uses it, you thus need to declare this dependency. The default installation implies the use of GNAT project files. See the GPRbuild and GPR Companion Tools User’s Guide for more information on the project files and how to create them for your application.

Basically, a project file contains the description of your build environment (source directories, object directories, libraries, etc).

The very simple case is when you have all your sources in the same directory (say src/), and the object files are all generated in the obj/ directory.

In this case, your project file would look like:

with "xmlada";
project Default is
  for Source_Dirs use ("src/");
  for Object_Dir use "obj/";
end Default;

and you build your application with:

gprbuild -Pdefault main.adb

Note in the project file the first line, which indicates that your application requires XML/Ada to build. This will automatically set the appropriate compiler and linker switches to use XML/Ada. Your application will be linked against all modules of XML/Ada (DOM, SAX…).

If your application doesn’t use DOM, you can replace the first line with something like:

with "xmlada_sax";

which will reduce the number of libraries that your application is linked with.

If the installation prefix is the same as your GNAT installation (which is the case of the preinstalled version of the library), then GPRbuild will automatically find XML/Ada’s project files. If XML/Ada is not installed into a predefined location (e.g. because you rebuilt it from sources), you need to let GPRbuild know where to find the project files. This is done by setting the GPR_PROJECT_PATH environment variable, by adding to it the directory that contains xmlada.gpr.

Check the dom/test directory in the XML/Ada package, which contains both code examples and project files that you can use as a basis for your own code.

The default type of library depends on the way you installed XML/Ada. In all cases, and assuming you installed both static and shared libraries, you can choose among the two by setting the environment variable:




Whatever method you used to build your application, you might have to change, at least on UNIX systems, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that it contains the lib/ directory in the XML/Ada installation, so that the dynamic libraries are correctly found.

This is not needed if you build XML/Ada as a static library.

7.1. Running on VxWorks

On VxWorks, XML Ada processing might require more stack space than what is typically available from the VxWorks shell, the tasks spawned from there with sp, or Ada tasks with no or a too small Storage_Size value attached.

Such stack overflow conditions are typically characterized by non-deterministic erratic behavior and can be cured by allocating more stack space for the tasks involved.