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ST 4.0.8-Dev Release

Terence Parr, parrt at cs usfca edu
ANTLR project lead and supreme dictator for life
University of San Francisco


January 30, 2013

* Require EOF in Group.g (rule group)
* Minor cleanup and documentation tweaks
* Improve ObjectModelAdaptor caching performance, eliminate chance of deadlock

January 4, 2013 -- Release 4.0.7

* Fixed README for release

January 1, 2013

* Tweaked escapes in <<...>>. Do NOT replace if it's <\\>.
  Escapes: >\> means >> inside of <<...>>.
  Escapes: \>> means >> inside of <<...>> unless at end like <<...\>>>>.
  In that case, use <%..>>%> instead.

* Added warning about: "Missing newline after newline escape <\\>"

* Actually: %\> is the escape to avoid end of string

* Several STViz updates:
  * Highlight template subexpressions and literal text responsible for output
  * Gray out hidden (inherited+aliased) attributes
  * Highlight user-instanced templates in bold

December 31, 2012

* Reversing decision to use >\> and %\> as the escapes now for >> and %>.
  Simply allowing >>> is the best, such as <<Hi <name>>>.
  It will strip off the >> and leave > as the appropriate end of expression.
  Added testTripleAngleOnEnds.  Even <<<x>>> works now.  There is no escape
  for %>.

December 26, 2012

* Allow [] as a dictionary value, resolves antlr/stringtemplate4#33

December 25, 2012

* Fix issues with bytecode to source mapping
* Fix several STViz bugs
* Improved error location reporting
* Fix several unit tests
* Explicit InstanceScope tracking in the interpreter

December 15, 2012

* throw exceptionWhen the attribute name is no to be consistent with the
  other check for '.' in the name.

December 13, 2012

* Allow [] as a default value for formal arguments (fixes antlr/stringtemplate4#20)
* Add method STViz.waitForClose()
* Specify -Dtest.interactive to have STViz tests leave the window open for the user
* Code cleanup

December 11, 2012

* Don't cache the STNoSuchPropertyException and STNoSuchAttributeException
* Add ErrorType.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE_PASS_THROUGH, reported on <foo(...)> where foo
  contains a parameter with no default value and no matching attribute exists in
  the surrounding scope.
* Improved message when reporting ErrorType.NO_SUCH_PROPERTY.

December 10, 2012

* DateRenderer and StringRenderer now use the provided locale (fixes
* Fixes for handling of arrays (fixes antlr/stringtemplate4#12 and other
  unreported issues)
* Try to load template file (.st) if group file (.stg) failed with IOException
  (fixes antlr/stringtemplate4#14)
* Updated documentation, code cleanup

December 9, 2012

* >\> and %\> are the escapes now for >> and %> Fixes antlr/stringtemplate4#17

December 3, 2012 -- Release 4.0.7-rc-1

December 1, 2012

* Missing ANT target for STParser.g in build

September 26, 2012 -- Release 4.0.6

* STRawGroupDir problem and ST("template") issue. When there are no formal
  args for template t and you map t across some values, t implicitly gets
  arg "it".  E.g., "$names:bold()$" and bold as "<b>$it$</b>".

August 13, 2012

* Fixed https://github.com/antlr/stringtemplate4/issues/5

May 21, 2012

* Made fields in the error messages public

February 8, 2012 -- 4.0.5 release

December 25, 2011

* STLexer.tokens missing from src build

* Added STRawGroupDir that expects pure templates in .st files not template defs
  with headers. So use $name$ not

  foo(name) ::= "$name"

December 4, 2011

* synchronized object model adaptor
* import illegal in group files embedded in STGroupDirs

July 19, 2011 (Udo)

* Fixed Misc.newline issue in test code (Udo)

July 18, 2011 -- Release 4.0.4

* Added delimiters "<", ">" notation to group file.

July 5, 2011

* added "get import list" method.
* added methods to allow deep vs shallow setting of renderers; interp always
  asks native group defining template for the renderer.
* STGroup.getInstanceOf was not auto-adding "/" to front if none was present

June 30, 2011

* Updated javadoc on getAttributeRenderer()
* Updated javadoc on unload/importTemplates in STGroup() (ub)
* Added test case for unload of groups specified in group file imports. (ub)

June 24, 2011

* STGroup.unload() now removes imports that were specified in the group
  file, but only calls unload() on templates that were explicitly added
  in the program. Resolves both Sam's and Udo's concerns. :)

June 22, 2011

* subtemplates {...} in subdirectories didn't work.

June 21, 2011 -- Release 4.0.3

* {} wasn't allowed as a template

June 16, 2011

* Major overhaul of template names:
** '/' allowed as starting ID letter like </a/b()>
** getInstanceOf names must be fully qualified.  If you don't put / on
   front, one is added for you.
** template refs in expr are relative to location of surrounding template
   unless prefixed with /. In that case they are relative to root of group.
** import statement no longer allows fully qualified file name.
** Changed all unit tests to use fully qualified names and see results that way.

June 15, 2011

* STGroup.unload() calls unload() on each group in the imports list
  instead of clearing the list. (Thanks to Sam...wait, did Udo already
  try this?)

June 14, 2011

* STRuntimeMessage got NPE upon ST.impl == null
* ctor ST() is protected; not for users. bad users!

June 11, 2011 (Udo)

* Removed warning (access static member through instance)

June 4, 2011 (Udo)

* Fixed and added tests

May 29, 2011 (Udo)

* Fixed test case for <\n> to handle different line.separator sizes

May 28, 2011 (Udo)

* BUG: On Windows wrapped lines are separated with \r\r\n
* made tests run on Windows and non-US locales

May 20, 2011 (Udo)

* STGroupDir.load(String name) no longer checks for (parent) group file when name specifies no parent (no '/')

May 18, 2011 (Udo)

* unload in STGroup now also unloads the import relationships
* Fixed test testRendererWithPredefinedFormat2 to also work in non-PDT timezones
* Fixed tests testArg1, testArg2 in TestGroupSyntaxErrors
* Fixed "URI is not hierarchical" issue when STGroupFile is imported from jar file

May 17, 2011 (Udo)

* Added getTemplateNames to STGroup

May 14, 2011

* passthru() didn't watch for empty formal args

May 10-15, 2011 (Udo)

* fixed bug raising a NullPointerException when a formalArg's default value has a syntax error.
Example: main(a={(<"")>}) ::= ""
* STGroupFile.getName() returns group name also for imported groups (was null before).

4.0.2 -- May 3, 2011

* Backing out change from 4/17; don't want Serializable implementation.
* Improved error msg for out of order required parameters (after optional ones)

April 26, 2011

* rest() stripped nulls, which it shouldn't. Was inconsistent with trunc(), etc...

April 21, 2011

* Made STGroup.iterateAcrossValues an instance variable not static.
  That needed a change to convertAnythingIteratableToIterator, etc..
  to non-static.
* Removed STDump as unneeded; Use STViz.

April 17, 2011

* Added implements Serializable to ST, STGroup.

April 16, 2011

* Made compatible with Java 1.5; removed Arrays.copyOf() ref.
* Updated ANT build to ref ant lib dir not /usr/local/lib/

April 11, 2011

* Dictionaries weren't inherited. Added unit test.

4.0.1 -- April 10, 2011

* Added STNoSuchAttributeException to distinguish from no such property.
* Pass through didn't handle case properly of empty or nonexistent attributes.
  We only pass through nonempty values. Further, it makes no sense to set
  values for parameter x if x has no definition above. That is the same as
  having no value.  This is required to get default attributes to work
  with passthru in all cases.  Added unit tests.
* Oops.  That is not quite correct. If no value exists or the attribute
  itself does not exist, we must set the parameter to null ifthere is no
  default parameter. otherwise the interpreter will complain about a
  missing argument value.
* Was missing alreadyLoaded = true; in STGroupString.
* Bug fix for <@super.r()> exprs; it tried to doubly-define region.
  Code generator didn't generate mangled name either; fixed and then updated
* Improved error msg when referencing implicit attributes like 'i'.

April 9, 2011

* Sam pointed out that regions didn't work with <% %>
* Cleaned up STViz.
* STViz expands template attribute view when you click in output
* STViz template and attribute tree views now grouped.
* default arguments were not evaluated in context of invoked template;
  couldn't see other args.
* Added '...' pass through arg back in. Only allowed with named arg lists
  or as sole arg. Not allowed in <(name)()> indirect includes.
  Inserts new passthru bytecode to set any unset args.
* AST pane not updated upon new ST selection
* Scroll output pane when ST selected
* Added STGroup.iterateAcrossValues static boolean for v3 compatibility
  v3 iterates across values not keys like v4. But to convert ANTLR templates,
  it's too hard to find without static typing in templates.
* Cleaned up ST.locals[] creation; centralized in Interpreter.
* MapModelAdaptor made copy of STs unnecessarily and w/o copying locals[]

April 8, 2011

* Added scope tree showing all inherited attributes (dynamic scoping) in lower
  left "attributes" pane.
* Undid some bugs I introduced concerning selecting templates.  Tried to
  move the cursor in output window which triggered multiple / wrong update

 April 6, 2011

* Ignore indentation in <% .. %> templates but keep white space between elements
* Added better error msg for internal errors during template evaluation.
  context [outputFile parser genericParser rule ruleBlockSingleAlt alt element
   ruleRefAndListLabel ruleRef] 1:1 internal error caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.stringtemplate.v4.ST.rawSetAttribute(ST.java:294)
        at org.stringtemplate.v4.Interpreter.storeArgs(Interpreter.java:576)
        at org.stringtemplate.v4.Interpreter.super_new(Interpreter.java:495)

April 4, 2011

* in TestSubtemplates.java there was an extra (bad) import
* fixed a couple of unit tests that failed.
* removed .class files from depot
* added t() ::= <% ... %> template that ignores all newlines inside template.
  This allows arbitrary formatting within a template that does not result
  in new lines in the output. This is useful when you have a really complicated
  template with IFs and such that needs to generate output all on the same line.
  Currently, this can be quite challenging. There's no way to read a huge
  template on one line.

April 3, 2011

* ST.getAttribute() only looks in that template now. Can't look up
  since it doesn't know what interp is executing. It's just to get
  an attr out of a template now.  Moved dynamically scope getAttribute()
  to Interpreter.
* STRuntimeMessage takes an Interpreter interp arg now.
* ST dropped some weight.  No need for enclosingInstance ptr now. That is
  properly done in interpreter as a stack of scopes.  Now, there is no
  side-effect whatsoever in ST instances for execution. THREAD SAFE eval now.
* Added <<<...>>> template that ignores all \n inside; use <\n> to get one.
* Interpreter interp added to ModelAdaptor. BREAKING CHANGE IF YOU'VE BUILT
  a model adaptor (rare)
* Internal clean up so stack of template evaluation scopes has debug info.
  Required changes across lots of files.  Started referring to scopes
  so entire path to root is available and with debugging info if debug on
  for that interpreter. Extracted InstanceScope from inner class.

March 30 - April 2, 2011

* ST.inspect() now returns an STViz, which has all the goodies and gives
  you access to the GUI stuff.
* added aggr.{prop1, prop2} for ST.add(). Too useful. (Was in v3).
  Use ST.addAggr("aggr.{p1,p2}", a1, a2);
* refactored to fold DebugST into ST; adds one object ptr to every ST
  instance but worth reduction in complexity. "new ST(...)" calls didn't
  work (not DebugST objects) in inspector.  ST.inspect() for any ST now.
* Fixed bug in STViz. Didn't highlight entire output when you click
  topmost template.
* STGroup.debug no longer there nor static.  It's an instance var of
  Interpreter.  ST.inspect() tells interp to debug. STGroup.trackCreationEvents
  says to record where in code an ST was created and where code added attributes.
* Gutted tree model for STViz, refactored debugging/event tracking code.
* creation events had wrong location (launch of interp location); only tracks
  now for externally/injected created templates.

March 29, 2011

* Fixed bug where escaped quotes in template defs were not unescaped for use
  by compiler.

4.0 -- March 27, 2011

* ST.add() returns self now so we can chain.  t.add("x", 1).add("y", "hi");
* import from files in jar didn't work.
* removed field tokens from STGroupString
* improved imports lookup
* made fields of events public final.
* augmented debug event toString and fixed start/stop issue with eval
  events.  renamed fields to be more clear.
* Added IndentEvent for dbg
* ^(INDENT expr-sub-tree) is now ^(INDENTED_EXPR INDENT expr-sub-tree)
  with changes to grammars.  More consistent with subtree root being operator.
  STViz now highlights indentation properly in template pane.
* Altered CodeGenerator.g to pass AST node for indentation not just string.
  This way we get INDENT operations into the sourceMap for indent debug events.

4.0b5 -- March 6, 2011

BIG THANKS to Sam Harwell and, again, to Udo Borkowski for debugging help and
suggestions. Sam is doing the C# implementation.  Benjamin Niemann is doing
the Python port. Alan Condit is doing Objective-C.

* true/false were only allowed as default args; now allowed as template
  arg expressions in templates. Works as dictionary value too.
* couldn't have anonymous templates inside a region.
* parentheses were a bit weird in conditions.  Now, conditions cannot
  use parentheses to mean "early evaluation" except as obj.(propName)
* nativeGroup of all implicit templates was STGroup.defaultGroup.
* removed all writes of the enclosingInstance at evaluation time; fixed
  issue for STViz.
* comments on line by themselves don't emit \n to output
* STViz tried to highlight AST pane even when we switched ASTs
* combined load_str, write into write_str single op. minor optimizations too.
  Seems a tiny bit faster per benchmarks.
* Added ST.VERSION auto-updated by ANT.
* added STGroupString
* Added support for this in group.g:
  oldStyleHeader // ignore but lets us use this parser in AW for both v3 and v4
    :   'group' ID ( ':' ID )?
            ( 'implements' ID (',' ID)* )?
* IndexOutOfBounds Exception when using "cap" format on empty string
* @t.() ::= "" caused NPE
* Region redefinition caused NPE. "<@r>a<@end><@r()>"
* STViz couldn't see first subtemplate when computing template range in output.
* Was incorrectly computing filename to load template .st files from group dir.
* Listener was not notified upon "no such template" in group dir.
* Redid how ST found imported files, dir, etc.. Can now import a template
  file even.  Can be absolute path or relative path.  If relative, it
  looks in dir of .stg file with import then CLASSPATH.
* The listener of import groups is now set to that of group that imports
* Regions behave like <if> tags now. Indent respected if <@r>...<@end> on
  indented single line.  Indent/newlines ignored after those tags if
  on separate lines.

4.0b4 -- February 5, 2011

BIG THANKS to Udo Borkowski for his help debugging these betas and his

* added write to file methods
* had infinite loop for expr: "<t()$"
* the default file encoding is now UTF-8
* early eval <(x)> using new STWriter derived from type of current STWriter.
  e.g., AutoIndentWriter.
* didn't detect nonterminated comment. <!bad comment>
* added two literals "true" and "false" to the template argument syntax; e.g.,
  stat(name,x=true,y=false) ::= "..."
* it was treating "..." default arg as a template not string.
* throws STException now upon not finding group file or group dir instead
  of sending err to listener.
* default args couldn't have subtemplates
  t(x,y={<x:{s|<s>}>}) ::= "..."
* Added a new benchmark from Oliver Zeigermann.

4.0b3 -- January 28, 2011

* exception in lexer blew out of parsing
* missing '}' in {...} caused infinite loop
* NPE in storeArgs if empty arg list
* removed debugging prints.
* x={<(...)>} default arg was hardcoded to <...> not $..$ or whatever.
* The grammar needed to match and ignore an optional INDENT before region @end
* when redefining a region (template) the newline before the >> was kept.
* WS not ignored in front of STRING token in expressions.
* closing STViz doesn't exit vm now.
* throws exception if registering renderer or model adaptor for primitive

4.0b2 -- January 22, 2011

* Order of static init issue; an error mgr was null.
* Fixed some unit testing the Windows friendly
* Fix bug in triple if-elseif-elseif-elseif; added unit tests
* bug where I did not say current_ip when calling exec() from writeObject
* Updated README to include install information

4.0b1 -- January 14, 2011

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 20 13:37:37 CEST 2024.