Class HTTPProxyData

    • Field Detail

      • proxyHost

        public final java.lang.String proxyHost
      • proxyPort

        public final int proxyPort
      • proxyUser

        public final java.lang.String proxyUser
      • proxyPass

        public final java.lang.String proxyPass
      • requestHeaderLines

        public final java.lang.String[] requestHeaderLines
    • Constructor Detail

      • HTTPProxyData

        public HTTPProxyData​(java.lang.String proxyHost,
                             int proxyPort,
                             java.lang.String proxyUser,
                             java.lang.String proxyPass)
        proxyHost - Proxy hostname.
        proxyPort - Proxy port.
        proxyUser - Username for basic authentication (null if no authentication is needed).
        proxyPass - Password for basic authentication (null if no authentication is needed).
      • HTTPProxyData

        public HTTPProxyData​(java.lang.String proxyHost,
                             int proxyPort,
                             java.lang.String proxyUser,
                             java.lang.String proxyPass,
                             java.lang.String[] requestHeaderLines)
        Connection data for a HTTP proxy. It is possible to specify a username and password if the proxy requires basic authentication. Also, additional request header lines can be specified (e.g., "User-Agent: CERN-LineMode/2.15 libwww/2.17b3").

        Please note: if you want to use basic authentication, then both proxyUser and proxyPass must be non-null.

        Here is an example:

        new HTTPProxyData("", "3128", "proxyuser", "secret", new String[] {"User-Agent: TrileadBasedClient/1.0", "X-My-Proxy-Option: something"});

        proxyHost - Proxy hostname.
        proxyPort - Proxy port.
        proxyUser - Username for basic authentication (null if no authentication is needed).
        proxyPass - Password for basic authentication (null if no authentication is needed).
        requestHeaderLines - An array with additional request header lines (without end-of-line markers) that have to be sent to the server. May be null.