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.. _Lambda_Expressions:

Lambda Expressions

C++11 lambda expressions make the |full_name| 
``parallel_for`` much easier to use. A lambda expression lets
the compiler do the tedious work of creating a function object.

Below is the example from the previous section, rewritten with a lambda
expression. The lambda expression, replaces both the declaration and construction of function object ``ApplyFoo`` in the
example of the previous section.


   #include "oneapi/tbb.h"

   using namespace oneapi::tbb;

   void ParallelApplyFoo( float* a, size_t n ) {
      parallel_for( blocked_range<size_t>(0,n), 
         [=](const blocked_range<size_t>& r) {
                         for(size_t i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i) 

The [=] introduces the lambda expression. The expression creates a
function object very similar to ``ApplyFoo``. When local variables like
``a`` and ``n`` are declared outside the lambda expression, but used
inside it, they are "captured" as fields inside the function object. The
[=] specifies that capture is by value. Writing [&] instead would
capture the values by reference. After the [=] is the parameter list and
definition for the ``operator()`` of the generated function object. The
compiler documentation says more about lambda expressions and other
implemented C++11 features. It is worth reading more complete
descriptions of lambda expressions than can fit here, because lambda
expressions are a powerful feature for using template libraries in

C++11 support is off by default in the compiler. The following table
shows the option for turning it on.

.. container:: tablenoborder

   .. list-table:: 
      :header-rows: 1

      * -     Environment     
        -     Intel® C++ Compiler Classic    
        -     Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler    
      * -     Windows\* OS systems     
        -     \ ``icl /Qstd=c++11 foo.cpp``     
        -     \ ``icx /Qstd=c++11 foo.cpp``     
      * -     Linux\* OS systems     
        -     \ ``icc -std=c++11 foo.cpp``     
        -     \ ``icx -std=c++11 foo.cpp``     

For further compactness, oneTBB has a form of ``parallel_for`` expressly
for parallel looping over a consecutive range of integers. The
expression ``parallel_for(first,last,step,f)`` is like writing
``for(auto i=first;         i<last;       i+=step)f(i)`` except that
each f(i) can be evaluated in parallel if resources permit. The ``step``
parameter is optional. Here is the previous example rewritten in the
compact form:


   #include "oneapi/tbb.h"

   using namespace oneapi::tbb;

   #pragma warning(disable: 588)

   void ParallelApplyFoo(float a[], size_t n) {
       parallel_for(size_t(0), n, [=](size_t i) {Foo(a[i]);});

The compact form supports only unidimensional iteration spaces of
integers and the automatic chunking feature detailed on the following

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